Which upcoming PC games are you looking forward to?


Oct 20, 2004
Since E3 just happened recently there has bee a lot of buzz lately of the new PC games coming out. What PC games are you guys looking forward to?

Here is my list;

Starcraft 2 (I am sure this is on everyone's list, being that RTS games are one of my favorite genres)

Supreme Commander 2 (Supreme Commander is a great game but could be so much better. I am hoping SupCom2 really excels in the gameplay and continues to make advancements in the RTS game technology side of things.)

Starwars: The Old Republic (Starwars MMORPG, do I need to say more? I am just hoping it does not turn out like starwars galaxy.)

Battlefield 1943 (I am hoping EA learned from its mistakes, and is making this one more like the original but much much better.)

Left4dead 2 (This should be lots of fun and hours of entertainment, a continuation of the best zombie game :) ).
Games I've been keeping track of:

prototype (but I think it's going to suck)
arma 2 (Seems unpolished and buggy)
L4D2 (Waste of money but I'll end up getting it)
supreme commander 2 (Less economy doesn't sound too appealing to me)
operation flashpoint (not enough info yet)
jumpgate evolution (will probably suck)
tropico 3 (probably a good week of play before it gets boring)
SW: The old republic (can't imagine this will be good but still looking forward to it)

Starcraft 2 is basically the only game I feel is "guaranteed" to be really good.
Here's just a few off the top of my head:

Alan Wake
Deus Ex 3
Modern Warfare 2
Max Payne 3
Stalker: Call of Pripyat
Splinter Cell Conviction
Dragon Age
Diablo 3
Crysis 2
Baldurs Gate III
Duke Nukem Forever
Starcraft 2 is really about it. (My interest in gaming has dropped off A LOT in the last couple months).
Dragon Age: Origins
Street Fighter IV - PC
Diablo III
StarCraft II
Final Fantasy XIV (Not sure how this will turn out)
Starwars: The Old Republic
Final Fantasy 13 (The 360 is a PC!)
Diablo 3
Star Wars: The Old Repbulic
Mafia 2
New Blizzard MMO (Confirmed that it is not Diablo, Starcraft or Warcraft related)
Supreme Commander 2
Diablo III
Starcraft II
Alan Wake
Natural Selection 2
Modern Warfare 2
Formula One
Need For Speed: Shift
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
Battlefield: 1943
Battlefield: Bad Company
Diablo 3
Star Craft 2
Doom 4
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Diablo III
Starcraft 2
Mass Effect 2
Resident Evil 5
Street Fighter IV
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Final Fantasy 14
Metal Gear: Rising
Supreme Commander 2
Dead Rising 2
Lost Planet 2
Dragon Age: Origins
DiRT 2
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
Need for Speed: Shift
my kids are all about prototype. gotta get in AM 1000hrs.
Starcraft 2
Maybe Diablo 3
Star Wars : The Old Republic
Supreme Commander 2
Modern Warfare 2
Diablo III
Battlefield 1943
Bad Company 2
Section 8
Left 4 Dead 2
Ah the weekly, 'Looking forward to' thread.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Call of Pipryat
Modern Warfare 2
Dragon Age
Overlord 2
Call of Juarez
Stargate MMO
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Modern Warfare 2
Thief 4
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STALKER: Call of Pripyat
Modern Warfare 2 (maybe)
Left 4 Dead 2 (maybe, will pay no more than $20)
Bioshock 2 (maybe)
Crysis 2 (maybe)
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising (maybe, not done by original developers)
ARMA 2 (maybe)
Rage (if it ever releases)
Doom 4 (if it ever releases)

I really only definitely intend on getting the two non-maybe games. Everything else is dependent on my having room in my schedule, availability of $$, and reviews. I'm not hopeful for alot of these games since they're almost all cross-platform or niche type games.

edit: I also really hope that Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine comes to the PC. Right now I think the announcement is xbox only.
Street Fighter 4
StarCraft 2
Diablo 3 (maybe)
SWTOR (to play alongside WAR maybe)
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Dragon Age: Origins
Mass Effect 2
Diablo III
Starcraft 2
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Thief 4 (even though Eidos will probably screw it up)
Supreme Commander 2
Modern Warfare 2 (SP stuff looks really good, but I'll probably try to buy it cheap)
DiRT 2
STALKER: Call of Prypyat
Bioshock 2
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Aliens vs Predator
Crysis 2
Overlord 2
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Legend of Monkey Island
Resident Evil 5
Assassin's Creed 2

Yeah, I'm looking forward to a lot of games. I'm sure there are some games I'm forgetting too.
Assassins Creed 2
starcraft 2
Diablo 3
Forza 3

cant think of any other ones though.