Which game was your Best Multiplayer Experience Ever...


Jun 15, 2004
Arcade, Board, Card, Console, PC..... Which game on what system/format was your best ever Multiplayer experience. (Please keep it to "games", no including the 3 way you had in the computer lab at college (unless you were all mudding at the time as well)).

Mine was Doom/Doom 2 Co-op Multiplayer with my best friend when I was in the Army. That was some fun gaming, and my first multiplayer PC gaming experience. Fantastic!
Counter-Strike by miles! :p Although sometimes it makes me wanna throw my monitor across the room... :mad:
I'll always have great memories of HL:TFC as that was the first serious MP gaming I did. Hmm, I'm not sure really. I would have to say UT, AA, CS (2000-2001) and Halo. But the question is the best and really I think it would be Halo... I really love Halo, it is just plain fun, which is theoretically the reason I play MP games. I good deal of that fun is driving the vehicles around.

And this in spite of the fact that there have not been any official new maps released, nor will there be imo, and the dirge of 14yo smart-ass punks who compete to see who can act the most like a 10yo smart-ass punk. Sigh... anyway I am thankful for Halo PC as I'm not a console guy but do dream of what could have been had Bungie not caught Microsoft's eye, but I don't blame Bungie, I'm sure MS threw some dough at them that they simply could not ignore and Bungie deserved every penny of it... and frankly it was a great move on MS's part, Halo made the Xbox.. period.
4v4 CTF Halo is the best thing ever created...and that was on xbox (i hate the controller). i have the pc version and I cant WAIT to get some good multiplayer action with friends :)
Probablly regular Half-Life

With TFC, NS, CS, and of course a little PVK as well... :D

Doh... And DoD up to Beta 1.3b
Hard to say.

For me it'd probally come down to:

Ultima online and Myth II. Both games i played so much, both were so much fun.
Athough my favorite multiplayer game by miles is CS, I think that the games that gave me more on edge expreinces are Team Fortress Classic (Running witht the flag dodging snipers and other weaponry literally makes your heart beat faster), and AvP2
CS got me started. Before that I only really played single player games. Warcraft III really pulled me in as well. I'd also have to echo those who said Halo. I can't rank them, but those three hold special places in my heart.
I always loved stradegy games, Starcraft, Warcraft 2\3\Frozen Throne, and of course, Heroes of might and magic 3, except an online game in heroes took a minimum of 2 hours, usually more around 4, which sucked on dialup :(
Here are mine:

PC: definitely counter-strike (still play it to this day!)
Console: Toss up between Mario cart (N64) and Soul Calibur (Dreamcast)
Arcade: Some old school Street Fighter II, NFL Blitz, and one of the Capcom vs. Marvel games...
I actually almost forgot the best multiplayer game ever. MULE!


MULE - C64
Archon - C64
Q3A - PC
Counter-Strike would be my best experience, but because of all the hacking going on.. I left that game behind me never to look back. CS has forever been knocked off my list for being even a decent game.

My best gaming experience to date is ...

City of Heroes.
Q2 Lithium, what an incredible mod, played it daily for years- so fast and fun with the power-up runes and off handed grapple, plus lots of user maps were always coming out to keep things fresh.
theNoid said:
Counter-Strike would be my best experience, but because of all the hacking going on.. I left that game behind me never to look back. CS has forever been knocked off my list for being even a decent game.

My best gaming experience to date is ...

City of Heroes.

Yes, we know, you love paying mothly for games. :p j/k

I also have to agree with those who said Mariokart and Chess.
BF1944 Demo. Yes, Demo

That whatever island, I forgot the name. My 2 friends and I. Oh I remmeber I was the gunner and my friend was the pilot. We were getting owned by my other friend, so he decides to bail out without telling me. I'm thinking "Damn... Roman is doing one of his crazy acrobatics again... hey wait a minute, why is there a parachute that way..?"

My other friend that was on my six was laughing his head off and we both crashed.

Fun times.

Oh another story: They were both on the other side "Yo Kev... ph43r our new attack plan". So I got worried, jumped into a tank.

I nearly died laughing when I saw one of them standing on a wing of a plane, and the plane was slowing DRIVING, not flying towards me. :p
Q2 Lithium... Q1 Team Fortress...

Either Rail or Sniper Rifle... i'll get'r dun!
The best multiplayer experience I ever had was playing a game called Forsaken. It was a blast. It was this futuristic biker game where you had "space bikes" with all kinds of cool weapons. The game was controlled very similar to Descent, but looked tons better. That game absolutely ROCKED... :D

That would be followed by the Quake mission pack 1: scourge of armagon and UT.
I would have to say the game that got me into multiplayer was ROTT. Man, you just couldn't beat a heatseeking rocket launcher.

The second game that did it would probably have been C&C. That was so much fun to play against someone else. Especially since the AI was rather stupid. Still a fun game no matter what.
Everquest doing a Temple of Veeshan raid... totaly carnage and fun... nothing comes close
has to be cs i don't play anymore, haven't for a while, but back when i was in a pretty good clan (nothing incredible) with a bunch of my friends it was fun to mess around and play cal