Whoops...broke a piece off my X850 XT!!!

AndoOKC1 said:
So im not the biggest retard on the block but I am very imuch about instant results (im trying for emergency med so quick fixes are my thing).

That doesn't make me feel any better. Plastic clips on the PCI bracket of the tsunami are in the way so you force the card in there. Guy comes in with an infection in his leg and you break out the chainsaw. :eek:

j/k :D
What I fail to understand is how you all are taking this so personally. Listen, we all have done some pretty stupid things in our lifetime. It doesn't mean we ARE stupid, so cut Ando a little slack. Ando, I hope that fix works for you and keep us informed. The haters I'm sure will chime in, but don't let that stop you. If anything, we can all learn from this. And lets face it...a doctor can buy a new one. And for those of you saying that it's a waste of money, don't worry...it's not your money so relax. Ando turn the details and res up and enjoy your X850. ;)
Yea, I agree... give the guy a break. No reason to border on being nasty about it. It's his card and he can do what he wants with it. :)

Its not like he's risking fire or anything. ;)

I do, however, agree with others about RMAing it. In a word, don't. If anything, sell it on eBay as damaged to try and recoop.
I dont take anything personally online anymore b/c it seems everyone here has a right to their 2 cents. If i make my problem a public issue, I expect responses from a good sample of the public. I know my decision was hasty but I dont have time to be RMA'ing and I need my computer now. I just got married a few weeks ago, got back form my honeymoon a week ago, now im packing my Uhaul to drive all the way from Texas to New Jersey, then in a week my hospital rotations start. So as you can see, my life is very busy and I need the comp up and running now. I know that soldering is the best way to go but I figured whast the difference if I used what i considered to be a good choice in adhesive (JB weld = insulating, non-corrosive) b/c I use it when I design and make my custom HID headlights. I did neglect the oxidizing thing but at this point time saved is where its at. I prolly could have went to a tv repair shop but I'm uber impatient. I know alot of people here think im the noob who went and jbwelded his video card but I promise you its not like that...just a guy whose time is more valuable than my video card...that was it. Im sorry it seemed to bug so many of you that I didnt solder it but if you understood my situation you would realize it is nothing like yours. For the people who are supportive...thank you...we all make mistakes and mine seems to be corrected. Maybe in 2 weeks it'll flop but if thats the case, then what can I do...just buy another and in end lesson learned and everyone here as well. :)

p.s. - what kinda of CPU temps should I expect from my XP-90C w/ ceramique and 92mm Sunon fan under heavy load?

edit: im just adding this b/c it seems someone think I forced my card in the tsunami...on the contrary...at first I didnt notice it owuldnt work, it got stuck,then I pulled it out and yanked the capacitor...thats when I took out my snips and jsut clipped away the obstructions. Then presto...magic (however, the damage was done).
AndoOKC1 said:
I dont take anything personally online anymore b/c it seems everyone here has a right to their 2 cents. If i make my problem a public issue, I expect responses from a good sample of the public. I know my decision was hasty but I dont have time to be RMA'ing and I need my computer now. I just got married a few weeks ago, got back form my honeymoon a week ago, now im packing my Uhaul to drive all the way from Texas to New Jersey, then in a week my hospital rotations start. So as you can see, my life is very busy and I need the comp up and running now. I know that soldering is the best way to go but I figured whast the difference if I used what i considered to be a good choice in adhesive (JB weld = insulating, non-corrosive) b/c I use it when I design and make my custom HID headlights. I did neglect the oxidizing thing but at this point time saved is where its at. I prolly could have went to a tv repair shop but I'm uber impatient. I know alot of people here think im the noob who went and jbwelded his video card but I promise you its not like that...just a guy whose time is more valuable than my video card...that was it. Im sorry it seemed to bug so many of you that I didnt solder it but if you understood my situation you would realize it is nothing like yours. For the people who are supportive...thank you...we all make mistakes and mine seems to be corrected. Maybe in 2 weeks it'll flop but if thats the case, then what can I do...just buy another and in end lesson learned and everyone here as well. :)

p.s. - what kinda of CPU temps should I expect from my XP-90C w/ ceramique and 92mm Sunon fan under heavy load?

edit: im just adding this b/c it seems someone think I forced my card in the tsunami...on the contrary...at first I didnt notice it owuldnt work, it got stuck,then I pulled it out and yanked the capacitor...thats when I took out my snips and jsut clipped away the obstructions. Then presto...magic (however, the damage was done).

congrats on getting married :)
good job fixing it...hey if it works, it works...keep us informed if anything goes wrong with it in the future
hey guys,

dont mean to resurrect an old top ic but i thought i would give an update on my JB weld job on the capacitor I snapped off installing the X850 XT. I have had no issues and the video card is overclocked to 552:609 (core:memory) and very stable. Just to show you that it never oxidized like some people claimed. Use JB weld if you need...its got my thumbs up and its proven to work in at least one circumstance :)
I broke one of those same things off of my brother radeon 9600XT back in the day. I was so scared i just put it in, booted up the computer, and it ran like a champ, he still doesnt know ;)
AndoOKC1 said:
hey guys,

dont mean to resurrect an old top ic but i thought i would give an update on my JB weld job on the capacitor I snapped off installing the X850 XT. I have had no issues and the video card is overclocked to 552:609 (core:memory) and very stable. Just to show you that it never oxidized like some people claimed. Use JB weld if you need...its got my thumbs up and its proven to work in at least one circumstance :)
Very cool, glad it's working for ya. Good luck in your career and gods speed.
thanks whoami,

im currently in psychiatry right now and you would believe the nuts that exist in this world. Schizophrenia...its quite a trip! :)
The Tsunami's plastic retention mechanism is a complete POS. I was also frustrated by it when I went to install my X850XTPE. Friend mentioned that I could remove it which I did and installation was then a breeze. Luckily I was patient about it and didn't try to force anything. I've learned this stuff is just to fragile to try and force pretty much anything.
it never occurred to me that i should remove it. Mainly i was very interested it a tool-less case and it never occurred to me that i should get rid of it. The misunderstanding is that I forced it in, however, i didnt break it by forcing it in. I put the back of the card in the PCI-E slot and it got caught on the little safety clip. At that point I tried to push it in but it obviously wouldnt go. So I pulled on it to take it and try again and unknowingly i grabbed a capacitor to pull it out. It was all a complete accident and Im not that crazy to force something into a spot that couldnt fit. :)

you get 10,000 cool points in my book for using JB weld on that card. JB weld rocks!

Personally I would have tried zip ties or ductape first :D
thanks for the cool points...zip ties and tape make me think of instability...JB weld is superb tho...non-conductive and super strong and definetly heat resistant

This happened to me and seems to be a common problem. I took mine into a radioshack, dropped $20 and it looks like a charm. It was the exact same solder point as the one mentioned in this thread so I thought I would bump it back to the top for those who it happens to. Newegg has this card for $164, so I imagine a lot of people are having this issue again.

Good thread.
For twice what the tubes of JB Weld cost you you could have bought a cheap soldering iron from Radio Shack and fixed it properly.

Now you'll probably be up shit creek once you get some oxidization going since JB weld will be pretty much impossible to break free and remove later on when you want to fix it properly.

If not the Darwin award winner, definately a nominee....

gg OP
Blue Falcon said:
For twice what the tubes of JB Weld cost you you could have bought a cheap soldering iron from Radio Shack and fixed it properly.

Now you'll probably be up shit creek once you get some oxidization going since JB weld will be pretty much impossible to break free and remove later on when you want to fix it properly.

If not the Darwin award winner, definately a nominee....

gg OP

the connector is less than a millimeter in size and for somebody who has never touched a soldering iron, thats asking for trouble. But I do agree... I would deffenitly choose a pro soldering job vs jbweld.. :rolleyes:
It's these damn surface mount caps they are using these days. They are waaaay too damn easy to snap off when compared to the ones with leads that go through to the back of the board.

They need to put a big warning sticker on the card reminding people of how to handle them...
Hey if it works it works.

To the op way to think on your feet.
I broke that same caps off of mine and never bothered to put it back on and it has worked good so far for months.
Santasballz said:
sorry...but this sounded so funny (i know it aint funny for u...)
but the topic made the card sound almost like a chocolate chip cookie or something and you broke a piece of it... :rolleyes:
haha-- whoops!
I had a Geforce 6800GT sent to me with a capacitor broken off near the molex connector.
The legs were too short to resolder, so I simply resoldered a replacement cap in its place of equal size. 16v 330 uf
Since I have a drawer full of assorted caps, it was easy to fix.
Well let's see other way to look what happend to You.

Look maybe You realy think You have done it per exident but somewhere deep in Your mind it was intention to brake it just to give Yourself a excuse to get a new more powerfull grafic card?


chinesepiratefood said:
Thread was started may 2005, wtf stop posting here

Yea, lets just make ANOTHER thread about it.. not that there aren't already 100s of threads with the same title.. maybe this board needs another one. :rolleyes:

Mine still working great. I got worried when my card wouldn't post correctly, but then realized that I was noob and forgot to plug in the power.
all i can say is that i laugh at all the people making a big deal out of some oxidation bs, why hasnt my card oxidized at the contact points, b/c theory doesnt always play out to reality. Will it happen in the future? no way, things like that obviusly manifest much earlier. Its my card, what do you care if I used solder or bubble gum. what a bunhc of retards who claim oxidation.

by the way its been a year now... :rolleyes:
abudhu said:
You can't sauder it back on?

That's what I thought, but conidering it's probably pretty small and was probably connected via two little tiny dots that'd be hard to sauder anything onto acuratly without connecting the two connecters (probably disaterrous)

Can we get a picture mabey?
the capacitor was not held on by two vertical wires but two wires which were running parallel to the board not perpendicular. So the jb weld was applied to a space directly between where these wires came out and made contact with the video board. IT was a no brainer and purely 100% efficient and 100% effective. it doesnt take a genius to figure out that all you need is a solid, firm connection between two electrical contacts.