which pump for using a car radiator?


Apr 3, 2008
A friend of mine can get this radiator for free and we thought about using it for his new 920 rig

1993 Honda Civic EX Radiator Koyo Cooling 2-row plastic/copper

Its about 14" x 14" 2 rows

Would a MCP655 be enough for one cpu block(heatkiller?) and 1 vid card block?
Maybe... if you put the Radiator and either the HK or GPU block on one loop, and the remainder on another loop, and used the Typhoon 3 reservoir/pump system here: http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1437509 to maximize the flow of your single pump.

I've been pushing this T3 product too much lately. I feel like I'm spamming it... but it just doesn't have any competition at the moment.

Edit: I think it'd work, but you'd probably need to run some adapters for the inlet/outlet of that radiator. Also... I hope it doesn't have any aluminum in the water path.
Due to the size and number of a car rad channels typically they are much less restrictive than a normal water cooling rad. Because it is a closed loop head pressure is not a big deal, remember the weight of the water you pumped up to the top of the rad works in your favor to push it down back through the rad and into the pumps intake so the location and overall size of the rad is not that important. Its the size and number of channels and that auto rad is designed to have a hella lot more water run through it (with big chunks of crap floating around in the fluid ) that any WCing rad. As mentioned above adapting the inlet and outlets size down to what you need and some decent looking mounting method/contraption is going to be the real challenge.

That (and about any decent) pump will be fine.

Unless it is brand new (and maybe still if it is) Take it to a rad shop and have it "boiled" out. Then still rinse the hello out of it with a garden hose for 20 min. Rinse it backwards with the hose in the lower (output) fitting, backflush is what I mean. Tell the guys at the rad shop what you are doing (using for a computer) and they may have or do something special/different to help clean it out as much as possible. As least ask them to rinse it with extra care.

You could try filling it up with a solution of CLR or some other product, I am not worried about trash in the rad, that will flush out fairly easy. it is scale and other deposits that will contaminate your loop that concerns me. I am likely over cautious but I would take every effort to do whatever you can to clean that rad up before using. If new, well its not as critical but it can still have some crap in it from manuf.

Coupled with one of these big diameter fans coming into use on some computer cases that should be awesome.
Thanks for the tips.
The inlet and outlet are 1.3"
So I figured barbed reducers and a some hose would work.

We thought we would run a 10" AC fan.

The computer will be used for 72 hour runs every 2 weeks or so.
Since the software licensing is $5k per cpu we want to run it as fast as possible without adding another cpu.
Our goal is 4GHZ 100% usage each core for 72 hours.
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LOL that will do the trick.

thank you for the help, we haven't decided yet if we are going to go this route or just buy a computer radiator or 2.
It will be the first watercooled system for both of us so im wondering if we would be asking for trouble using the car radiator.
Car radiators are plenty in junkyards.

One has to stop and wonder if the possible cost in savings will outperform an engineered pc liquid cooling radiator.
http://hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1034413424&postcount=47 - I'm retracting my recommendation for the Typhoon 3 due to manufacturing quality and defects, some other small issues, and possible pump-life issues (in a setup such as yours). If you add more components to your loop then the pump itself would be fine.
That is from this thread: http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1437509

I can still recommend the DDC 3.2 + EK rev2 top (there are other comparable tops) because I have personal experience with that, and it is manufactured well. The performance will be very similar anyway.