Whitelist and DNS idea help!!?!


Jun 9, 2004
Is it possible to disable DNS and rely solely on the hosts file to resolve websites?

I want to restrict access to the net to approved sites only for laptops that will go to and from home for students 14-under. We will use limited power user capability combined with deep freeze, security polices, locked BIOS etc all in an attempt to keep the kids off the porn and focused on the laptops for school work only.

I was considering a whitelist server, but I can't implement that at every student's house. The idea I need is basically something they can't trace without knownledge beyond standard programs. If a filter was simply installed running in tray or in memory, there are odds they would find a way to circumvent this at home eventually. I basically am looking for a less known way of keeping them out.

Any help or insight is appreciated.
You could, but I think managing and syncronizing the hosts file will be a bit difficult. Is it possible you could configure the laptops to strictly use your DNS servers? Mind you it's not impossible to get around, probably more trouble then the average HS student will be able to figure out (notice I said average). The students can still use DHCP while at home, but it would still send queries to the IPs you specify.