who is sick to death of the R520 not being out.

I could care less about the r520 in and of itself. On the other hand some competition for NV would be nice since that helps keep the prices down for the consumers.
Shzitt said:
I could care less about the r520 in and of itself. On the other hand some competition for NV would be nice since that helps keep the prices down for the consumers.

considering the price of the gtx and the gt is way below msrp and thers no competition your theory is proven wrong. is nvidia produces more g70 cores the success rate of getting gtx and gt speeds increases hence the lower prices because they have more chips.
robberbaron said:
IIRC the 7800 threads werent nearly as widespread as the R520 ones (yes people, the R520 is 2GHZ and has 640GB of GDDR7 since a random "review" site said so, so lets post 50 threads about it). They were certainly just as silly.

Well, it's because the R520 has seemingly been in production a lot longer, so more people are anxious about it, so it naturally would get the long retarded ass threads. The 7800 obviously doesn't need them anymore.

500 bucks apparently isn't what it used to be anymore if this many people can drop 500-800 bucks on the fly without thinking about it. Or at least it seems that way.
KrakenGuy said:


Then I suggest you take off the FPS cap that Doom3 has :p
pandora's box said:
considering the price of the gtx and the gt is way below msrp and thers no competition your theory is proven wrong. is nvidia produces more g70 cores the success rate of getting gtx and gt speeds increases hence the lower prices because they have more chips.

Not necessarily. Right now NV has good yields and no competition so they can afford to sell more for less. If ATI could produce the r520 and Crossfire boards at volume, and sell them at slightly less than NV cards then we would see a price drop (to a certain extent). Providing that the r520 performs at the level of the g70.
I used to wait for the r520...hoping for APG version. Well, as of 7 hours ago, I no longer wait for it...Jumped on PCIe dual 7800gt and overhauled mb, cpu, ram, power supply (600W Seasonic should do it) to get to PCIe but oh well....And I play games once a week....I need the ski season to start soon so I can spend money on something worth while. :(
if you want it to come out really really bad, you have problems. You do not need it to continue living.

Personally i rather just see them release something, anything, right now. Get it out and in retail availability so all this shit can die. Much more interesting stuff is up to talk about and getting eclipsed by all this shit about the R520. Everything known, unkonwn, is fucking useless, i want to see performance and numbers. See the industry expand, not at this stupid ass stand still where everyone bickers. At least Nvidia does this very well and ATI needs to catch on. CrossFire premature? Well does it work at least? RELEASE THE BOARDS, WE'LL FIX ON THE WAY, ONWARD MEN! Shitty yields? RELEASE THE CARDS DO WHAT WE CAN TO FIX IT ON THE WAY ONWARD ONWARD!!!

Even a paper launch right now would be welcomed by most (and ridiculed by nvidia fans). Point being, new hardware is fun, this R520 BS, got old like 4 months ago. I'll be happy when its released but i think the first word outa most peoples mouths is going to be "finally".

Who ever is in charge of marketing for them should be fired, thats one thing i am sure about. I dont know what tactic it is to not breathe a word about most products or releases and make a big deal about it when you HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, but its one ATI appears to be using. And its pretty goddamn stupid. Paper launch the fuckin cards, launch the motherboards and finish the support crap later and get the ball moving.

my rant.
Yes I'd like the 520 to be out, a 6800nu isn't cutting it anymore.If Nvidia released a 7800GT in AGP they could have my money.But since they won't, ATI will be getting it.Who wins in performance doesnt matter.
the gamer said:
Has the title says i know i am.

i couldn't really care less to be honest

i just get bored of the flame-wars and arguments started over something which doesn't even exist

just get over it ITS ONLY A GRAPHICS CARD, it is NOT essential to your survival, in the hunter gatherer sense of the word

This is what I say to ATI::

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

ATI is being a bunch of mofos..I'm thinking of switching back to Nvidia just because they are being stupid!

pandora's box said:
getting a little ticked off with this tnt2 im using lol. but im a patient man and can wait for r520...

ditto, but replace "tnt2" with "radeon 9100" and you got me.
Lazy_Moron said:
Im not trying to be rude or anything, but im getting sick of all these threads about the R520. Everyday there is a thread like the following examples: "So where is the R520" or "R520 only has 16 pipes, WTF!!!" and etc. I think a admin should put an end to these threads and just start one centralize thread on the R520 in the ATI section of the video card forum, that way, other peoples threads on problems they have can be seen. Just my 2 cents, while trying not to be rude.

I think your idea sucks ass.
Btw if you disagree come to hobart and convince me in person. GG :)
My two cents... I was playing HL2/CS:S on a Creative Labs GeForce DDR (yes, ORIGINAL GeForce) until my motherboard went tits up (blooming/leaking caps) and I decided to upgrade the whole shebang. I was happy. Sure, my new eVGA GeForce 6600GT PCI Express looks FANTASTIC and gives me fps out the wazoo, but who gives a flip if you can see an extra frickin' booger in a monster's nose before you shoot him? PLAY YOUR GAME AND SHUT UP!

This is not to say I'm not up for new tech, but sometimes I wonder at what cost. More often than not, my upgrades are hampered by budget. That's why that GeForce DDR resided on two motherboards (and, oddly, outlived them both). If I had the deniros, I'd sure as hell have a 7800GTX SLI setup! But I don't.

It's made me appreciate gameplay much more. More often than not these days, games are more glitz and glamour and less gameplay and fun. That's why a lot of games with "INSANE GRAPHICS" end up in the bargain bin a month after release, CUZ THEY SUCK!

More companies should try to actually compete with Valve: make more games with INSANE GAMEPLAY and back THAT up with INSANE GRAPHICS! Then your R520 will pwn even more and be more worth the price.

'Til then, I'm happier than a pig in poo with my 6600GT. :)
I am. Geeze........this X800XT overclocked to PE speed just ain't cuttin' it anymore. :p :p I mean, come on already, make with the R520!!!! I'm Kidding, of course.......

Seriously, I'm kinda tired of waiting because I'm itching to make the move to PCI Express, and AMD dual core. So I can't do anything until then. I don't wanna buy an el cheapo X300 or something to "tide me over" until it comes out. That's a waste........ So, I'm still waiting. My card's performance is fine, but my computer as become a little long in the tooth.
Shifra said:
Who ever is in charge of marketing for them should be fired, thats one thing i am sure about.

On the contrary, he must be the best there is. For almost a year. No demo, no review, no specs, he's got people on edge on nothing but hype! JUST HYPE!!! That in itself is either amazing, or target consumers are just that gullible.
Sly said:
On the contrary, he must be the best there is. For almost a year. No demo, no review, no specs, he's got people on edge on nothing but hype! JUST HYPE!!! That in itself is either amazing, or target consumers are just that gullible.

The target customers just resent nVidia products for whatever reason and have found an excuse for not getting the 7800 series.
robberbaron said:
The target customers just resent nVidia products for whatever reason and have found an excuse for not getting the 7800 series.

According to ATIs CEO, they may find that waiting for the R520 to have a bittersweet outcome:

If their CEO is telling investors it will only be faster if they can get the clock speed they hope, that it will be a paper launch, and that nVidia may well trump it with a refresh, I don't think there's going to be any "See? Told you so!" for the ATI faithful this winter.

Looks like a long wait till their next gen part is ahead, and lots of "16 OCd pipes is just as good as 24 single slot cooled pipes!" type posts.

Dark days ahead for ATI, given this news and six pending lawsuits......
Sly said:
On the contrary, he must be the best there is. For almost a year. No demo, no review, no specs, he's got people on edge on nothing but hype! JUST HYPE!!! That in itself is either amazing, or target consumers are just that gullible.

I'll take the gullible option, any company can keep consumers on their toes with sweet sweet words and promises
i changed my mind. i'm sick of being patient about this and hoping for the best. at this point i'm giving up on R520, and waiting for when/if ever there is a 7800GT AGP
yep im also fine with my X850XT PE wont be upgrading till next 2 year unless i get bored and make a another gaming pc or if i cant run unreal engine 3 games on medium settings.
fallguy said:
Perfectly for you, is not perfectly for everyone.

With everything as high as it would go? AA/AF/Softshadows? These numbers show that would be possibly in the low 20's, likely in the teens for you then. Thats with a much faster CPU/GPU than you have. I dont see how thats perfect, but ok. But as I said, hopefully they will optimize it a lot before its released..

robberbaron said the GTX was more than overkill, which is false. Perhaps for him it is, but not for everyone. Maybe for him at a lower res and settings, but certainly not at a very high res, and AA/AF. At just 1600x1200, the GTX gets 19 frames with all eye candy on. I dont call that playable, and I dont call that overkill. At my res of 1920x1200, I felt like I was watching one of those old movie flippers. The type where they have the pictures, and you flipped thru them to see them in "motion".

Other games can put the hammer on a GTX as well, or any card. All you have to do is crank up the settings, and vitually any new game will be "unplayable". Even Farcry which is closing in on 2 years old, can be really slow with high settings, on a GTX.

And you call others biased Acky? You are one deluded gentleman. As I told you in AT, the only reason you purchased a 7800GTX is because you said your selft that you couldn't wait any longer for ATI to get their R520 out. And now that you have a 7800GTX, I find your one of the very few that consider it a mediocre graphics card in an ocean of people who think its the most significantly powerful gaphics board they have ever used. (Of course). Constantly bringing up examples how a 7800GTX can be brought to its knees. And I suppose if you still had your X8xx card, it would run FEAR flawlessly even if it really didn't. Suddenly 25 to 30 fps would become acceptable to you correct? I got your number over at AT, and I have your number here. Nothing has changed.
pandora's box said:
considering the price of the gtx and the gt is way below msrp and thers no competition your theory is proven wrong. is nvidia produces more g70 cores the success rate of getting gtx and gt speeds increases hence the lower prices because they have more chips.

Go back to school and take an economics class. It's still competition that is pushing down the prices right now. The fact that all of the vendors were able to offer product at launch means that competition was still there among the vendors selling the 7800.

And don't kid yourself about supply keeping prices down if NV was the only game in town. Without a true competitor to keep everyone honest, NV could charge much higher prices and delivery far less technology for that price. Neither NV nor ATi are benevolent gamer loving companies. They are in business to make money. If they could reduce their R&D and other expenses of bringing a product to market, but still charge higher prices because they were the only game in town, I can assure that would be the case.
Un4given said:
Go back to school and take an economics class. It's still competition that is pushing down the prices right now. The fact that all of the vendors were able to offer product at launch means that competition was still there among the vendors selling the 7800.

And don't kid yourself about supply keeping prices down if NV was the only game in town. Without a true competitor to keep everyone honest, NV could charge much higher prices and delivery far less technology for that price. Neither NV nor ATi are benevolent gamer loving companies. They are in business to make money. If they could reduce their R&D and other expenses of bringing a product to market, but still charge higher prices because they were the only game in town, I can assure that would be the case.

QFT. Without ATI, Nvidia might very well run amock.
robberbaron said:
The target customers just resent nVidia products for whatever reason and have found an excuse for not getting the 7800 series.

You remind me of this guy on Everquest when i played, name was Suppin.......he would sell high end items (he got off e bay) and no one could stand him (not saying i cant stand you far from the truth) but your statment reminded me of what he would say when people trash talk him

""your just jealous cause i have this and that, so you trash talk me""

when the 7800 came out, i read all reviews i could find.......and i said to myself, self?! thats all they got? im gaming on a 9600 pro, i dont mind it at all, i lag, i cough, its ok tho i can own most people in the games i do play, and bleeding edge technogloy doesnt make you any diffrent, just means you can play higher end games but you wasted so much money to play a game that doesnt take advantage of the card you have.......bottle neck isnt worth 500 dollars of mine
and this rant isnt to you baron........its in general :p
and when the R520 comes out, ill prolly read reviews and say to myself, thats it? people pay 500 dollars for 10 more fps? my eyes cant see anything past 32 tho :(

I dont see why anyone would mind the R520 not being out when there is a total of maybe one game (BF2) that would take advantage of it. I glad its coming in the fall so if anything the prices of the GTX will fall even more so I can get one for $400. I would much rather see how it handles COD2, Quake 4 and Oblivion all of which are out in the fall.