which cpu???


Jul 9, 2007
i'm building a new rig...i've got everything at this point but a cpu..i'm at a dead end for decision making at this point.....i've got a debate between e6600, x6800, qx6850.....i would love to go qx6850....but is the price tag really worth it? i can afford it all but at the high price and advancing in tech these days im not sure if it would really be worth it....i plan on ocing the rig...but not sure which will end up giving best results.....well obviously the quad..but for the price? as far as i know the x6800 is an es, and i do believe all have g0 stepping.....atleast the x6800 and qx6850 for sure.....any way what are your opinions on best cpu for performance v. price????
It all depends on what kind of computing you are planning to do (gaming, media encoding, programming, graphic design, etc). I am sure that others on this forum can give you much better advice than I can, but I would say that if you are looking for a general computer (with enough power), go for the E6750. It is great for overclocking. If money isn't an issue, you can step up to the Q6600 (with G0 stepping). Otherwise, I can't really see much use for a true quad core. QX6850 has an extremely high price and I can't imagine what you would have to do to use the cpu's potential, not to mention that it produces more heat.
planning on gaming and media mostly......for got to ask before....how do you tell when buying retail if the cpu has g0 stepping?
Q6600 (with G0 stepping) is the way to go, the previous answer was dead on. For less than $300 right now you can get the best of both worlds! There are a couple of places to go to get the stepping. Here is one reseller with great information and usually a good stock of up to date stepping procs. http://www.tankguys.com/information.php?info_id=3

I'm pretty sure at this point what i'm going to do.....but was wondering how a q6600 would stack up against Intel Xeon X3210 G0 Stepping?? or even the x3220?? I know the xion is a server chip but how would it work for gaming or would it even be worth it? can it be oc'd?
Take a look at this chart. Pretty useful when comparing processors. I would probably go with the Q6600 over the Xeon. If you want to get into logistics, the Q6600 isn't really a true quad core. It's more like 2 dual-cores in 1, but it functions like a quad core.