where to buy xbox 360?

Stiler said:

That & this. a VERY reliable source.


Im pretty sure you didn't search good enough throughout the forum. There was a huge thread with people that got int on tuesday taht lived in Georgia. I will dig it up myself & post the link. Also all the threads that had direct links on tuesday that showed sites like Walmart, BB, etc with the system In Stock. There all sold out now most likly so keep yourself alert next tuesday.

I am not talking about the fact that second shipments have or are being shipped out. I have seen all of those articles long ago. I am talking about the assertion that they have arrived at stores yet. That would be great if you could find the Georgia thread because that would show that they have indeed arrived in some places already but there still is no PROOF that the shipments have arrived anywhere else.
hkhawk said:
I am not talking about the fact that second shipments have or are being shipped out. I have seen all of those articles long ago. I am talking about the assertion that they have arrived at stores yet. That would be great if you could find the Georgia thread because that would show that they have indeed arrived in some places already but there still is no PROOF that the shipments have arrived anywhere else.

Thats what alot of people are pissed about. I believe only a handful of states got a shipment or the it didn't get to the others as of yet. The states seem to be widespread as well. So I don't know whats going on with the rest of the shipments, Only thing I know is there holding back cus they have other launches coming up in the other country.

HA,HA,HA. The reliable sources still dont have any proof that the phantom "second shipments" exist. I need names and faces. :eek: :eek:
There is ample proof. Whether you chose to believe it or not is up to you.
magoo said:
HA,HA,HA. The reliable sources still dont have any proof that the phantom "second shipments" exist. I need names and faces. :eek: :eek:

I already provided a name and face that is irreproachable as far as I, and virtually everyone else on these boards is concerned, but you refuse to believe him. However, just to make sure you understand why I felt my earlier link proved that second shipments did come through let me quote you the most relevant part and explain why the person who posted it shouldn't need to provide further evidence....

Steve said:
We were able to walk right into our local BB and grab two consoles for the [H]ard|OCP test labs this weekend.

Normally a post like that wouldn't mean dick without a scan of a sales slip or something. However, in this case the post was made by STEVE, as in the guy who friggin runs this website. I, and virtually everyone else who comes to this site consider him to be as honest and forthright a person as you can find on the internet. He would not knowingly lie or mislead any of us here and if he does make a mistake in a statement he owns up to it as soon as he realizes his error. He, and this website, live and die by his reputation for honesty and so I take his word on this as gospel truth because he has repeatedly proven that he is trustworthy.

All this doesn't mean that the second shipment are large, or sufficient enough to meet pre-christmas demand, but I think it does prove that some of these shipments have already been received.
Yeah, he is the only guy who has gotten one since launch day that I actually believe. Where does he live though? I still find it hard to believe that it was a second shipment unless one of the BB trucks got stuck in the snow or something. If there were second shipments coming in on the weekend there would have been new 360's coming in everywhere around the country by now and that just hasn't hapenned.
Im sorry.....do I believe Steve the hard guy.....I believe he got an Xbox like he said. Please dont get me wrong....Im not calling anyone a liar......but all these web sites say is that product is coming in various shipments at various times.....I dont live in a big metro area, but I dont live on the moon either.....my area, about 7 hours from NYC has seen nothing since the first round. This in a 100 mile radius. We have a huge Walmart distribution center here....I have a couple friends that work there and they havent seen anything that resembles an xbox (unless they are double top secret sworn to secrecy,I believe them).

Im just curious as to where the product is, and why the distribution chain seems so patchy. This seems like the most obvious time to have product saturated. :confused:
Well, Maybe this will help. My order of my Second 360 (For my GF) has been shipped. I put this order in 1 day prior of the launch through fingerhut.


System + PGR 3

Cost me more in total, but only gotta pay $47 for it monthly :).

Where is fingerhut located????? didnt know they dealt with electronics???? :D
I live in Austin TX, and boy I still have not been able to get one. I call Walmart, Best Buy, Circut City, and Comp-Usa everyday. They all say they wont get any till after X-mas, then I tell them Microsoft said they are shipping X-boxes 360 weekly and they should be getting a couple a week, they respond "I have not heard anything". I will keep trying but does not look good :( . My wife and I where at walmart and I started playing the kiosk, my wife asked you really want one dont you, I responded yes, she said just ask the walmart lady to sell you that used one. I gave her a big hug and told her Im sure they wont sell me the demo but honey, I love you. Its great having a wife that understands your needs :) .
magoo said:
Where is fingerhut located????? didnt know they dealt with electronics???? :D

They've always dealth with electronics. Half the crap I have at home I purchased through them over a 6 year span lol. They do overcharge pretty well though, but that is expected with a service you pay monthly for. Gotta pay that middleman as well =). As for there location, Im not sure of. I think there a catalog/net only service. Don't think they actually have a store lol.

thanks, I was referring to their headquarters.....I figured they were a net company.

Im very much in line with martinje.....I havent heard or seen anything about retail availability. I broke down and got one from eBay, but got lucky and didny pay much more than that fingerhut deal, plus the guy threw in overnight. Yes it was a premium. :D :D
I'm also very skeptic here about NYC and State of gettin a shipment of Xbox's other than launch. Since launch i've been calling to various retaliers (BB, CC, CompUSA, even Costco and BJ's and walmarts) and they said they didn't receive anything since launch. I don't know anything about other mentioned state, but unless they are lieing there is nothing here
I love how the majority of people on [H] shat all over the Xbox 360 before it was launched, but now everyone is drooling on themselves in anticipation of actually finding one... :rolleyes:

But seriously, if you are trying to get one before the holidays, just be diligent and call your local stores (and perhaps some that aren't so local), and use the Xbox store stock locators that are popping up to assist in your quest for console greatness. ;)
Night Fox said:
I love how the majority of people on [H] shat all over the Xbox 360 before it was launched, but now everyone is drooling on themselves in anticipation of actually finding one... :rolleyes:

But seriously, if you are trying to get one before the holidays, just be diligent and call your local stores (and perhaps some that aren't so local), and use the Xbox store stock locators that are popping up to assist in your quest for console greatness. ;)

Im not going to start some pc vs. console thing here.....I love my SLI rig. I dont like consoles at all.....but I happen to have an 11 year old son who loves consoles. He is a straight A student, a pretty good football player, and all he wanted for christmas was a 360......its hard to argue with that.....since he hasnt had a new console since PS1.....he does play WOW and Guild Wars on the pc,too. :D :D
The only retailers saying they won't have systems for months are companies that took lots of preorders, like EB and Gamestop. And what those retailers are actually saying is that if you didn't preorder one already then you can reserve one now, but they don't expect to be able to fulfill your reservation until March because of all the preorders they have to fulfill first.
magoo said:
Im not going to start some pc vs. console thing here.....I love my SLI rig. I dont like consoles at all.....but I happen to have an 11 year old son who loves consoles. He is a straight A student, a pretty good football player, and all he wanted for christmas was a 360......its hard to argue with that.....since he hasnt had a new console since PS1.....he does play WOW and Guild Wars on the pc,too. :D :D

I certainly wasn't trying to single anyone out who had nothing but trash to talk about the Xbox 360, especially since there are only a few members that stick out in my head who so blatantly antogonize any pro-X360 threads...

..but that's a straight-up kick-ass thing to want to do for your son and I'm a big fan myself of the ol' positive reinforcement. ;)

Here's to your kid opening up that box on Christmas.
Thank you. I'm not a console hater or a trash talker. I just prefer pcs. My son on the other hand has magic hands with those damn controllers. :D
magoo said:
Id like you to take a look at your own post. go down the page to the real time 360 locator.
The only place that has one is eBay. 'nuff said.

Well I never said there are any on the shelves.. I simply linked you to major nelsons site who basically explains MS shipment procedure. It helps enlighten those who are in the dark, or who believe outrageous internet rumors, or what some stoned target employee told them.
DarkLegacy said:
Well, Maybe this will help. My order of my Second 360 (For my GF) has been shipped. I put this order in 1 day prior of the launch through fingerhut.

Cost me more in total, but only gotta pay $47 for it monthly :).


I bit... no GF this year = no Christmas presents for her and her family.

In Stock when I ordered it, put in the order, yadda yadda... 2 minutes later, I go to show my friend at work that they had them in stock.

Out of stock.

Its a bit more than I wanted to pay... For some reason, I was thinking the premium package was $499 retail... not $399... so $200 more... for PGR3... and a wireless adapter? Ouch... :(

I need to pick up a wide screen HD TV now... >.<
I can't prove it, but I saw a few systems at a local Wal-Mart the other day. Two Premium, one Core.

When I had to go back the next day to get something I had forgotten, they were gone. This is a rural town in Georgia we're talking about. Those of you who are skeptical of the second shipments probably just haven't seen them because they're still a hot item and sell quickly.

The follow-up shipments are happening, but they're small. Microsoft is trying to meet demand here and in Europe while preparing for the Japanese launch later this month. The logistics behind this launch have to be insanely frustrating for whoever is in charge of that aspect of the business.
I called my local BB and Walmart, and went to Target. They gave me the standard "oh noes not until April!!!1111!!!!"

Ugh why can't my damn EBGames.com preorder just ship?! :(