Where can I buy a cheap Aeron chair knock-off?


Limp Gawd
Dec 18, 2003
do they even make them? such a popular chair, i imagine someone has made a visually similar chair at a reasonable price.
Doesn't Staples carry it? I think they carry a knock-off, at least here in Canada. Check them out.
What's so special about an Aeron chair? I see everyone talking about them, and I have seen the price, but I haven't seen anyone say anything on why they are special. A 900 dollar chair? That's a lot of money for a chair. The pictures that I have seen though, it looks like it molds to your body, and looks extremely comfortable.

So pleae, tell me what is so special, is it supposed to ultra comfortable+1 or what?
my dad has one and the chair part owns. the only bad part is that it does not have any head rest
waffle man said:
What's so special about an Aeron chair? I see everyone talking about them, and I have seen the price, but I haven't seen anyone say anything on why they are special. A 900 dollar chair? That's a lot of money for a chair. The pictures that I have seen though, it looks like it molds to your body, and looks extremely comfortable.

So pleae, tell me what is so special, is it supposed to ultra comfortable+1 or what?

Supposedly they are.
I haven't tried one personally.

My thoughts are that they made a name for themselves when all the dotcom places had buckets of cash and were spending it on anything.
So everyone got their own $1000 chair. Now I think they are trading on the name.

I know we spend $800 - $1200 on our office chairs and none of them are herman miller.
These are the ones we get.
I've got one of the knockoffs from Officemax, I wouldn't spend that much on a desk chair now matter how good. That said, I for damn sure will pay the 100$ I spent on my knock off. It's the most comfortable thing I've ever sat in.
I had one (actually a whole bunch of them) of the first generation Aeron when I worked in a rental warehouse. Honestly, I'm not impressed.
waffle man said:
:eek: The comfortable factor that chair brings to my eyes is amazing. Is it as good as it looks?

Yeah they are nice, they have an ergonomic guy come out and measure your workspace, your dimensions (height, weight, arm length etc) and custom order each one.
My one issue with them is that the arm rests don't slide under my desk as i would like them to sometimes, since i have it as high up as i do.
But as that's the only bad thing, it's definately top shelf comfort.
Aside from being ergonomic, the mesh seating keeps you from sticky butt/back from sweating if you sit for a long time(especially nice if in a hot environment or if you are stuck wearing hot stuffy business clothes). The knock-offs have mesh too, but I don't think they are anywhere near as comfortable in my opinion.

The only problem I have with them, as mentioned before, is the lack of a headrest. But I guess they designed are productivity chairs so you shouldn't be leaning back and slacking off. (~_~)
Back in the day ('99 or so), my company bought Aeron's for the senior employees (we got a deal on a bunch of em). I hated the things. The mesh was really nice for ventilation, and they were very adjustable, but they have hard plastic frames, which constantly bit into the underside of my legs (and ankles when i wanted to sit on one foot, heh). I traded someone else for a $75 OfficeMax special and was 100x happier. Definitely try an Aeron if you can before you get one.

I also think they came in at least three sizes, so maybe they gave me a small one (they did say it was the biggest one), or they're just not good for big/tall people (6'2", 200+lbs)?

Oh, and beware of the cheapo mesh chairs, i ordered one from OfficeMax with a mesh back and bottom, and within 3 days, my 'tocks were resting on the bumpy metal plate underneath the bottom mesh. It had maybe 2" of space to start with, and the mesh sagged right onto it. Sent that one back, still looking for a replacement. =\
My dad also has one of these, I got to use it for a couple of weeks and found it's a decent chair but I expected more for as much as it costs. It's not really comfortable as something you want to sit down and relax in but it's does a good job of keeping you in a focused work posture without straining your back. The staples one has a similar feel to it but doesn't have to rotatable arms so it feels much more ridged. Anyone know a knock off that has the rotatable arms? This may sound dumb but that was my favorite feature of the chair.
first time I had one of these (real one, not a knockoff) I wasn't happy with it. I had it replaced with another chair, that was more "traditional" office type. At my next job I got one again, but this time, spent the time to get it fitted right. Once you're setup properly, they are VERY comfortable. My only problem was the mesh would wear a hole in my pants where my wallet was. I move around a lot so it was like putting dockers on a really find cheese grater.

If I could find one at a decent price, I'd get one for the house in a heartbeat. The only thing is to make sure that it has the forward tilt option. This made a HUGE difference for comfort when sitting at a desk for long periods of time.

just my $0.02

JeffS said:
first time I had one of these (real one, not a knockoff) I wasn't happy with it. I had it replaced with another chair, that was more "traditional" office type. At my next job I got one again, but this time, spent the time to get it fitted right. Once you're setup properly, they are VERY comfortable. My only problem was the mesh would wear a hole in my pants where my wallet was. I move around a lot so it was like putting dockers on a really find cheese grater.

If I could find one at a decent price, I'd get one for the house in a heartbeat. The only thing is to make sure that it has the forward tilt option. This made a HUGE difference for comfort when sitting at a desk for long periods of time.

just my $0.02


Agreed. I find the majority of people who complain the Aeron is uncomfortable never bothered to adjust it. I personally swear by mine.
had one at my old place, (grabbed it from a business that went under locally) man it was the best, I dont even remember what happened to it since I moved. If I really felt like dropping that much on a chair the HM would be it. But you have to take the time to set it up properly, you cant even test sit on it because unless its set for your specific needs, it will NOT be comfortable.