Where to purchase "cube" MicroATX cases


Limp Gawd
Sep 24, 2003
Isn't there any generic $50 versions of these cases available yet? I'd like to throw my PC into one of these babies, but can't find one under $100. Please let me know! Thanks.
Godlovesaterrier said:
not going to happen

? Don't they make them? What's the point of having MicroATX boards if you can't purchase cube cases?
Gargoyle_Hunter said:
Antec has one... It's more of a SFF that meets M-ATX specs... check it out.

Hmmm... It even says "MicroATX Cube Case"

Really, oh I haven't seen that one, oh yes, I have. I don't want some $100+ dollar jewel, damnit, I'd take a black painted shoe box, I can't believe that they haven't made some cheap, generic MicroATX cubes yet. WTH,
T2Ryoku said:
Really, oh I haven't seen that one, oh yes, I have. I don't want some $100+ dollar jewel, damnit, I'd take a black painted shoe box, I can't believe that they haven't made some cheap, generic MicroATX cubes yet. WTH,

Make one! If you have the time, it would be a fun project. :p

good luck!
the reason they don't have readily available matx cube cases is because the market isn't really that lark. R&D would cost too much and sales wouldn't be all that hot. Really the only people buying the mATX mobo's are

b. enthusiasts/hobbyists/HTPCers

We don't really make up as big of a market share as you might think. Make your own would be the best bet, or commission someone to do it for you. We've got some really talented people onthe board, but nothing will run you only $50 ;P
When you say OEMs that pretty much means every customer oriented PC maker. In my experience it's pretty rare to work on an OEM system that isn't a m-atx FF but I think the reason that they don't make m-atx cubes is because there is little demand for them, I don't think Dell is going to ship an acrylic cube any time soon ;).
I think I might have seen one over at FrozenCPU though so check that out but I would say just make your own or get someone else more experienced to do it for you if you don't have the skills.

I thought there was one but perpare for sticker shock HERE! Now how about building your own. ;)
I actually build those ones on frozencpu, and there is very little market for small cases like that. I personally love them, but I don't think any sane person/company would every build them because of high development costs, and low sales. Also, many people are hesistant to go with small cases.
I have checked around for competition, and never have found a case that is a small cube that fits matx boards, I don't think any other ones exist. If you decide to build a case, feel free to PM me for help.
make one of course :D

theres gotta be a reason why you posted this thread in case modding... making one will be fun fun fun