Where oh where is TeamFortress2 ?


Jan 19, 2002
I am shocked that almost one full year after HalfLife2 was released, we still have NOT seen anything about TeamFortress2 :(

I can not find the article, but Doug L from Valve stated that after HL2 was released, and out for a month or two then they would release little bit's of information regarding TeamFortress2 ? Well, all I hear about is DoD, and the expansion AfterCash, but nothing of TF2

So I am very disapointed in Valve, I would love to play a BetaField2 killer, and also would like CounterStrike2, not this CS:S crapp which is just the exact same 5year old frigging game with new graphics, lets make CS2 with new weapons, zoom+ ironsights, vehicles and bigger maps, and fix the head shot bullshit
Yeah I feel the same way....only good news is that there is a mod team (number 48,382 out of 372,407 mods under development) that is working on a mod called Fortress Forever...they are trying to make a source mod that is just like TFC was for HL 1.

I don't understand why Valve didn't push a little more on making at least a TFC source mod....
Valve may still win me over, if the expansion has CoOp mode built in, it seems like the game would be perfect for it, with the story about Alyx and Gordon travelling together ?
I think I still have my pre-order from, what... 1999? Wait, I would have if the company I ordered from didn't go bankrupt. What a pity :p
if you would go to their website, the Valve main one, and read the bios of the employees. You'd notice that under like 4 of them it says they are currently working on Team Fortress 2. They aer newer and updated bios I think.
You know, I gave up waiting on it and moved on. TFC was great, and I loved playing it back in 1999, but to have a game in development for what, 6 years, I don't think it'll ever happen.

My guess is the 4 people on the site that mention it in their bio are the only people working on the game at all, and for some reason I imagine that they're treated somewhat like Milton Waddams in Office Space.
Im sorry to break the bad news. Gabe mistook the removeable HD, with all the code for Team Fortress 2, as a hamburger and he wolfed it down before anyone could stop him.
Draax said:
Im sorry to break the bad news. Gabe mistook the removeable HD, with all the code for Team Fortress 2, as a hamburger and he wolfed it down before anyone could stop him.
GodSpeed said:
I think I still have my pre-order from, what... 1999? Wait, I would have if the company I ordered from didn't go bankrupt. What a pity :p

lol, yup, same boat
You seem to be pretty demanding. Why not be happy with the games you CAN play rather than brood over games that might never be. And why can't a 5 year old game be fun? The game you describe sound exactly like BF2 and nothing like CS...
2 things

1. I have been anticipating TF 2 for a long time, I am still looking foward to it, but I'm not really giving a crap anymore, it seems like it's not going to be here.

2. If you change CS to be what you described as CS2, it isn't CS anymore, it's BF or BF2. Y
2 things

1. I have been anticipating TF 2 for a long time, I am still looking foward to it, but I'm not really giving a crap anymore, it seems like it's not going to be here.

2. If you change CS to be what you described as CS2, it isn't CS anymore, it's BF or BF2. You may not like CS:S for what it is now, but there are many, many more who enjoy it such as myself, I don't want the weapons to change, I don't want vehicles. I want all the maps back, especially militia. I do want the random headshot deal fixed as well as the problem of accuracy seeming to be random when on certain surfaces. But I've been playing CS since it first came out, I have only seen it evolve into somthing that no other on-line game can touch, at least from statistics on CPL and so forth. If you want it with vehicles, and different weapons, play BF2.....
I have been waiting since June 18th 1998 which is the time it was supposed to come out. :( Some magazine had a HUGE article on it and at that point the game looked 90% done. Man Valve really should have just released it then.
Arkanian said:
... Some magazine had a HUGE article on it and at that point the game looked 90% done. Man Valve really should have just released it then.

Valve is not EA my friend. ;)