Who makes a laptop with these specs?


Limp Gawd
Mar 15, 2002
I want to buy a laptop and I am really interested in going with the Turion 64 CPU so I can upgrade the OS to Vista in the future.

Here are the specs:
- AMD Turion 64 CPU
- 1 GB RAM (2x512)
- Nvidia 6800 Go (or ATI equivalent) or better
- 80 GB 5400rpm HDD or better
- 15.4 WXGA or better screen
- DVD Burner (Lightscribe if available)

I have checked aroud and it is hard to find all of this. The closest thing I could find was a model from HP that included an ATI M200 (128MB). No other options for video with that model though.
The x700 isn't even close. Wow, people are obsessed with Turions for some reason. Newsflash, the P-M is the fastest gaming processor in Notebooks today period. If you are inclined to get a Turion, then wait about 6 months and something with a decent video card should be available. Just realize by the time 64 bit is any news at all (2 years) both Intel and AMD will have completely revised their notebook processors by then. Just letting you know. Oh, and notebooks are never, EVER completely futureproof.
Wow, people are obsessed with Turions for some reason.

I am not obsessed with the Turion processor at all. However, it is the only processor that I know of right now that was actually designed for laptop use that is 64-bit compatible. I realize that it might not ouperform the Pentium-M but it at least keeps up. The reason I was choosing this processor (and specs) is because I want the laptop to be able to run Windows Vista (64-bit) when it comes out so it is at least "future proof" in that regards. Most people I know do not buy or upgrade a laptop every year like they might a PC. Therefore, you want it to be a nice laptop for today's standards, without breaking the bank, that will at least run most of the applications of the not to distant future. That does not mean only the latest and greatest games.
Well aside from the Athlon64 notebooks from the likes of alienware or voodoo, I think the x700 is the best at the moment. And with the 7300 go chips being sampled right now, I am not sure you will see too many 6800s course, I could be wrong, just really depends on pricing.
I also just read another thread here in the moble forums (why not to get a 9300 dell) and came across this statement

. Poor battery life. This is because of the 6800go, but it only gets about 90 minutes while being only about 30-35% faster than a x700 on the z70va that can get 4 hours. Thats a big difference.

Now, I have NO idea about the performance numbers because I haven't seen too many head to heads between the two VGA cards, but if the statements are true then would you also be factoring battery life into your equations or just performance as 90min vs 4hrs is HUGE.

Edit: Just saw this, man that thread has a lot of 9300 owners in it :). And apparently the above quoted member doesn't have his fact straight.
. With a 9 cell battery, which runs about $80 on ebay, I get about 3:20…get your facts straight…The 6800 go is about TWICE as fast as the x700 when overclocked. Try overclocking the x700, you cant. It has heat issues and the memory is actually underclocked so its stable.

But then again, I am a huge overclocking freak, but I am not about to OC my notebook, so....not overclocked the 6800 performs how well?