Who's running the XFX 4890 XXX and how is it??


Mar 2, 2007
Hey ya'll,

I hit the ewiz.com sale for the Toxic 4890(i'd love to have a quiet card and it was only $204 shipped). By the time it's off Backorder I'll be to busy to game and the whole thing will be a moot point. I can't stand the Sapphire Company(their support and Service is even worse then Asus IME....horrible) but I love what I'm hearing about the Toxic card and the Vapor X cooling. I wont pay Newegg's inflated $250ish price and even then it's sold out.

So, I just pulled the Trigger on the Second Beast I had in mind. The XFX 4890 XXX Black Edition. I've read plenty of reports of 100% stable core @ 1000mhz. Comes with Hawk and some other Game I probably wont play(BattleForge?) for the new lower price of $220.00.

Please chime in and Let me know how she's rocking your rig? I don't really care about Looks but damn that card is gona polish off the Looks of my Rig.

This is my system, Nicest Rig I've ever had for myself. I didn't want a Quad Core because of the TDP. It's also the most drop dead Gorgeous system I've ever had that doesn't have a Window...lol. It's a Black Edition system I guess...lol.Runing good ole XP 32bit with SP3. So far so Kick ass..

ThermalTake V9 Black Edition(great looks....good design...cheap Chinese Pot metal)
SilverStone 700watt Modular PSU - Most Quiet PSu I've ever owned...freaking love it.
Asus CrossFire III Formula - More Mobo then I've ever had. Thank god you can turn all the lights off.
Asus 512mb DDR3 4850 Vanilla card - Runs great but need more memory bandwidth - Worse Overclocker I've ever had.
Mushkin DDR3 1333 7-7-7-20 2x2Gigs(will upgrade to 8 gigs when W7 is out).
Phenom II x2 550 Castillo(totally stable @ 3.6ghz stock Vcore will do 4ghz but wants to much Vcore). With Artic Freezer 64 and OCZ Freeze T.I.M. Doesn't exceed 40c after hours of Prime 95
Samsung Raid Class 750gig/7200rpm/32mg Cache
Samsung DVD Burner
LiteOn Bluray(sending this POS back).
Asus 24" Black 2ms 1080P LCD

I don't have the XFX, but i do run my 4890 at 975 core. I love this thing. It game me a little boost from my old GTX 260-192. Plus, it's great to run an all AMD/ATI setup. I know that in the grand scheme that it doesn't mean squat, but i want to support them.
I don't have the XFX, but i do run my 4890 at 975 core. I love this thing. It game me a little boost from my old GTX 260-192. Plus, it's great to run an all AMD/ATI setup. I know that in the grand scheme that it doesn't mean squat, but i want to support them.

Hey bro,

Thanks for chimming in. I've heard nothing but Good things about XFX's, Warranty, Service and Support. I've personally experienced Horrible Things with Sapphires Lack of Warranty, Lack of Service and Lack of Support. I felt like I was selling out buying the Sapphire Card(really wanted a quiet card) so I'm really happy with my Choice.

It would be awesome if I could get her 100% Stable @ 1000mhz Core. Even if I underclocked it to the stock refference speed of 900mhz, it would be more then I need.

I'm Looking Forward to playing Stalker, The Cyrsis Trilogy and allot of the other High end games for the first time.

I remember it like Yesterday when I had to pay $550.00 for Nvidias Top of the Line card so yeah....I'm no AMD/ATI fanboy per say but I'm very happy to support them without using my kids College money.
In a single card config, these things aren't very loud even with stock cooler. I have found that a single 4890 is usually quiet enough unless your case is really, really open (ie. mesh everywhere)

I'm picking up the 4890 XT sometime soon, but I was super happy with my 4870 XXX before I busted it (and they support it anyways). It OC'd effortlessly to 850 GPU whereas other cards, even with voltage adjustments could barely break 825.

I wholeheartedly recommend them. There support is all that and a bag o' chips :)

Sapphire's support is a joke. They'll find any reason to NOT RMA a dead card, even if you don't OC/swap out stock cooling.

Best o' luck.
In a single card config, these things aren't very loud even with stock cooler. I have found that a single 4890 is usually quiet enough unless your case is really, really open (ie. mesh everywhere)

I'm picking up the 4890 XT sometime soon, but I was super happy with my 4870 XXX before I busted it (and they support it anyways). It OC'd effortlessly to 850 GPU whereas other cards, even with voltage adjustments could barely break 825.

I wholeheartedly recommend them. There support is all that and a bag o' chips :)

Sapphire's support is a joke. They'll find any reason to NOT RMA a dead card, even if you don't OC/swap out stock cooling.

Best o' luck.

I found it to be quite loud. Even at idle, 27% fan speed, it was louder than the other 7 120mm fans in my Antec 1200. It only ever spun up to about 50% speed on the default profile and that was using Furmark, but even that was intolerably loud. I can't understand the people who run the thing at 75% or 100% 24/7. It's probably the loudest GPU fan I've ever heard, louder even than my old X1900XT, though in fairness it doesn't get that annoying high-pitched sound that single slot coolers do.
have you noticed that the xfx card only uses two 6pin power instead of the 6/8pin setup on the toxic card?
From my experience the XFX has a quiet fan, at least compared to my brothers HIS. The xfx is difficult to hear up to 55% while the HIS can only go to 37% before I notice it.
I bought a stock clocked XFX 4890 and i have to say that when i OCed it to the XXX speeds i needed to have the fan at 70% or higher to have good temps. At 70% i could hear the fan over my dual Rad watercooling setup which has a total of 6 120m fans on it. i am not 100% sure if XFX has changed any of the cooling on the XXX from there stock clocked card but i would look into getting a better cooler if you do buy the XXX version. I remember having VRM temps of over 110c when i was at 1000mhz core. now that i have my 4890 watercooled i am at 1000mhz/1090mhz with core temps never going over 40c and VRM temps never going over 80c. Overall i have to say that at those speeds i am pretty happy. So if the XXX can pull off good temps, it would be a great buy. Also about the two 6pin connectors that is ture my XFX card only has two 6 pin connectors on it.
I bought a XXX edition from a member on the forums. It's a nice card. Black PCB, reference cooler though, and a 6+8 pin connection set-up. It does 1000/1100 with a very mild increase in voltage. The card pretty quiet too -- at around 35-40% it can't be distinguished from the other fans of my HAF.