Which one of these S-IPS panels should I choose?


Nov 18, 2006
I got the opportunity to buy 2 very nice monitors at a very good price, and although they are older models, they were high-end displays:

First one is a DELL 2001FP, rev A00 and A01 with S-IPS panel and 16ms response time
Second one is a EIZO L985EX 21,3" with a S-IPS panel, this one would be my pick however the manufacturers site says it has a 50ms reaction time which is very bad, however this monitor rocks, it was used for professional graphics stations. http://s.maxthon.com/?q=eizo+L985EX

The "problem" is that i would use them for gaming, and I would choose one of these rather then a 22" with crappy TN panel. I always had LCDs with good panels, and just cant sit and watch a monitor with TN panels. I also dont want to spend too much now and the price on these are very nice, I can buy the EIZO for half the price of a Samsung 226CW, and the DELL is even cheaper.

So my question is, that I do realise that I shouldn't expect these monitors to perform like the new 2ms gaming monitors but are they any good for gaming, cuz in visuals (colors,black levels,etc) I'm almost sure that they will beat the crap out of every 22" that u can find today on the market. I'm not a hardcore Counter Strike player, but I do play almost every type of games.
Thank you!
If you game at all, get the 2001. Professional monitors are for color accuracy and resolution first, not dynamic response time.
I would say the Dell. Then again it depends on what your paying. You can get a new and fast S-IPS for $350 with rebate that wil last you years. If the Dell is like $150 I would skip it. A "crappy TN" can actually be quite good for gaming - its the rest of the things they aren't good at.
The DELL is about $280 in my country, while a decent 22" with TN panel like the Samsung 226CW is $590 so its half the price.
I just can't live with the fact that by moving my head with 5inches the colors on the TN panel are already changeing, and most of these monitors also suffer from more or less blacklight bleeding, which I hate when I play games at night.

Right now I'm using a 32" LG LCD-TV for my computer display. Although it has only a resolution of 1366*768 (and this is why I need a monitor too), the panel I think its an S-IPS. Before this one I had a 19" Samsung 970P with MVA panel, so after these two it just doesn't feel right to sit in a front of a TN.
neither are that great at gaming, but out of the two, the dell would be better for it even though the colors and picture would be quite inferior.
The 2001 has some craaaaappy blacks. Find a way to get someone to ship you a 2007.