Whether or not to purchase...


Limp Gawd
Apr 25, 2002
a 9800 pro for my system.

I currently have a 2400+ running at 2ghz with 512 mb 3200 cosair xms. This is on a A7N8X dlx. The current video card is an ATI 9500 pro.

I'm wondering whether the purchase of a 9800 pro with my current system would be a smart decision. Do you think the bottleneck would be the cpu?

I mainly play CS:S and BF:V. I'd like to have better graphics without spending loads of cash on a mobo/cpu/ram/vid card combo. Any suggestions welcome.
I'd rather go with ATI. :cool:

I'm asking though, will I see a major improvement in the games I play? A big enough improvement to justify the purchase? I don't want to buy it if another piece of my hardware will become the bottleneck.
plinx0r said:
I'd rather go with ATI. :cool:

I'm asking though, will I see a major improvement in the games I play? A big enough improvement to justify the purchase? I don't want to buy it if another piece of my hardware will become the bottleneck.

You will se an improvement. Im just saying, I prefer ATI also, but if someone offered me the choice between a $200 Pro, and a $200 6600GT, Id go with the GT, it's just faster.

But yes, you will se an improvement, Especially with the AA and the AF.
How about doing a soft mod on that 9500pro? I thought you could DL some program which unlocks the extra pipes ect. turning it into a 9700. ????
just a thought :)
stryder2720 said:
How about doing a soft mod on that 9500pro? I thought you could DL some program which unlocks the extra pipes ect. turning it into a 9700. ????
just a thought :)

Hey ya thats true, I heard a 9500 pro could become a 9700pro, If so, do that, 9700Pro is an awseome card (technically, X800XTs are 9700pros ;) )
9800Pro is cheaper by at least 20-30 bucks, they only cost 159 now from newegg. But the 6600GT is worth the extra money. Either is a good uprade if you're not planning on doing anything else to the system. Extra memory would probably help too. I noticed a big difference on dx9 games with 1 gig of memory.
Yes you will notice a difference, and it would be worth the money IMO.

I agree though, go with a 6600GT. I have a 9800 Pro, and I get 6,400 in 3D Mark '03, and that's with a huge OC. Unoverclocked, a 6600GT should get an easy 7,500 on your system.

I'm an ATI fan boi to an extent.. but it makes more sense to go with what's better.