Which 30" Monitor ?

Blah, I don't like your sig Pkirk:

"If you don't stand behind our troops, please, feel free to stand in front of them!! "

The phrase "support your troops" is the same thing as saying "support your government" because the troops don't make decisions, they take orders...from the govt. So your cute little catch phrase is basically saying "never question the chain of command no matter what kind of psycho gets to the top of it, just obey". Do you see how blatantly irresponsible and ridiculous posting that is? If people took your advice, we would probably still be fighting the Japanese and Germans...

Any slogan blatantly telling you "Do not use your brain under any circumstances" is probably a bad fucking idea.

Biggest moron post I've ever seen on [H].
Well, unfortunately Dell doesn't go by that system anywhere. In fact, most retailers don't. I'd be a bit careful about that assumption. Plenty of people receive things outside of the 21 days during weather and holidays. Something to watch out for...

Here Dell has 14 days from the day you receive it.

Is there hard evidence about the Ao2 revision like on digitalversus? Also is there a way to do a lag test on native resolution? Don't they always compare it to CRT which won't go that high? And if that's the case how did digital versus do the 3007?

Unfortunately theres were few answers to those questions...
They could have been testing at 1280x800 or the graphic card just scaled it to whatever they used. Assuming that 30" monitors with scalers haven't been running native and haven't had the graphic card do the scaling (fair assumption) then 30" with scalers have had an disadvantage.

I thought I'd have time for some test this weekend but I've been too busy :( Maybe next weekend I'll give it a try and compare the 3008WFP to a CRT with various resolutions and if possible native (don't know whether the graphic card can mirror an image and output in different resolutions).
There is a big difference between supporting the troops and supporting the mission!

If you don't agree with the mission you can protest against the politicians, but you should still support the troops.

Once again, the phrase means nothing other than "support your government". You didn't notice how that phrase just magically appeared all over the news outlets and random stickers everywhere all at once? It's called government created propaganda, are you people stupid? Propaganda happens in every war through history. Someone in an office in Washington did not create that propaganda because they actually care about troops, they created it to try and garner support for their PNAC adventure in Iraq. Bunch of PNAC Israeli's in Washington trying to claim if you don't support their wasteful use of US money and resources, you are somehow not "supporting the troops" making you un-American.

Anyone claiming that propaganda just magically stopped existing in the 21st century is just an idiot beyond help.
Oh wonderful,
No one claimed propaganda stopped. I can support the troops but not support the mission. I don't think we should be in Iraq but I'm not going to call our troops names or say their horrible people because they have to follow orders. That makes no sense.
Once again, the phrase means nothing other than "support your government". You didn't notice how that phrase just magically appeared all over the news outlets and random stickers everywhere all at once? It's called government created propaganda, are you people stupid? Propaganda happens in every war through history. Someone in an office in Washington did not create that propaganda because they actually care about troops, they created it to try and garner support for their PNAC adventure in Iraq. Bunch of PNAC Israeli's in Washington trying to claim if you don't support their wasteful use of US money and resources, you are somehow not "supporting the troops" making you un-American.

Anyone claiming that propaganda just magically stopped existing in the 21st century is just an idiot beyond help.
Okay, so supporting the troops is nothing more than government propaganda. Tell that to the families of our troops. You revealed enough about your paranoid conspiracy driven mind by blaming our military situation on "PNAC Israelis in Washington." You're the one beyond help. You belong on Alex Jones' Prison Planet website.
Okay, so supporting the troops is nothing more than government propaganda. Tell that to the families of our troops. You revealed enough about your paranoid conspiracy driven mind by blaming our miliotary situation on "PNAC Israelis in Washington." You're the one beyond help.

So the two Harvard professors that wrote a book about it that was top 10 best seller list are just hallucinating I guess?

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As an Amazon Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
You're relying on 2 Harvard professors to shape your political views? Enjoy your conspiracies!

Nope, I already knew the facts before the book even came out. When people from the highest levels of academia write a book stating things that are all things you already knew in the first place, it's a pretty good sign that your knowledge is equal to the reality of the world.

Whereas you are a nobody with no education and claim it is false. If a rodent says E doesn't = mc2, does it really matter? No, it just means rodents don't understand anything.
That input lag test is most likely done at a non-native resolution.
A poster here said "After reading numerous posts and reviews about both monitors...an image scaler naturally adds input lag, however the 3008wfp will add it even at native resolution (no pass through oddly). It is on the order of 45-60ms or 3 frames @ 60hz."

latest findings suggest that the A02 revision isn't as bad...
I'd be surprised (although happy) if the revision improved it, since it seems that would require a drastic design change. I wish Dell published release notes about what exactly was changed.
Here Dell has 14 days from the day you receive it.

"Dell Return Policy"

* You may return your refurbished system up to 21 days from the date of invoice, with the exception of refurbished servers and storage. Refurbished servers and storage products can be returned up to 30 days from the date of invoice.

For their regular non-outlet store:

21-Day Return Period for Certain Hardware and Software Products and Accessories: Unless you have a separate agreement with Dell, or except as provided below, all hardware, accessories, peripherals, parts, and media-based software that is unopened and still in its sealed package or, if delivered electronically, that has not been downloaded, may be returned within 21 days from the date on the packing slip or invoice for a credit or a refund of the purchase price paid, less shipping and handling and any applicable restocking fees.

The only country that Dell does 14 days on that I can see is Canada, and that is also from the invoice date. Course I'm not saying its impossible but I've never heard of it. Keep in mind Dell has lost millions in class actions over customer service - and part of one of the recent NJ suits (which Dell lost) was over the issue of returns based on invoice dates and holding packages hostage - specifically with laptops.

Don't confuse date of packaging slip with date of receipt. Dell uses fedex... if anyone had a package shipped by Fedex this winter they would know why it is important to distinguish those things.
Question: (may sound noobish) Is there a reason that alot of people buy 30" monitors despite their price being insane ($1500-$2500 CDN...new) when you could go and buy a 37-50" LCD tv for that price?
Is it b/c of input lag, resolutions, connection types, or other reasons? I ask cause i want a 30" monitor, but cant justify $1500-$2000 when i could get a TV for less?
Question: (may sound noobish) Is there a reason that alot of people buy 30" monitors despite their price being insane ($1500-$2500 CDN...new) when you could go and buy a 37-50" LCD tv for that price?
Is it b/c of input lag, resolutions, connection types, or other reasons? I ask cause i want a 30" monitor, but cant justify $1500-$2000 when i could get a TV for less?

One word: Resolution. 30" monitor = 2560x1600, any size LCD tv = 1920x1080.
I can't believe how many people don't understand the importance of resolution. I'm trying to sell a 20" LCD and people ask why it's more money than a 22" LCD. Uh...because your 22" widescreen actually has 1680x1050 where the 20" is 1600x1200. Notice you're chopping off some height.

That said, another advantage is if you're using the other DVI port for something else. I have been running 2 20" LCDs for quite a while, but now, I've reorganized and utilize the second port on my card for a projector occasionally for movies. and it's a pain to go under the desk and switch cables, and then deal with a bunch of flicker while it decides toget the right rez. I'd much rather work on one screen and have the secondary already connected.

And working with adobe lightroom has got to be a major plus on the 30".
Alson in the market for a 30". Would the type of input (DVI,HDMI,Displayport,VGA) Have any noticable effect on the amount of input lag? I have my eye on the 3008 :confused:
Lets get this thread back on track.

No more political banter (both sides).

I come here when I'm tired of reading/hearing it.
+1 to Hazro (doubleshot) uses dell 3007-hc panel

have 2 of them:p great monitors with no lag and backlight control
People seem to really love the Dell 3007WFP-HC.

How do the colors compare to the 3008 and from what I've seen in pictures the 3007 seems to use the least desk space at its base compared to other manufacturers like HP or Samsung.
Dell 3007 has less lag than 3008.

I'm trying to decide between NEC 30" and 26". Eizo SX3031W is too much for my taste, and not sure I want to spring for NEC 30" either. For various reasons, I don't like the other 30" panels available... either no OSD, or no RGB adjustments, no pivot, etc. It costs a lot to be picky... :( If I were to loosen up a bit, Dell 3007/3008 would be on my short list.

If NEC 30" had more than just DVI and some cheesy speakers, it would be a no-brainer for me.
Seriously though, where is the 3009wfp? You know the one that should have a scaler bypass at native resolution. ;)
Seriously though, where is the 3009wfp? You know the one that should have a scaler bypass at native resolution.

that brings up a question I have been pondering reading the [H] Display forum =
are there any 30" computer monitors confirmed that can BYPASS the scaler when gaming @ native resolution (2560x1600)?

I saw this get posted on the Looking to buy a 30" lcd thread ;
The scalar automatically deactivates when the monitor operates in its native mode so there's no scalar induced input lag at 2560x1600. At least that's how the Gateway 30" operates.

I went so far as to ask nearly this same question as I'm asking here in the other thread, so please don't get mad at me for "cross-posting". I just figured I'd bring it up here because trainee's last post seems to imply that there are no current 30-inch'ers out that allow you to bypass the scaler @ native rez (i.e. gateway XHD3000, dell 3008wfp, etc) at least that is how I interpreted his post.

thanks ya'all

that brings up a question I have been pondering reading the [H] Display forum =
are there any 30" computer monitors confirmed that can BYPASS the scaler when gaming @ native resolution (2560x1600)?

I saw this get posted on the Looking to buy a 30" lcd thread ;

I went so far as to ask nearly this same question as I'm asking here in the other thread, so please don't get mad at me for "cross-posting". I just figured I'd bring it up here because trainee's last post seems to imply that there are no current 30-inch'ers out that allow you to bypass the scaler @ native rez (i.e. gateway XHD3000, dell 3008wfp, etc) at least that is how I interpreted his post.

thanks ya'all

To be honest I'm still trying to wrap my head around this scaler issue.

I've had my Dell 2001FP monitor for about 4-5 years now and I've never noticed any lag. Issues. Maybe it's just with these 30" monitors.
no, it's not just 30" monitors that r affected - I saw this video on input lag which goes along with this part of The Dark Side of Overdrive article. it was informative, as myself - I've only owned CRTs, and never really understood the problem... I am looking to "upgrade" to a 30inch LCD, and have been having a tough time trying to decide on which one is the "right" one for me.
I think the thing you have to keep in mind also is that it is subjective to some degree. Obviously there are tens if not hundreds of thousands of people out there (including gamers) using LCDs with 'terrible input lag' who have never noticed any kind of problem.

The only real answer is to try one and, if you don't like it, return it. Either that, or buy one that has been rated at the lowest input lag and deal with any of the caveats of that monitor choice.

I think the best choice right now, as a gaming 30", would be a refurbed 3007WFP-HC from the Dell outlet store. $749, no scaler and a 3 year warranty with next day replacement. Can't really go wrong, IMO. If you want it for something more than gaming then it might not be the best choice.
HP LP 3065 uses LG panel no lag, ghosting, colors spot on with wider 102 gamut no bullshit
Didn't have to mess with return policy it was good to go out of box (vs Dell)
Used Heuy Patone for color adjustment
Play online games no problem, playing Fear 2 looks fantasic
One happy camper here
If your going with a 30" for computer use and are sensitive to input lag, get a 3007WFP, Apple 30", 3007WFP-HC or LP3065c.
EDIT: Because these panels have no scalar they have the some of the lowest input lag you can get on an LCD monitor.
Still waiting on a outlet discount code to jump on the 3007WFP-HC [waiting sucks]..
"Ao2 revision like on digitalversus"

What is the speculation on this revision? I went to the digitalversus website but didn't find anything.

Also, is the $1600 3008 WFP a price reduction, or sale price?