Which game was your Best Multiplayer Experience Ever...

Just curious, did anyone else play Forsaken multiplayer? It came out around the time of Quake II I think. It had some of the best multiplayer I've played. It was just downright FUN... :D
By far the most fun I've had in an online game is a game called 'Infantry', playing the Chambert's Moon mod. Cheap graphics, low requirements, but wow... I've never laughed so hard and had so much fun in a game. Then Sony bought them out, and managed to cut out Chambert's Moon for some reason. Played Infantry: CTF, but it wasn't the same.

Other notables:
Counterstrike (around v1.2 or v1.3)
HL: Team Fortress Classic
Counter Strike, around beta 3 of the game. I downloaded CS the first day it was released. Beta 3 was SICK, I'll never forget playing maps like CS Facility that had only one entrance to the hostages (before they destroyed the map by adding a second point),

Jeezus, it was incredible. Terrorist would be waiting behind the door, it was almost impossible to take them all out as a CT but it was done, one by one. The most amazing gameplay EVAR :)
In terms of hours spent playing Quake 2, OMFG, I camped, I went on sprees, I memorized every single map, Q2DM1 through 8 were all classics
Serious Sam 1 and The Second Encounter!!!

Why? I don't like playing games online and dealing with the freaking assholes that accompany them.

Serious Sam is the perfect lan-party game. Turn on co-op and blast through thousands of enemies until your eyes bleed!
UT, the original. I' have spent far, far, too many hours playing CTF.
Starcraft is just perfect, as well.
Quake 1. School. Data lab.
Diablo 2, Co-op. Responsible for as much lost sleep as the two previous ones together, I think.

Besides, is there anyone else who think there are too few new good multiplayer games meant for few players? I don't always have 31 friends around to LANparty with, so 2-player coop is at least as important to me as internet play and huge numbers of supported players.
Argh so many...

Halo ( xbox and PC )
Goldeneye for N64
Unreal Tournament 2004 onslaught
Frag-Ops ( C-S killer )-UT2k4 mod

But the king is Midtown Madness 3 on xbox. I dont think i've ever played a game online for so long...best game evar! Used to be anyways, until all the stupid 12 year olds took over :(
wangFu said:
every MP game is good until the stupid 12yr olds take over :rolleyes:

True, but with XBL, you can here thier whiney voices :( Fun to joke about though, my freind and I made some little boy cry...funny stuff :D
hl got me going, with all the various mods but q3a got me into clans and stuff and kept me going till this present day.
you are all wrong (unless someone said this, I didn't bother reading 7 pages)

Hungry Hungry Hippos is trully [H]ard. close second Rock'em Sock'em Robots...

3rd place, Counterstrike.
goldeneye on N64
mario kart 64 on N64
unreal 1 botmach when it first came out (if that even counts)
I just cleaned my room (wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy overdue!!!) and I found in a bag in my closet a n64, Goldeneye, MarioCart 64, 1080, F1 racing (not really sure dont feel like looking.) 2 crappy knock-off controllers and a "tremor pack" -ghetto rumble pack.
I think I am going to go to game stop and see if I can find some controllers and hook this bad boy up!. Also found a playstation but I knew that was there.
In the end I'd have to say counter-strike, things were going so well when I was in a good clan in UT2003, but I must say something about Counter-strike that I can't comprehend.
goldeneye for the nintendo 64...rockets in the library 2v2 greatest game EVAR

ive also been playing dod for about 2.5 years...so thats good too

duke nukem 3d coop w/ a friend was fun also
i dont know if many of you remember but im going to go back alittle. There was these SF RUSH! arcade machines that you could play with pll all over, i remember i was facinated by that, it was before i knew about multi palyer, i guess that would be one of my best experiances.
omgomgomgomg GemStone... It used to be on AOL and jeez I just loved that game. But anyways.

Quake III mods-- best experience. Any TEAMBASED game gave me the best experience. :)

Quake 2 - CTF - Cacophony
Quake 2 - LCTF - Loved the laughs

Everquest - Tons of memories. Can't wait til EQ2

Someone mentioned America's Army... It's pi$$ing me off to no end. I got 36 and one miss - qualified expert - and still didn't unlocked adv marksmanship. I haven't played the game yet. I've been trying for two days to get qualified... OMG!