Which is faster? ASUS P5N-E or P5B-E

Feb 5, 2007
One uses the Intel p965 and the other uses the nforce 650i chipset. Both are priced relatively the same and I dont know which board is best in terms of performance (they both overclock as much as I plan on doing, so which one overclocks better doesnt matter). I will never use SLI so I dont care about that.

Im also on the fence over the fact that Nvidia showed complete incompetence with Vista drivers, as well as the intel board has jmicron for IDE devices. I dont want to be raped by jmicron because all of my drives arent SATA yet but I also dont want to get raped by nvidias idiot driver team.

So really it comes down to performance if Im going to decide. One of them has to be faster.
No clue. I asked a similar question recently. Trying to decide on a mobo myself. Im between the Gigabyte DS3, the P5N-E, the P5B-E and maybe that biosstar.
I don't think you will be able to get an objective answer on this matter. The way I see it, I would rather have the IDE controller built into the chipset with the 650, but at the same time, the 965 is the more mature, proven platform.

If I were in your shoes, I'd take a 965 board, like a Commando or a DQ6...
This seems like the perfect combination for a benchmark review (with the gigabyte DS3 too)... I searched on google before posting here and there are a lot of people asking but no real answers (just abunch of people saying they like their P5N/P5B which doesnt really help)

Im kind of leaning towards the intel chipset, but I've heard nothing but bad things about jmicron. I still use my dvd and a spare hdd on IDE and dont want to spend extra money on a sata dvd burner yet. Eventually I will be all SATA though.
Yeah. It seems very hard to decide. From what I can tell, people have issues wiith all different types of P965 boards so bleh. Im torn between nvidia or intel chipset. Many say intel but.... I dunno.

That jmicron controller thing for IDE is going to suck. You gotta basically install everything first then load the drivers after to get IDE stuff working. Thats a big pain, what the hell was intel thinking. I mean I know they are trying to phase out IDE but damn. Sata is still fairly new and most people still have IDE drives. I have 2 IDE dvd burners myself and 1 HD.
I have the P5B-E and love it.

I also thought jmicron was going to suck but it really hasn't for me. I run dual Optical drives on it and have tried an IDE HDD with one optical drive and both configs worked fine. There were not extra drivers to install and i did not "basically install everything first then load the drivers after to get IDE stuff working".

You do not need to spend the money on the Commando or DQ6, the P5B-E is an awesome board and really fast. It overclocks well as well and supports a wide range of things. Remember that most of the 965 boards have jmicron and it really is not that big of an issue, like I said I have had no issues with it.

The vista support also rocks, Asus had drivers ready to go before vista was even released ;)
p5n-e is a bit cheaper than the p5b-e. If you're up for something in the p5b-e range, you should really look at the abit quadgt. After rebate, it's about the price of the p5b-e if not a little more, and is a great board. It'd have better performance since it stays in 1066 strap up to the 500's fsb. If you're staying at 400fsb or less, then either way
I also thought jmicron was going to suck but it really hasn't for me. I run dual Optical drives on it and have tried an IDE HDD with one optical drive and both configs worked fine. There were not extra drivers to install and i did not "basically install everything first then load the drivers after to get IDE stuff working".
While I only have one Pioneer IDE DVD/CD drive in my P5B Deluxe, I too was worried about this, but it was a non-issue for me. I didn't load any drivers for it and it works fine.