Where's the Power of Vista?

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Oct 6, 2004
Greetings. I wish to ensure I'm getting the maximum out of my Vista User Experience. I have Vista plugged into my monitor on one input, and XP on the other so I can easily toggle back and forth. I notice that the Vista interface is more colorful. Also, stuff is moved around a lot. What I'm having trouble locating however is the Power that I saw advertised. Please note that I have not purchased a lot of products yet that Unleash the power of Vista, so is my power still leashed? Please let me know, I can always spend more money. I did notice that Vista consumes 38% of 2gigs of RAM to simply sit there, however I was under the impression that I would be receiving the power, not the operating system. The Power Options under control panel was also of little use. If anyone knows how to Unleash the Power of Vista please let me know. Thanks.

This post required 819 megabytes of RAM. That's a lot of power to post some text.
Superfetch pwns j00

(And it makes all your apps start before you even double click the icon!)

Windows SuperFetch prioritizes the programs you're currently using ... and adapts to the way you work by tracking the programs you use most often and preloading these into memory.
I can paypal you one if you need it that bad.

It'll cost me more to get it out than it's worth sooo...

I'm just waiting for two things:

Someone to say "THE POWER IS IN MY SHORTS!!!" like I just did, or a Mod to soapbox-drop it because that's all this whole thing is... bleh
Oh this is no soapbox. I wanted to say "User Experience" and "Power of Vista" as much as possible. Those buzzwords are almost as good as "Synergy" and "Paradigm" from back in 1999. I'm currently enjoying the power if nVidia's 64-bit nForce drivers to exhibit the stability of a schizophrenic on heroin.

Having the current temperature is nice. XP wont do that built-in.
Well of course Vista takes more resources than XP. With Vista, control lies not in the user's hands, but Microsoft's. Everything you do is being triple-checked with Microsoft and its allies.

There may come a day when making a post like the OP will be prevented by the operating system...
Vista Uses more memory, Uses my HDDs more, and Higher CPU usage. In general, its slower at games by about 10%.

However the power for me is in the fact that it looks so smooth doing things, and the Aero Glass is really nice, that I enjoy accualy using my computer again. So there is the power for me.

I dual boot anyway so I can play games with XP and what not.
Well of course Vista takes more resources than XP. With Vista, control lies not in the user's hands, but Microsoft's. Everything you do is being triple-checked with Microsoft and its allies.

There may come a day when making a post like the OP will be prevented by the operating system...

*smacks "sarcasm detector" on the table* dang, that thing always breaks on me. Were you being serious?
This whole thread kind of makes me laugh, but this.....


well, that really made me laugh:D

I honestly can't understand why it is so difficult for people to just "use" Vista and not worry about what Vista is using... who gives a shit how much ram it's using? You have something else to use it for right now? XP didn't utilitize the resources it had, and therefore did not perform as smoothly as Vista does, at least for me. So there you go. The "Power of Vista" will be reflected on your energy bill, because it's actually using your hardware.
The power is in SP1 when MS will hash out many Vista issues and make it a good alternative to XP.
The power is in SP1 when MS will hash out many Vista issues and make it a good alternative to XP.
Why isn't it a good alternative now? Oh, right forgot, All you do is troll any Vista threads and bash it. You really should take your anti-MS feelings to the Linux forum. I hate to break you off some reality, but many of us are using Vista full tmie right now, without any issues. Vista is much more stable and ready than XP was at this stage of the game.
you are using an os. asking about its power is like asking about the power a foundation a nuclear power plant is built on. it doesnt make sense.
Joke threads belong in General Mayhem, not the on-topic forums.
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