who was that guy who took over all the WoW money resale websites


Dec 26, 2005
I remember reading a pretty detailed article about some guy who took over the whole WoW currency market and am trying to find it again. it may have been a post on this forum. if someone can point me in the direction of that I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
no, it was from a few months ago. some guy bought up all the gold farming / reselling websites, made a bunch of money and a bunch of enemies.
I wonder if you got your stories a little mixed up. Back in May, IGE (arguably the biggest MMO currency seller) bought out allakhazam.com, which is a MMO news/info site. Link to the post:


Now, IGE might very well be buying out other currency providers, but a quick google search shows at least 10-15 independent sites (not like mysupersales or gamerking which are IGE fronts) that still sell WOW gold but are not affliated in any way with IGE.

This is a good read also and might be what you are talking about:

Martyr said:
i doubt he bought ige, which is owned by fuckin sony.
Any truth to back this up? I have no love for sony nor IGE, but as far as I've been able to find, there is no association between the two.
KidzMD said:
Any truth to back this up? I have no love for sony nor IGE, but as far as I've been able to find, there is no association between the two.
nevermind, i was thinking about sonys own site, in which u can purchase gear for their mmorpg games/
Martyr said:
nevermind, i was thinking about sonys own site, in which u can purchase gear for their mmorpg games/
Ahhh, ok. There have been conspiracy theories for some time that first Yantis and then IGE had backroom deals with SOE that allowed them to continue to sell plat and items, just none that had any real meat to them. Thought perhaps you had stumbled across something that connected the two.
KidzMD said:
I wonder if you got your stories a little mixed up. Back in May, IGE (arguably the biggest MMO currency seller) bought out allakhazam.com, which is a MMO news/info site. Link to the post:


Now, IGE might very well be buying out other currency providers, but a quick google search shows at least 10-15 independent sites (not like mysupersales or gamerking which are IGE fronts) that still sell WOW gold but are not affliated in any way with IGE.

This is a good read also and might be what you are talking about:


that was the exact article I was thinking about
Yantis is no rookie to this. He did the same thing in EQ1 a few years back.
Wow, that sucks. :[.

Makes me glad I never downloaded the thottbot .exe addon, tho.