Where can I download the hacked drivers for my audigy card?


Feb 5, 2005
In the FAQ it states the following:

For some bizarre reason, Creative doesn't want to let their customers download drivers for their hardware, only updates. If you want to download the entire driver suite, you can download the latest version here. It is the Audigy 2 ZS driver install that has been hacked to support all Creative cards since the SoundBlaster Live!.

but the link in the FAQ doesnt work. I have an Audigy LS and I would love to install the drivers and control panel applications for it.

This is the glaring error in our (my) FAQ. Would somebody who cares about Audigy drivers more than I do care to come up with a reasonably static place for newbie-types to get hacked Audigy 4 drivers?
Used to be that I'd d/l the oem-packaged drivers from the Dell website, unzip the package - usually packed as a self-installing .exe - remove a specific .inf that made it only installable on Dell hardware, and it would be good for any SB Card out there.

More to follow if someone doesn't beat me to it first.
The forum at driverheaven.net has an audio section that has several options for the Creative cards. The latest is a set of hacked Audigy 4 Pro drivers and an ISO of a hacked Audigy 4 Pro cd that is set to be used for Audigy 2 and up. But they also link to sets that work for SBLive's and Audigy 1's (but they feature the Audigy 2 ZS drivers/software, apparently the Audigy 4 stuff won't work on Live/Audigy 1). These are official Creative drivers/software but patched by Japanese developers who also tweak it for audio improvements, and you can switch to the English install. It must be funky because I see that folks mention some of the GUI's still wind up with some Japanese in them!

Some of their links are only temporary so it's best to keep an eye out for updates there and download them as soon as possible. I do that. There's no telling when I'll want to tinker and try stuff.

Pretty cool stuff. They also host the official forum for the kXProject Drivers that are excellent if you don't need EAX support.
Is there a bittorrent for that Iso? Are we crossing/skirting some line by talking about this? I hope not. The fact that we're talking about it at all is a testament to how evil Creative is. Only a company with a captive market is willing to screw it's customers as a regular policy...