Who uses a laptop as a primary machine?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 29, 2000

Who out there uses a laptop for a primary machine? No desktop, no external monitor. Simply the laptop?

I am thinking that I woul dlike the portability but have never had one. But am thinking that I wouldnt mind having one..

Please give me your experience..
Ha - Sager 9880 here. I use it for all of my development tasks. The only accessory that I use with it is a M$ Bluetooth mouse.

I also have an M70 that I use at my other job (as a primary machine). I use the screen on it, but also have an external 2nd display that I use.
9300, with a wireless mouse/keyboard when im at home.
depending on your needs, if you have a pretty solid machine at home you could just invest in an ultra portable like an ibm x series of a dell 700m, some sagers and higher end lappys can be tiresome to drag with you everywhere you go. however, i feel that some of the higher end laptops do very well at replacing desktop systems.
8600 is my primary XD.

Superb improvement over the Sony Vaio p4 1.3 ghz with windows me.

I use an external HD for media files though.
i do. dell 6000. love this baby. i don't play a ton of games anymore (other than poker), and this does everything i need and then some. and it's not a behemoth like the 9300.
My 600m is the machine I use the most. When I had my ibook that was the second most used machine. I use my desktop for playing videos and as storage. Hell I even play CSS on my notebook more then on my desktop which is kinda sad since my notebook has a 64 meg radeon 9000 and the desktop has a 6600gt with a 23 inch lcd. I must say if I could only have one machine though I would go for a 17 inch notebook but for 2 machines I like my 14 inch screen(1400x1050) and my huge desktop lcd.
I have an Acer 8103 as my primary machine. A laptop is a requirement for the college program I am in, so I sold my desktop and got this machine. So far I prefer having a laptop as a primary machine, it prevents you from being tied to a desk. I find sitting out on the deck or in a lazyboy a very nice alterative.
I had a 600m, but recently upgraded to a 700m. It is my one and only PC. The 700m passes the 600m completely.

I wanted something more portable for school. Something I could basically write off as negligently light. 4.1lbs is light as all hell.

1.7ghz P-m Dothan
256mb pc2700 DDR
just got 1gig of pc2700 installed (amazing, took 2minutes tops to installed)
XP Home
4cell batt
2year warranty with complete care
921.33 for the system
124shipped for the ram at newegg.com
33 for the laptop sleeve
keyboard/mouse combo is 35 from newegg.com
This price includes the cost of the extra ram, shinza zeroshock sleeve, and the mosue/lkeyboard combo.

I need to upgrade the battery and then I should be set.
Sony S460 + 2gigs of ram :D

I havent used my Desktop Since I got this laptop
Dell M70

Normaly use with an external monitor but I've been on the road for 6 weeks and miss the external monitor a lot less than I thought I would.

Current game is guild wars, runs great....
I'm posting this on my new XPS 2 with my desktop unpluged and sitting behind me. I just decided to do the whole desktop replacement thing a couple of weeks ago. here are the benefits I have found so far:

my desk looks much cleaner, less hasstle from the wife ;)

It totaly rules being able to just unplug and hang on couch/bed watching tv and brousing or playing games

if I did lan parties, i'd look all neeto with my comps glowing sides :cool:

this thing is way faster then any comp i've ever owned. no performace hit!

The only think I need is a wireless mouse (maybe bluetooth, no conector at all to have dangling off the back) and maybe a wireless keyboard. (except the keyboard on the laptop is quite conftorable to use, has a nice *plunk* when you type)
I just got my 9300 in yesturday which will be my primary computer. I definetaly have to get used to LCD over having used CRT for so damn long. I dont know if its the refresh rate or what but I cant look at it for extended periods of time.
i use my xps2 as my primary computer, its the main reason i got that instead of a 9300, i wanted it to have most of what id have in a desktop. it does everything i need it to and quickly so i sold my desktop and desk and enjoy using just my xps 2
I use a dell 6000 as my primary machine. Being in college I love the portability and since i don't do alot of gaming this laptop works great for me. Its also faster than my old P4 3.0C, 1 gig DDR and raptor sata 10k hard drive (My dell is a 1.83 PM, 1 gig DDR, 7.2k HD).
I used the laptop in my sig as my primary machine for many months while at MU. Only the video shows its age... :(
i use my laptop the majority of hte time, cause i spend most of my time outside of my room (in my GF's room, or in class) but its definatly showing its age... Thinkpad T23 completly maxed out.

im waiting for a dual core turion thinkpad to upgrade, though.
I just bought a Dell XPS gen 2 and it is now my primary and only PC. I had an X2 4400+, BFG 7800GTX, and the works but i finally decided i was spending too much money in constant upgrades and all that desktop stuff took up quite a bit of room and i really did not need that kind of power for my computing needs. I finally decided on a laptop because i liked the looks of it and it was easily portable and it didn't use so much power or put off as much heat and they are very quiet. My new XPS 2 with a Pentium M 770 and Go 6800 Ultra is more then capable of playing any game and max or descent IQ settings so its good enough for me considering 90% of my time is just spend browseing the internet or chatting online lol.
I do now.

Laptop in sig plus MX510 and Microsoft Digital pro Keyboard.
Recently, I've been only using my laptop. I've been away from home on work for 2 weeks now, and won't be back for another week. It works quite well for me, although nothing will ever replace my desktop. The thing I miss most is screen size. Going from 24" widescreen to a 14" laptop screen just isn't the same. I'm not a gamer by any means; I just enjoy having the speed, size, customization, and convenience of a desktop for a primary machine. My laptop serves it purpose very well though, it'd be hard to get by without it.
I'm headed off to college and my ibm t42p is gonna be my rig. I will remote desktop back to home to use dc++ on the home network. But other then that I'll use it for dvd (hopefully ffdshow but its not working), music, office, minor gaming, lots and lots of engineering rendering. Ati''s FireGL T2 is built specifically for cad softwares.

I will eventually be getting a dock and monitor system but thats way out in the future.
Inspiron 9300 w/ a Logitech optical mouse.

Performance isn't stellar but since I'm at college I need the portability. It works for most everything I need anyway... just not Maya or the newer games.
Aye; the laptop in my sig is my only computer. I plug in a USB keyboard and mouse when using it at home, but rely on the built-in stuff when away. The battery life is pants and it's not the most portable computer in the world, but I like being able to have it with me when I'm away from home. I sometimes plug it into the TV/Hi-Fi for playing games, but can't really play them without the mains plugged in (due to battery life and CPU throttling). I'd be happier if I could own both a laptop and a decent gaming PC, but I can't justify the expense and room it would occupy just for playing games. A laptop unit suits my situation at this moment in time and I'm more than happy with it.
deathstar550 said:
Inspiron 9300 w/ a Logitech optical mouse.

Performance isn't stellar but since I'm at college I need the portability. It works for most everything I need anyway... just not Maya or the newer games.

I'm guessing you didn't get the 6800 then?
I have a desktop at home, but a laptop is my only computer at work.

It is a Dell D800, P-M 1.6, GeForce4 4200 go, 512 MB ram, 40 gig HD, etc.

It feels pretty slow compared to my desktop (P4 [email protected], Radeon 9500pro, 512 Ram) and I certainly could never live with only 40 gigs of HD space on my main machine (my home comp already has 350, adding another 600 soon). Still though, for work purposes, it gets the job done, as long as I remember to bring along a mouse, i hate touchpads/eraser sticks/trackballs.
Even though I have Marduk, I spend all my time on my laptop.

In the very near future, as soon as I can ween myself off of gaming, I'll be using laptops exclusively, with the tower set up as an app/file server.

Using just a laptop is easy to do, especially if you have a powerful system...but the desktops should be kept around for file storage...you just can't have 1+TB of hdd space on a laptop :p

Unless it's a Quantum Laptop, that is ;)
A laptop is my primary machine now. And the reason for that is because my desktop had major problems this summer that I didn't want to deal with. So I decided it was time for portablity and picked up a iBook. What is strange is that on my desktop everything was big for the time. I had a 19in monitor and 5.1 speaker set up. Now I got the little 12in screen and I just transfered over the speakers and use them for 4.1. Actually I'm not missing any room and ths sound quality is about the same as my SoundBlaster Live. The power of the two compare. Overall a good idea.