Who needs the $10K desk when you can have

I would pay $50,000 for a good desk if I had the money but I would pay $100,000 to have the desk you posted get burnt :D That thing is ugly and then some.
:) I like it, but I would never pay that much. I would much rather build it myself.

The pointed edge on that thing can kill someone, if the price tag did not get to him/her first. Wait, may be it is in italian liras?
The only person in this world that would buy such a thing would be Mark Cuban...
For that Price It had better live up to it's name.
I mean If I feel like forging some long swords in between playing SIm City 4, I had better be able to use that desk!
Wow, I took a crap 10 minutes ago and it looked better.

Thought you might like to know.

Shipping was free too.

Who would ever consider buying that? IT IS FUGLY
Hammer: $8.

I'd rather have the $2000~ Lian Li aluminum desk.
I don't get it. Where the hell do your legs go? And the wood better be laced with platinum.

...and one of the drawers better be an automatic sammich assembler. And toaster for said sammich.
GJSNeptune said:
..and one of the drawers better be an automatic sammich assembler. And toaster for said sammich.

heh :)

Total waste of money... but what art isn't? People buy crappy looking paintings for thousands and thousands of dollars every day just to hang on their walls and forget about.

I would take my ~$300 glass jobber from Office Depot over that thing any day, I can spill coffee all over it every day and just laugh as I blast away with the Windex.
that thing better do something really damn awesome for 22 grand. Turn water into gasoline, cure cancer and aids, and solve world hunger ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

Or maybe the sammich toaster as mentioned before...that would be pimp.
great design IMHO, but for that price i'll design one like it myself :cool:
I think it's funny how some people can hate one thing and others can love it. I personally like the design. It actually looks like something that would be on an episode of Star Trek. I don't care for the plain color as much though.
Maximus825 said:
I think it's funny how some people can hate one thing and others can love it. I personally like the design. It actually looks like something that would be on an episode of Star Trek. I don't care for the plain color as much though.

most people aren't bashing it for the design, though...most people are bashing it because it costs 22 thousand freaking dollars.
I bet you 22 grand that at least one dumb motherfucker bought it that frequents this forum. Come on man, come out of hiding. I've been in these forums too much and know all the morons too well.

Come on out, I promise I won't beat you to death with a drawer from the desk you bought like I feel like doing right now.


PS you could have someone build it for 500 + shipping off these here forums, custom made to your liking and everything, guarenteed. Hell, for $500, I'd build it my damned self for you.
Mr. Miyagi said:
Interesting, but I could never see myself using it.
holy crap. i didnt know mr. miyagi was still alive. :p
Custom furniture is just plain expensive. When you consider the amount of wood it takes to put something like that together, then factor in the cost of exotic woods, and I could imagine the price would just pretty fast. Not $22,000 fast lol, but quite a bit.

I actually like it.