Whiich is Better: Higher RAM Speed or Tighter Timings?


Oct 9, 2005
Hey guys,

I've got 2 sticks of 512MB OCZ Platinum EL Revision 2 running at 2-2-2-5 and 210mhz on an an a8n-sli premium running a 3800+ x2 @ 252 x 10 = 2527MHz. Memory divider at 5:6.

Which would give me better performance, loosening timins and upping the memory divider to 1:1 or higher, or keeping everything as is?

If a higher mem divider is optimal, how much should I bump it up, how much should I loosen the timings, and how much more voltage?

Thanks in advance,
James S. aka sedgie
I read that AMD systems perform poorly with mem divider under 1:1. Is this also true with dividers over 1:1?
Sedgie! said:
I read that AMD systems perform poorly with mem divider under 1:1. Is this also true with dividers over 1:1?
where do you read this? everything we say around here says the opposite, and that dividers have no effect on performance :p

however, i know that ram to be TCCD or TCC5, stuff that loves mhz at looser timings. set them to 2.5-3-3 and let it rip :D
mcseiam wrote that in the memory faq

Such a [synchronous] configuration is wholly acceptable for any AMD system, memory should be set this way at all times for best performance. Asynchronous FSB/Memory Speeds are horridly inefficient on AMD systems, but may well be the optimal configuration for P4 systems.

Also, should I go for 2.5-3-3-5 or 2.5-3-3-7? I also read that tRCD should be tRAS + CAS + 2, in my case rounding to 7.

How high do you think I can get this stuff at 2.5-3-3-7?
I, Too, have 2 sticks of this stuff, OCd my Opty165 with it to 2.4 ghz so far, I don't see this to be very great OCing RAM.. I'm running 210 mhz @ 2-2-2-5 and stock voltage.

Higher speeds is better than timings until you really get up there, for example -- you won't nottice like any difference from 2.5 to 3 cas latency.
Sedgie! said:
mcseiam wrote that in the memory faq

Also, should I go for 2.5-3-3-5 or 2.5-3-3-7? I also read that tRCD should be tRAS + CAS + 2, in my case rounding to 7.

How high do you think I can get this stuff at 2.5-3-3-7?

that was true for K7 systems. it is incorrect for K8. the gains are minimal at best if your trying for a high 1:1 clock. but if your bored, go at it.
Jason711 said:
that was true for K7 systems. it is incorrect for K8. the gains are minimal at best if your trying for a high 1:1 clock. but if your bored, go at it.
yup. that sticky is outdated to the point where it's giving people false info. i'm appauled that steve still links it for the [H]forum happenings on the front page :(
I've managed 252.7 MHz (1:1) at 2.5-3-3-5 with stock voltage. How is that?
not bad, but you're only 2mhz over the stock speeds of tccd, which is what those sticks use ;)