Which part..Opty 165 or 64x2 3800?


Limp Gawd
Oct 14, 2004
The price savings isn't much so which one will perform better?

The Opty has lower clockrate (pre OC) and more L2 cache, but I am leaning towards it.

I wont run the thing maxed out but plan on overclocking either one to some degree.

Will be making the purchase in the morning.
seriously, there are 50000234243 threads on this.

the opty will overclock better generally.
Opteron over x2

could be wrong but the x2 has 512+512 cache and opteon has 1m+1m cashe and opterons OC better

easy choice :D
i'm very satisfied with my X2 3800+, if i get better cooling i can hit 2.8!

everything runs smooth! pair it with good stuff tho
I have to say Opteron 165, unless you're platform limited and you really need the extra multiplier.
The 0601/0602 3800+'s have been doing very well whereas those weeks were not kind to the DC Opty silicon. OTOH the CCB1E 0608 165 looks promising.

If you only plan on OC'ing around 2500MHz on either, the extra cache would give you some oomph over the 3800, and if you plan on only using stock cooling, the Opty DC comes with a much better heatsink than the 3800 does.
kunsunoke said:
I have to say Opteron 165, unless you're platform limited and you really need the extra multiplier.

I was going to say the same thing man, people think everyone owns "dfi lanparty mega ultra sli double expert quadruple bad ass overclock" boards but we don't. In my gaming rig, I have an A8N-SLI Deluxe and it is rock stable and I don't want to buy a DFI since I am really happy with the features and stability of my board. However, my board seems to choke at 285-290 HTT, which means my max oc with opteron 165 can be around 2.6 GHz. Opteron might be an awesome overclocker but X2's with higher multipliers are much better for some of us. I can buy an Opty 165 for the same price I can get a X2 4200+ and X2 3800+ is reasonably cheaper. Now, anyone still suggests that I still go out and buy the opty? I don't think so...
PliotronX said:
The 0601/0602 3800+'s have been doing very well whereas those weeks were not kind to the DC Opty silicon. OTOH the CCB1E 0608 165 looks promising.

If you only plan on OC'ing around 2500MHz on either, the extra cache would give you some oomph over the 3800, and if you plan on only using stock cooling, the Opty DC comes with a much better heatsink than the 3800 does.
Ah, I was thnking the X2's came with that heatpipe cooler also....that sucks.

was going to say the same thing man, people think everyone owns "dfi lanparty mega ultra sli double expert quadruple bad ass overclock" boards but we don't. In my gaming rig, I have an A8N-SLI Deluxe and it is rock stable and I don't want to buy a DFI since I am really happy with the features and stability of my board. However, my board seems to choke at 285-290 HTT, which means my max oc with opteron 165 can be around 2.6 GHz. Opteron might be an awesome overclocker but X2's with higher multipliers are much better for some of us. I can buy an Opty 165 for the same price I can get a X2 4200+ and X2 3800+ is reasonably cheaper. Now, anyone still suggests that I still go out and buy the opty? I don't think so...
Hmm maybe I need to rethink my whole purchase.... The Asus board was the one I was going to buy......

Is this the DFI board everyone suggest to get for higher HTT?

Reagent said:
Ah, I was thnking the X2's came with that heatpipe cooler also....that sucks.

Hmm maybe I need to rethink my whole purchase.... The Asus board was the one I was going to buy......

Is this the DFI board everyone suggest to get for higher HTT?

Yeah, it's strange as I have heard of some X2's with the old aluminum 'sink overheating, never heard of any trouble with the heatpipe 'sink. It might be the extra weight they're thinkin' of =\ At least the 4400+ and 4800+ come with the better cooler, but for a while the 4200+ did too.

For the DFI board, it depends on what kind of memory you plan to use. If you're going to be using two sticks of Samsung memory (TCCD/TCC5/etc.), that SLI-DR you linked to would be the best choice in the pricerange (and if you don't need SLI, the Ultra-D, though you could easily mod it to SLI anyways), though last I knew it was going for a little over $160 so that might not be the best place to get it (haven't checked if they discontinued it or what). If you're going to use Winbond or voltage hungry memory in two or four stick combos, the Expert would be better, based on what Tony from OCZ said at XSF. The board that does well with either type of memory with all four slots occupied is the Venus which was a limited production run and already sold out, not to mention way too pricey, but the CFX3200 is said to be Oskar's finest work and is based on the Venus so if it's not much more than the Expert, it might be worth waiting fourteen days or so for.