Which 8800GTX is best?


Oct 3, 2005
I'm not going to even attempt to search for eVGA, BFG, XFX in this forum. I'm shopping newegg right now and I have no idea which 8800GTX card to get. Which is the best performer and which has the best warranty?
I know people are going to attack me on this... since im an evga !!!!!!...

But evga has the most flexible warranty, as well as stepup and awesome support.

While XFX has a double lifetime warranty which means the person you sell your card to also has a warranty, a good selling point if you upgrade alot.

The others.... im not so sure about, they seem to have pretty much the same stuff although i dont think MSI has lifetime(not sure).
agree w/ evga mod :)

Seriously, I only look at eVGAs and XFXs if they are cheap
Evga, xfx or bfg, or asus

I personally like evga the most, i don't know why, but i do.
Because! Evgas look cool, allow overclocking, watercooling, 90 day stepup and forumz... and good tech support. If you ever have a tech support problem or bad experience contact me and ill have it fixed. :D
I heard the foxconn is the best 8800GTX, but I also heard their service sucks. I'd go eVGA. Amazing company with amazing service, plus lifetime warantee :)
I've always bought BFG or EVGA cards myself. I didn't buy a BFG card this time around on my 7600GT though. I went EVGA because that's what was available to me at the time I bought it. The only reason why I didn't keep the BFG card was because it was a 5500 AGP, while I was stepping up to PCI-E. That isn't BFG's fault however. That's mine, because had I done my research, I would've been better off getting a 6600 for only 40 bucks more at the time I bought it.

So now as a rule, if it comes down to being within $50-$100 difference and the quality/performance is night and day, I'm skipping a few lunches. lol
No probs with my PNY. I ordered the evga from Microcenter for 519 plus tax for store pickup. They had none in stock and only had 1 PNY in stock, so they gave it to me for 519.00. I wish I had the step up option, but this card kicks ass. I can't remeber a better upgrade except when I got my voodoo 1 in 1996 or 1997 when they first came out.

I am on my 4th EVGA card and I have only had one bad experience, which was not really their fault, but it sucked.

I had a 7900GTX (that WORKED!!) and OC'ed like mad (720/960). I loved that card, but got the upgrade bug and step'd up to the GX2. Waited forever for shipping turnaround as they would not cross-ship and finally got my card. Then low and behold the GX2 was borked out of the box. Had to do it all over again. With shipping and taxes, border-fees and brokerage, I could have sold my GTX bought a GX2 had more than 100 bux in my pocket and had a card to play with for the almost 2 months I was down.

No more stepping-up for me. It is for people in the states, doesnt make sense to try in Canada.

All in all, Evga is still my fave. Thanks Haxor!
I like EVGA. Warranty is good, their RMA process is simple and fast and their turn around time for rebates is quite good.
owned a few BFG's and now own my first EVGA, both are great companies and I recommend both.

i had a BFG 7800GT that had a problem out of the box, RMA'd it and got back a 7800GTX. bonus!

but with this current generation, EVGA's seem a bit nicer.
I have had rma experiences with both evga and bfg, Both companies are outstanding .
Manufacturers take note: Everyone in this thread is making recommendations based on the quality of service and the warranty provided. No one is talking about the "Free" stuff in the box, or the software we often never use. Nope, make a good product, treat us right and you'll get our money.

Sorry... I like EVGA, great product, great service, great warranty...
I just got a GTX and went with EVGA. I am hoping their new flagship card is going to be eligible for a stepup. If not, I have a lifetime warrranty and a GTX.;)
EVGA ftw. I have owned 4 EVGA video cards and a motherboard. As with all manufacturers products, I have had some problems, but they have ALWAYS stepped up and handled it to my satisfaction. ALWAYS. I can not say that about any other company save Corsair. Love there service.
EVGA and XFX seem to offer best performance and quality, as well as support.

However my vote will go to EVGA for the step-up program, allowing you to upgrade your card within 90 days of your original invoice date if a better one comes up, by paying the difference in the new card's MRSP and the price you paid on invoice. Fantastic program if you ask me !
owned a few BFG's and now own my first EVGA, both are great companies and I recommend both.

i agree with you.

i had to rma a BFG 6800GTOC that was almost 3 years old, and their support (both via phone and email) was great. they shipped me a new card the day after mine arrived (so 1 day turnaround) and i received it 2 days later.

both evga and bfg offer lifetime warranties (as does xfx, tho i've never owned one nor had exp. with their tech support). evga does offer a "cross ship" option with their rma, but you have to pay an additional $30 at the time you register the card, so imo it's really no advantage.

just purchase whichever you get the best deal on; don't think you can go wrong with either brand.
Manufacturers take note: Everyone in this thread is making recommendations based on the quality of service and the warranty provided. No one is talking about the "Free" stuff in the box, or the software we often never use. Nope, make a good product, treat us right and you'll get our money.

Sorry... I like EVGA, great product, great service, great warranty...

hmm.. well, with my BFG 8800 I got a very cool t-shirt; with my evga i got a fill version of "Dark Messiah".. personally i think BFG won that one :p

my only regret is now i see EVGA will be replacing Dark Messiah w/ Supreme Commander.. much better deal. anyone want to trade? ;)

It's fairly easy to get out of the 30$ cross ship charge with eVGA. Just be creative.
I went with BFG, due to previous positive experience in customer service. EVGA seems very solid too. Don't think you'd go wrong with either one.
I'd suggest EVGA personally. They now have a cross shipping policy for newer cards, they will often upgrade you if are having continuous problems, and they don't censor thier message boards. The 7900GTs, for instance, were a complete failure, so EVGA developed working models. When my second 7900GT failed, they sent me a brand new 7950GT. EVGA is the only company that will allow you to overclock (even though there is little any company can do to tell if you have) and the only company that doesn't void your warranty if you change cooling solutions. EVGA also has the step-up program, where you can upgrade within 90 days, but this is only beneficial to those that don't want to sell their old cards and upgrade often.

Stay away from XFX. They have never been good to their customers. They have shut down their message boards following the 7900GT fiasco, which is a sign that they could care less about what the customers think or want.

BFG is so-so. I've never purchased a card from them but have had friends go through nightmares with their RMA process. One of them had a 1 month turn around, and found that his replacement card was a used one that had the same problem as his first. XFX has also been accused of it. XFX's 7800GTs even sucked, having owned one. I remember my 7800GT's fan would ALWAYS be at 100%, which was a result of their silly LED light on the card being powered by the same connector as the fan.:rolleyes:
eVGA seems to have the best service. The Step-up program and the fact that they will cross ship RMA cards free is AWSOME.

Personally I've had wonderful service from BFG. They shipped me a new 7900GT when mine was artifacting for no reason without any hassle and fast (next day shipping). THey didn't cross ship it, but I didn't have a spare 300 on a credit card for them to lean against. But that's to be expected.

XFX on the other hand while I own thier product and have had very little if any problems with it. The company put to much of a bad vibe out when they closed thier support board. That's I agree that's a sign they really don't care. If I didn't care about the warranty or support XFX cards tend to be the highest factory clocked, but the customer service...ewwwww
lol.. should i share some "not so great" examples of evga's customer service, trash them and recommend bfg?

people should refrain from trashing companies by stating "get this card cause this guy had to rma his card and they sucked, etc" when speaking of companies who have, in gerneral earned a good reputation for products or customer service. there are isolated incidents with both BFG and EVGA where customers experienced what they felt was sub-par customer service or rma hassles, however the majority who have experienced both companies have good things to say about them.

when selling tens of thousand of cards, there are going to be complaints from people who are unhappy due to this or that. sometimes the fault of the company, and sometimes the fault of the end user.

one thing about evga.. they place a sticker on the pcb containing the serial number, which tends to fall off (mine was so loose it fell off as i was removing my 8800 from the box). DO NOT LOSE THIS. they absolutely will not rma exchange or "step-up" without this sticker. there are horror stories all over regarding this.

i'd certainly agree that XFX shutting down their forums due to customers complaining about their product quality is pretty chicken shit tho!
Evga, BFG, or XFX as they all have lifetime warranty.

Recently went with EVGA since their customer support is supposesd to be top-notch and I've waited for OVER 5 hours waiting for my phone call to be answered by BFG tech support in the past.

Also with life-time warranty, if it goes bad in a few years and they stop making it, you might even get a free upgrade.
I think that the fact that "lifetime" warranty does not really mean lifetime is not said enough. I mean it is better than what ATI is doing my a lightyear, but it is still misleading for those who dont know that it means the lifetime of the product.

Perhaps Haxor can shed more light on what this actually means.
I think that the fact that "lifetime" warranty does not really mean lifetime is not said enough. I mean it is better than what ATI is doing my a lightyear, but it is still misleading for those who dont know that it means the lifetime of the product.

Perhaps Haxor can shed more light on what this actually means.

i'n not sure regarding XFX, but both EVGA and BFG offer true lifetime warranties.

visiontek offers a "lifetime" warranty on their ati cards, but they are the type you speak of - the retail life of the card (ends when part is discontinued).
i agree with you.

i had to rma a BFG 6800GTOC that was almost 3 years old, and their support (both via phone and email) was great. they shipped me a new card the day after mine arrived (so 1 day turnaround) and i received it 2 days later.

both evga and bfg offer lifetime warranties (as does xfx, tho i've never owned one nor had exp. with their tech support). evga does offer a "cross ship" option with their rma, but you have to pay an additional $30 at the time you register the card, so imo it's really no advantage.

just purchase whichever you get the best deal on; don't think you can go wrong with either brand.

Its not 30 dollars, its 30 dollars for OVERNIGHT. Regular shipping is like 5-15 bucks depending on how fast you want it.
lol.. should i share some "not so great" examples of evga's customer service, trash them and recommend bfg?

people should refrain from trashing companies by stating "get this card cause this guy had to rma his card and they sucked, etc" when speaking of companies who have, in gerneral earned a good reputation for products or customer service. there are isolated incidents with both BFG and EVGA where customers experienced what they felt was sub-par customer service or rma hassles, however the majority who have experienced both companies have good things to say about them.

when selling tens of thousand of cards, there are going to be complaints from people who are unhappy due to this or that. sometimes the fault of the company, and sometimes the fault of the end user.

one thing about evga.. they place a sticker on the pcb containing the serial number, which tends to fall off (mine was so loose it fell off as i was removing my 8800 from the box). DO NOT LOSE THIS. they absolutely will not rma exchange or "step-up" without this sticker. there are horror stories all over regarding this.

i'd certainly agree that XFX shutting down their forums due to customers complaining about their product quality is pretty chicken shit tho!

There have been instances that i know of where peoples' stickers have come off and they still got their warranty.... because they inspected the card for tampering and there was none.
EVGA is the best by far in my experience. I've had a BFG 6800 that had overheating issues and an MSI X800XT that was awful for hi-end games like Doom 3 and Half-Life 2. Asus is good, but over-priced.
Its not 30 dollars, its 30 dollars for OVERNIGHT. Regular shipping is like 5-15 bucks depending on how fast you want it.

the point was cross-shipping, which requires you to purchase the EVGA Advanced RMA. BFG will cross ship if you want to put the cost of the card on a CC, however not only does EVGA require they CC, they do not even give you a cross ship option unless you purchase the EAR for $19 - $30 (tho you get a offer for a discount at time of registration). from EVGA's terms and conditions:

Cross-Shipment on standard RMA’s are not available and customers will be required to pay for shipping the product(s) back to EVGA.

downside is you pay up front. upside is, if your card requires RMA, you'll recoup the cost. basically the same concept as "service plans".
There have been instances that i know of where peoples' stickers have come off and they still got their warranty.... because they inspected the card for tampering and there was none.

if it's missing, it's an emphtic "no".

that's why i said, "if it falls off, be sure to save the sticker."

now, if what you're saying is you know for a fact evga has rma'd parts missing the sticker, the please let us know who to contact in order to overrule the rma people who have been saying 'no'. i know of at least one person who would be eternally grateful, as well several people who have posted in forums describing the same issue.