Who's up for a challenge? wierd BSOD


Limp Gawd
Oct 6, 2005

I'm getting a stop error regarding my video card:



0x00000050 (0xFE144948 0x00000000 0x8B699068 0x00000002)

I have been struggling for months to find the root of this problem, i have tried 6 different drivers, all which give me either a BSOD like above, or just a horribly scrambled screen,
Here's the kicker, it works fine with standard drivers, both on Vista and Fedora 8 But when install any other drivers i will get either of these two errors.

is anyone familiar with this error? any suggestions?

I have a MSI M667 laptop with a nVidia GO 7600 with Vista 32
it works fine with standard drivers, both on Vista and Fedora 8 But when install any other drivers

As opposed to what drivers? You need to elaborate more on what you're doing. Sounds to me like you're using hacked drivers. That in and of itself is most likely the problem.
nVidia does not support their own drivers for their go 7600. I have tried the following:

"Version" from MSI's support site- this one worked perfectly a few months ago
I've tried 5 other versions from LaptopVideo2Go, a few of them had modified INI.

The Msi version gives me a garbled screen, the other versions give me bsod's or garbled screens.

The whole problem with the garbled screen leads me to believe this is a problem with the chip it's self. If so, i'll get an RMA, but before i have to send it back, im trying this:


Come to think of it, I may have disrupted the ball grid array under the chip by the way i handle the computer, the stress on the chassis may have transfered to the motherboard and broken the ball grid array...
Wow, i followed the instructions from Microsoft and reinstalled a trustworthy driver, and it works now.

I don't know what i was doing wrong, but Windows now works fine. Thanks!

I'll go ahead and see if i can upgrade the Fedora nvidia driver.

Thanks Proxy, thats a lot more helpful than telling me to google it :)
Follow up for anyone who googled their way here. The chip was fried the whole time, new driver just coincidental.