whic card gtx 580 or radeon 7870?

According to the much lower power consumption, I would take the HD7870.
The performance difference between this two cards is negligible (IMO)..
Only reasons to get a 7870 over a 580 would be for the newness factor or because your electric bill under oveclocked load is a real concern. The 580 will beat the 7870... particularly in any TITWIMTBP game like the batman games.

You would be much better off buying a well cared for, used 580 as the new ones are still in the $400+ range on Newegg.
you can find 580's for the same price as the 7870 or 20 dollars more. some reviews were saying there was a 10-15% performance increase with the 580, worth 20 bucks if you ask me.

ones refurbished

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127567 389

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130704 refurbished 379

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125364 389


http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102983 359

30 bucks i'd just get the better card when youre talking about making such a big purchase
7870 OC gets close to if not exceed the 580 in some circumstances, so at a specific $ amount, the 580 is a winner, however, IF the 7870 is lower cost AND you can get one with a nice cooler, go the 7870 and OC the beast it something they do real well and scale quite decently with the gain in clocks. They also do stay cooler and chew up quite a bit less power which is always a good thing :)
stock for stock they are virtually identical, however the 7870 is a better over clocker and also pulls about 120 less watts at full load. if you can get a 7870 cheaper then the 580 (which you can) id get the 7870

Like I stated, gets close to if not exceed once clocked up. Put it this way, an overclocked 7870 is on par with a 7950 which is slightly better all around then a 580. A mid range card matching or exceding a top range card ONLY 1 generation old does not happen often at least not in this way by undercutting its price by this amount.

Another review so you can see for yourself


Both clocked up, in MOST things, the 7870 just has more going for it. Being a new card, the likely hood is its performance will go up over time, where the 580 more then likely is as good as it is going to get(Nvidia is unlikely to canibilize thier 680 to make the 580 better via drivers) Then there is the overclocking headroom, my understanding is the vast majority of "retail" 7870 will hit 1120+ on the core and 1400+ memory quite easily, something that has alot of extra performance gain with little extra power or heat in the process, and pure spec performance wise http://www.gpureview.com/show_cards.php?card1=637&card2=677# is more then a match for a 580 after all specs/benchmarks are only one side of the story, always have been.
thanks for all the input. i am still not sure haha. theres a gtx 580 gigabyte model for 330 after $60 rebate. Or I could get a 7870 for 350 no rebate Asus model. I think the Asus cooler is better ahhh i dont know :(
if its 50 bucks less I would go GTX580, but 30-20 bucks go 7870. The extra ram will be nice, the dx11.1 will be nice, the eyefinity (if you so choose) will be nice and the overclocking will make you forget about the 580.
The best 7870 is the gigabyte triple fan model, the ASUS, Sapphire, or MSI twin fan models are all pretty much equivalent though from my understanding and little reviews I have read the ASUS DC II though an excellent cooler and great overclocking headroom is a bit noisier then the other dual fan models(though no near as bad as the XFX dual fan model)

So $390 for GTX 580 if rebate does not happen or $350 for 7870. I say 7870 :)
It's a tossup.

580 wins for raw performance (small difference though), physx, possibly better driver support.

7870 wins for lower power consumption and heat, a little cheaper if both new, more vram.

Both are excellent cards, you cannot go wrong either way.
It's a tossup.

580 wins for raw performance (small difference though), physx, possibly better driver support.

7870 wins for lower power consumption and heat, a little cheaper if both new, more vram.

Both are excellent cards, you cannot go wrong either way.

Well said, 7870 newer more likely to gain performance(based on drivers) runs cooler, uses quite a bit less power. 580 is a proven workhorse but is hungry and does shed heat :p
I would take the 7870 any day. From the reviews I have seen, it loses in some and it beats the gtx 580 in some, in some it is equal. So it being cheaper and cooler and having more headroom for overclocking makes it an easy choice.
Well said, 7870 newer more likely to gain performance(based on drivers) runs cooler, uses quite a bit less power. 580 is a proven workhorse but is hungry and does shed heat :p

Good point about the drivers. As the 7870 drivers mature performance will increase and that will narrow the gap between 7870 and 580. Perhaps the two will even match performance if AMD drivers improve enough in the future.
HD7870 should be priced at highest $299.99. At that price you are paying a fair price for what it is. Between the two the GTX580 is a proven performer and gets my pick.

If you want to keep your price down and get a better value I think you can enjoy similar performance from either a GTX560ti448 over clocked or a HD7850 over clocked. XFX Black Edition HD7850 is very nice and Newegg is selling them.
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It all depends on the games that you play. Some games play good with the 580 and some play good with the 7870. So what you have to do is look at some benchmark articles and see what games shine with which cards and the card the plays the games better that you play the most would be the one for you..
Unless you can get the GTX 580 <$300, I wouldn't consider it. Even then, I've never been a proponent of buying older tech just to save a few bucks. There's a lot of great 7870's with nice AIB coolers.
7870 because it saves 20-30 watts in IDLE and 115 in FULL LOAD. Then when gaming it runs 15 degrees COLDER in your CASE. (Which also equals more OVERCLOCKING HEADROOM than a 580GTX stock)

Only if your putting the 580 under water or adding cooling AND YOU don't care about the electric bill being higher each month, then go with the 580GTX IMHO.
or should i wait for a 670? cant make up my mind :)

You may be waiting a while, the 680 was originally going to be called a 670. As of now there isn't any information of what the 670 will be if/when it comes out how it will perform or its price most likely a 670 would compete with 78xx cards in both price and performance. But like I said you could be waiting 4+ months we dunno at this time
GTX uses 133W more. If you play 4 hours a day that's $100 more a year. Do price/performance on that.
GTX uses 133W more. If you play 4 hours a day that's $100 more a year. Do price/performance on that.
Wish I could like that post lol, its really an easy decision there is nothing favoring the nvidia side between the choices you've listed. Some will cry out bad drivers...those some are typically nvidia owners not ati, not everyone has driver issues so maybe its something else causing their problems I dunno. Second the drivers will only get better every time the 79xx drivers update ati is a few fps closer to beating the new 680