Which 6200 to buy?


Limp Gawd
Jan 19, 2005
I'm looking to upgrade one of my older rigs from a 5200 to a 6200, I'm probably going with an XFX 6200 though the site that has it in stock (not e-tailer) does not show if it's a TC/TD model that can't be unlocked... also does not tell me if it's 128-bit or 64-bit. Did XFX ever make a TC/TD 6200 or am I good to go? AGP by the way.

edit - I've just looked over some sites and other retailers, looks like it's hard to find a 128-bit 6200 non TC/TD, anyone know of a retailer that sells a 128-bit 6200 from any manufacturer? I'd be willing to order and wait if I could find one. (I like the idea of a cheap 600:p)
6200 is just well.... crap. Get yourself a 6600GT for sure :p
Lsv said:
I'm looking to upgrade one of my older rigs from a 5200 to a 6200, I'm probably going with an XFX 6200 though the site that has it in stock (not e-tailer) does not show if it's a TC/TD model that can't be unlocked... also does not tell me if it's 128-bit or 64-bit. Did XFX ever make a TC/TD 6200 or am I good to go? AGP by the way.

If you HAD an FX 5200, you probably have an AGP slot (or, worse, PCI slot), and there is no such thing as an AGP Turbocache card. It's a featureset that takes advantage of the improvements in PCI-Express over AGP.

If you have an AGP slot, you can probably find a 128-bit 6200 with a fair amount of effort, but a 6600GT would really be a much smarter buy.

If you have a PCI slot only, though, you are screwed - the FX 5200 was already pretty close to the best you could get for it (I mean, you can probably find the occasional FX 5700 LE or FX 5600 on eBay once in a blue moon, but those aren't exactly a LOT faster when compared to modern cards).
yea it's agp, and i already have a 6600gt (pcie) in my other box, and i see no point in going farther with the old box, it's pretty much dead now... so can u guys answer my question and tell me what 6200 to buy? one that's been proven to softmod well, and i've seen tc/td cards for agp on various sites but finding a normal 128meg 6200 is hard as hell
There are several 6200 variations. From best to worst:

6200 (NV43 core, pre-A4 revision) w/128-bit memory, AGP or PCI-E, unlockable to 8 pipelines making it essentially a regular 6600
6200 (NV43 core, rev A4) w/128-bit memory, AGP or PCI-E, not unlockable at all
---- the versions below are not good for semi-modern gaming ----
6200 (NV43 core, pre-A4 revision) w/64-bit memory, AGP or PCI-E, unlockable to 8 pipelines, not very good for gaming even unlocked
6200 (NV43 core, rev A4) w/64-bit memory, AGP or PCI-E, not unlockable at all, not good for gaming
6200A (NV44A core) 64-bit memory, AGP w/no bridge chip, not unlockable at all, slow, not good for gaming
6200 TC (NV44 core) 64-bit memory, 32MB or 64MB, PCI-E, not unlockable at all, slower
6200 TC (NV44 core) 32-bit memory, 16MB, PCI-E, not unlockable at all, slowest

IMO, an unlocked NV43 core 6200 with 128-bit memory is very decent for gaming up to 1280x1024. An overclocked A4 NV43 core 6200 w/128-bit memory is still OK, around the same or better than a 9600XT. The NV43 cores overclock great and the 6 i've had all did at least 525MHz, unlocked or not.

edit: If you're a bit of a gambler, you can get a Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB here for $103.35 + around $8 shipping. If that's too much (keeping with the gambling theme), a refurb 6600 @ newegg is $90.60 shipped: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814121197R