Which monitor should I get?


Mar 6, 2010
I've spent whole night reading up on this and not any closer to figuring it out so I'm gonna write down what my use is and maybe someone can help me out.

I have old(2008) benq monitor that has served me well but I was always annoyed how washed out colors looked, now I'll just use it as secondary monitor to have chat open or something.

What I'll want to do with monitor: regular PC stuff, play games on PC - big on this, watch movies and tv shows so I'd prefer if it had good colors and looked nice, connect to 360/ps3/ps4 so I can play those too, would be a plus if it has 3d but not required I guess.

Now with all that in mind, any recommendations? Too many factors playing into this for me to decide, 60 vs 120/144 hz, 1080p vs 1440p, TN vs IPS, Korean or otherwise? Buy monitor and TV vs my budget which I'm not sure what is, I'd prefer to keep it as cheap as possible but if I get something really good I can go bit above, I guess around 500e is where I want to be(upper limit).

Any thoughts?
The poor colors on your 2008 are due to the backlight probably not the panel so anything 2011 LED backlite would be fine I recommend ASUS monitors over any brand out there due to the better calibration. Koreans are iffy failure rates ect..... I haven't had anything over 60HZ so I can't speak for the better stuff out there =) I want to try a ROG though but not for it's current price.
Read up on and now I understand TN vs IPS which just makes it harder to chose. Picking one means sacrificing the other. It boils down to slower IPS with better colors, maybe 27" one with 1440p resolution versus faster 120/144hz monitor. Frame rate I'm not sure, I have a single 7970 at the moment that serves me fine and I planned on adding another one once it starts falling behind but now there's a lot of new cards out there I might just upgrade to newer one but not sure when. I really doubt most new games I'll be hitting over 120 fps unless I drop the quality so that's a factor. While if I pick IPS colors and angle will always be there.

Besides gaming which for me comes and goes, sometimes I'll play like crazy but now I haven't turned on a game since before summer but when I play I want them to look best I can get them to. I do more of tv show and movies watching so IPS would be better for that I take it? And lastly consoles, since most of the games will be 30fps or 60 for some IPS would have that covered as well?

Koreans are an option but with iffy warranty and as you said not always 100% quality and failures I'm not sure, maybe if that is the best option for me. But they can't run consoles properly so I'd need to figure out what to do about that.
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So I should get some good IPS 27" 1440p panel (that hopefully has scaler and use it for all my needs until I can get a good and cheaper 120/144hz secondary screen which I'll use mostly for my PC games, or when I do enough research about Korean monitors order one just for PC while I keep other one for rest? Is this the best course of action? And if so what are some good ones?