while i'm thinking about it... (safari question)


Jan 8, 2004
i just had a quick question: i know that in MS Internet Explorer, you can push F6 and the address bar becomes selected, with the URL highlighted. what i was wondering was... is there any quick way to higlight all of the URL in Safari?
Just click on the icon at the left of the URL bar. It will then highlight the URL.
the point was doing it without using the mouse. mouses suck. Keyboard faster.
Black Morty Rackham said:
Then why are you using a GUI system? :p

Btw, cmd L!does what you're looking for.

Because it's a more efficient way of presenting information. NOT more efficient interaction, in many cases. I do almost everything by keyboard. Unfortunately, Safari doesn't support find-as-you-type or as many of the keyboard commands, so :(
lopoetve said:
Because it's a more efficient way of presenting information. NOT more efficient interaction, in many cases. I do almost everything by keyboard. Unfortunately, Safari doesn't support find-as-you-type or as many of the keyboard commands, so :(

Use one of the Moz project browsers or OmniWeb? They all have find-as-you-type (OW only finds links, unfortuntaly).
Camino is supposed to be Gecko in a nice interface, but I'm not all that impressed. It looks better than Moz or Firefox, that's for sure, what with the native design (native tabs is a nice addition, IMO). However, the UI is not always very practical... The native tabs, for instance, move about as you open more tabs. That I find very annoying. It has a few more annoyances, too... it renders very quickly, though.