Where are the Samsung Eyefinity Monitors?

You are one misguided fellow. Let's make this easy as pie. Imagine you're sitting in your car. The front windshield is your center monitor. Now imagine looking out your driver's side window and passenger window. You see MORE scenery, right? You're not just stretching your front windshield view over to your sides, but you're actually seeing ADDITIONAL scenery that you cannot see just by looking out your front windshield. Get it?

Now imagine taping up your drivers side window and passenger side window with black trash bags. See how uncomfortable it gets driving with just your front windshield? This is how Eyefinity users feel when they return to just a single monitor.

See, easy as pie.

I am well aware what it does. The difference is gaming != driving a car. It might be for casual players who want to feel like they are there, but it is not for competition gamers.

Basically it works like this, I only care what is in my immediate crosshairs. Adding extra scenery on the side does nothing for me. I memorize maps, and I use sound to determine where enemies are. Misguided I am not, I simply play a different game then you do.
I am well aware what it does. The difference is gaming != driving a car. It might be for casual players who want to feel like they are there, but it is not for competition gamers.

Basically it works like this, I only care what is in my immediate crosshairs. Adding extra scenery on the side does nothing for me. I memorize maps, and I use sound to determine where enemies are. Misguided I am not, I simply play a different game then you do.

you are a very unique individual where peripheral vision doesn't aid you at all.
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I am well aware what it does. The difference is gaming != driving a car. It might be for casual players who want to feel like they are there, but it is not for competition gamers.

Basically it works like this, I only care what is in my immediate crosshairs. Adding extra scenery on the side does nothing for me. I memorize maps, and I use sound to determine where enemies are. Misguided I am not, I simply play a different game then you do.

Yea, you're right, there is no benefit at all to being able to SEE stuff off to your side when you can guess and think you hear something.
I am well aware what it does. The difference is gaming != driving a car. It might be for casual players who want to feel like they are there, but it is not for competition gamers.

Of course they're the same. Ask a competitive driver to black out his side windows. He won't. Ask a soldier at war to put blinders on limiting his peripheral view. He'll tell you to f off. Why is peripheral view a negative with gaming? You see more of the gameworld. You see targets or items you normally wouldn't see without furiously panning around like a madman. It's a definite advantage. You try telling these guys to limit their peripheral view so they'll be able to concentrate on their central viewpoint and they'll say you're nuts.

My calling you misguided stemmed from your responses to others. It seemed to indicate your lack of really knowing the point of Eyefinity. When someone brought up having access to a much wider gameworld with 3x as many pixels, your response was to deny it.

You really do actually see 3x as much gameworld as you're seeing now. You see your sides, you see so much more in front of you. Absolutely this presents an advantage in close quarter competitive gaming. I don't see how anyone can deny this.
How many people here actually run an Eyefinity setup? Cause frankly, as much as I hate to admit it, I regret making it. I should've waited for something like 5890/5990 instead... maybe then I'll be able run games at a solid 5760x1200 with 16xAA 8x SSAA with smooth as silk framerates. I'm going back to a single monitor.
I've used eyefinity and i really dont think it's for me, the 2 extra screens while being cool i dont think will aid my game. So not worth the extra money anyway just so you can see people coming at you from the sides. If i had the money to blow then i would, but im not going to save and get it.
I've used eyefinity and i really dont think it's for me, the 2 extra screens while being cool i dont think will aid my game. So not worth the extra money anyway just so you can see people coming at you from the sides. If i had the money to blow then i would, but im not going to save and get it.


The DP requirement also got me unsuspected. I have one monitor that uses HDMI and I thought I would've been able to use it. Spending 100 dollars for an adapter is absurd. If Eyefinity allowed Crossfire to bypass the DP hardware limitation, I would've just done that route (2x 5850s for 4x DVI outputs) but even that won't work. :(

I wish they would release the six DP 5870 2GB version already... I don't know why they didn't release it with the rest of the cards. I guess AMD knows it's a niche market.
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you are a very unique individual where peripheral vision doesn't aid you at all.

Afraid I am neither unique or special. You will find a ton of top tier comp players who are just like me.

Yea, you're right, there is no benefit at all to being able to SEE stuff off to your side when you can guess and think you hear something.

Clearly you have never heard of a thing called surround sound. In gaming you can equalize your sounds in such a way that you don't think you hear something, you know it. Sorry this is a case of if you don't compete at that level, then you simply have no idea what you are talking about.

Of course they're the same. Ask a competitive driver to black out his side windows. He won't. Ask a soldier at war to put blinders on limiting his peripheral view. He'll tell you to f off. Why is peripheral view a negative with gaming? You see more of the gameworld. You see targets or items you normally wouldn't see without furiously panning around like a madman. It's a definite advantage. You try telling these guys to limit their peripheral view so they'll be able to concentrate on their central viewpoint and they'll say you're nuts.

My calling you misguided stemmed from your responses to others. It seemed to indicate your lack of really knowing the point of Eyefinity. When someone brought up having access to a much wider gameworld with 3x as many pixels, your response was to deny it.

You really do actually see 3x as much gameworld as you're seeing now. You see your sides, you see so much more in front of you. Absolutely this presents an advantage in close quarter competitive gaming. I don't see how anyone can deny this.

Real world != gameplay. See my above comments on surround sound and utilizing it. Clearly that can't be applied in a RL environment. Apparently you failed to see the part where I mentioned I have used it and disabled it. From the looks of things, I am not the only one who has found it less then useful for gaming. If you think peripheral vision presents an advantage in comp gaming, then sorry but you know nothing about comp gaming. Ever wonder why some players seem to always know where you are and are popping you before you can react? I promise you it has nothing to do with their peripheral vision.

That all said, I didn't come in here to get into a debate with the casual gamers. I made a comment that I fail to see why people are dropping so much money on these setups for in most cases almost no difference vs a larger monitor.
Afraid I am neither unique or special. You will find a ton of top tier comp players who are just like me.

Clearly you have never heard of a thing called surround sound. In gaming you can equalize your sounds in such a way that you don't think you hear something, you know it. Sorry this is a case of if you don't compete at that level, then you simply have no idea what you are talking about.

Real world != gameplay. See my above comments on surround sound and utilizing it. Clearly that can't be applied in a RL environment. Apparently you failed to see the part where I mentioned I have used it and disabled it. From the looks of things, I am not the only one who has found it less then useful for gaming. If you think peripheral vision presents an advantage in comp gaming, then sorry but you know nothing about comp gaming. Ever wonder why some players seem to always know where you are and are popping you before you can react? I promise you it has nothing to do with their peripheral vision.

That all said, I didn't come in here to get into a debate with the casual gamers. I made a comment that I fail to see why people are dropping so much money on these setups for in most cases almost no difference vs a larger monitor.

Here's a newsflash for you guy. 99% of the gamers in the world HAVE REAL JOBS and play games for entertainment. Eyefinity INCREASES IMMERSION FOR ENTERTAINMENT. We dont give a flying fuck about competition. Personally, i can't wait until mass effect comes out in 2 weeks to play on my eyefinity setup.

In conclusion, have you tried eyefinity? Are you intentionally ignoring every argument? Or are you just trolling? Either way, why are you even in this thread if you don't want to use eyefinity?

Also, there is a VERY REAL DIFFERENCE between 3 monitors and 1 very large monitor, as has been stated by those of us who "dropped so much money" on our setups. When you get out into the real world and get a real job, you'll find dropping 1000 bucks on your gaming setup isn't that much money.
Here's a newsflash for you guy. 99% of the gamers in the world HAVE REAL JOBS and play games for entertainment. Eyefinity INCREASES IMMERSION FOR ENTERTAINMENT. We dont give a flying fuck about competition. Personally, i can't wait until mass effect comes out in 2 weeks to play on my eyefinity setup.

In conclusion, have you tried eyefinity? Are you intentionally ignoring every argument? Or are you just trolling? Either way, why are you even in this thread if you don't want to use eyefinity?

Also, there is a VERY REAL DIFFERENCE between 3 monitors and 1 very large monitor, as has been stated by those of us who "dropped so much money" on our setups. When you get out into the real world and get a real job, you'll find dropping 1000 bucks on your gaming setup isn't that much money.

Nice assumptions, I have likely been in the real job world far longer then you. Just because i have a job, a wife and a child does not mean I can't play competitively. There is a little thing called time management, perhaps you should look it up sometime.

If you had bothered to read, you would already know the answer to your question. Who is trolling now? Once again, I have had eyefinity side by side with my Samsung b630 (no I don't game on that regularly, that is just for amusement) side by side there is very little difference. sorry but your "Very real difference" simply is not there. Perhaps it is against your standard little 19" monitor, but beyond that sorry.

Last just because I have money, does not automatically mean I need to spend it on anything and everything. Perhaps when you get real responsibilities you will find that dropping $1000 on something that offers little tangible benefit is stupid. Also, just because you put it in caps (yelling) does not automatically make it true.
Here's a newsflash for you guy. 99% of the gamers in the world HAVE REAL JOBS and play games for entertainment. Eyefinity INCREASES IMMERSION FOR ENTERTAINMENT. We dont give a flying fuck about competition. Personally, i can't wait until mass effect comes out in 2 weeks to play on my eyefinity setup.

I think you two are talking about two different types of gaming. He is probably lowering resolution and eyecandy for the competitive edge. Immersion isn't the primary goal for competative players, but having an edge in the competition is the highest goal.

Top tier competition players are not that happy on using LCD's even, due to the lower refresh rate (and thus FPS).

Triplehead setups could be benificial for some competative players, due to the extra information. However, it require that the person has the skill make use of the extra information, otherwise, it would be a distraction and work against him/her.

This is guild wars, but works for CS - source as well.

cs - source:

For some competative gamers, having 3X more game content, could be an edge, since it eliminates many deadzone's. It could increase the reaction time and also spot positions better,but it could also decrease it if it distracts too much from center screen.

Dekoth is correct. If he cannot make use of the extra information, then it most likely would be a problem for him. It depends on his gaming style and skills to use the extra info.
That all said, I didn't come in here to get into a debate with the casual gamers. I made a comment that I fail to see why people are dropping so much money on these setups for in most cases almost no difference vs a larger monitor.

Competitive or not, I really don't think most who routinely post here in the Video Card segment of HardOCP can be classified as casual gamers. Casual gamers buy their cards at the local BB, don't even know what SLI is. I think we can all agree we take our gaming pretty seriously otherwise there'd be no interest in Eyefinity, SLI/Crossfire, or even interest in a video card remotely close to costing $400. There's that.

Your other comment about almost no difference vs a large monitor. Most Eyefinity users here seem to have "downgraded" from a much larger monitor. Some have migrated from high end, high pixel-density 30" to three smaller monitors. Myself, from a 40" 1080p down to three 23". Why? Because the experience is far superior to one larger monitor.
peripheral vision aids in reaction, there are some research reports floating around (I dont have the time currently to look them up) about reaction times being quicker with peripheral vision when trying to identify movement or quick color shifts.
the funny thing is... everyone is butting heads about opinion and preference?

why does it matter what you like or what i like or what they like... it doesn't - never has, never will... ill never try to change anyones mind... its a pointless exercise

i know ... what i like, in the past 3 years ive had monitors in sizes from 20" up to 30" - a 37" tv - a 720p and 1080p projector at 95" - resolutions from 1680x1050 clear up to 2560x1600

across all that ive tried video cards from the mundane to the insane

what i've settled on for pc gaming [since that is what this is all about] is my eyefinity setup of 3x dell 2007fp

so ive ran the gamut and found what i like...

you people who dont like eyefinity... find what you like and post a thread about it in the appropriate section

but why bash on people who use and like eyefinity? why does it matter if it's not for you...?

those of us who have and enjoy eyefinity certainly arent going to give it up ... trust me on that one :)
I love the way he tries to say i dont have any responsibilities. Sorry but i used caps for EMPHASIS not yelling. Mostly because bolding and italics dont just work with the shift key. But i gamed on a 30" dell monitor that cost more than my eyefinity setup so i kind of know what i'm talking about. The last time i owned a 19" monitor was back in 2001 and it was a CRT. Thanks for playing though. Also, tell your wife and kid i said hello while you competitively play your games while neglecting your family :)
I love the way he tries to say i dont have any responsibilities. Sorry but i used caps for EMPHASIS not yelling. Mostly because bolding and italics dont just work with the shift key. But i gamed on a 30" dell monitor that cost more than my eyefinity setup so i kind of know what i'm talking about. The last time i owned a 19" monitor was back in 2001 and it was a CRT. Thanks for playing though. Also, tell your wife and kid i said hello while you competitively play your games while neglecting your family :)

You started rolling out the insults first bud, and apparently you feel the need to continue doing so. Here is a clue since you don't seem to get it. Remember my little statement on time management? Apparently that is something you don't understand, as it is quite possible to game at a competitive level and not neglect personal responsibility. So since you are too lazy to use bold and Italics to properly emphasize your point, you resort to the lazy mans method of internet yelling to make your point? Oh gee that extra key to hit ctrl+ b or ctrl + I really hurt my hand there. You need to seriously grow up and quit hurling pitiful attempts at insults just because you feel you need to justify your purchase decisions.
You started rolling out the insults first bud, and apparently you feel the need to continue doing so. Here is a clue since you don't seem to get it. Remember my little statement on time management? Apparently that is something you don't understand, as it is quite possible to game at a competitive level and not neglect personal responsibility. So since you are too lazy to use bold and Italics to properly emphasize your point, you resort to the lazy mans method of internet yelling to make your point? Oh gee that extra key to hit ctrl+ b or ctrl + I really hurt my hand there. You need to seriously grow up and quit hurling pitiful attempts at insults just because you feel you need to justify your purchase decisions.

Heh, sounds like someone is taking things a bit too personally. But as this is turning into a flamewar and well, i dont feel like getting banned i'll drop it here. You are better than me because you have more than 24 hours in a day so that you can work, game competitively and spend time with your wife and kids all while still finding time to sleep. There are you happy now? Also, this thread is about where are the new samsung monitors not about is eyefinity something that you personally want to rag on.

Good day sir.
Does anyone know if or where the samsung monitors are on sale yet? I looked at the CES thing and it said they were already available through samsungs distributors but I hadn't seen them listed anywhere.

Any news?
I think they were full of b.s.

I've called and emailed Samsung C.S. and contacted several places about ordering and its not in anyones system and every person I talked too never heard of it.
Here's a newsflash for you guy. 99% of the gamers in the world HAVE REAL JOBS and play games for entertainment. Eyefinity INCREASES IMMERSION FOR ENTERTAINMENT. We dont give a flying fuck about competition. Personally, i can't wait until mass effect comes out in 2 weeks to play on my eyefinity setup.

Agreed. Fuck competitive gaming.

But you're fucked too. Mass Effect is vert-, as are all(?) other Unreal Engine 3 games. ME2 probably is too. If so, no eyefinity for you. In ME1 it was possible to change the FOV to make the game widescreen friendly, but that breaks all weapon zooms, dialoge, and cutscenes.
Agreed. Fuck competitive gaming.

But you're fucked too. Mass Effect is vert-, as are all(?) other Unreal Engine 3 games. ME2 probably is too. If so, no eyefinity for you. In ME1 it was possible to change the FOV to make the game widescreen friendly, but that breaks all weapon zooms, dialoge, and cutscenes.

Agreed. Fuck competitive gaming.

But you're fucked too. Mass Effect is vert-, as are all(?) other Unreal Engine 3 games. ME2 probably is too. If so, no eyefinity for you. In ME1 it was possible to change the FOV to make the game widescreen friendly, but that breaks all weapon zooms, dialoge, and cutscenes.

Unreal Engine 3 are vert- by default. Not all the games are vert- though (like Batman AA, which is hor+).

Well that's the best news I've heard all year. SupCom1 was also no go, so if the sequel is fixed that will be two huge games moving to EF support. Unless they once again only allow you to put UI elements on secondary screens.

[quote="Tamlin_WSGF, post: 1035214259"]Unreal Engine 3 are vert- by default. Not all the games are vert- though (like Batman AA, which is hor+).[/QUOTE]

Ah...I really should get AA on PC then.
Ah...I really should get AA on PC then.

AA looks great on Eyefinity.

Some of the above titles need work though. The ones that are supposedly supported by the developers have awful UI placement/sizing with three screens. (I'm looking at you Dawn of Ward & Dragon Age)

The only game that's really blown me away with Eyefinity options was Burnout Paradise. Out of the box 3-screen options in the graphics menu of the game. Several options about your 3 displays and the UI and how they relate. It's really the bar for other developers to reach with their titles, imo.
Good to hear. I would have been hella pissed if me2 wasn't compatible with my eyefinity. I installed borderlands last week because i was able to pick it up on the cheap and it doesn't work with eyefinity :( So it goes on the shelf for a little while.
what's this ruckus about borderlands not being eyefinity compatible?


that's my setup - borderlands at 3600x1600 - fov was the only change made, widened it out to 145 i believe...
I second the UI interface in Burnout. I don't even have Eyefinity but I did reinstall that game last night and noticed "Multiple Monitors" as an option. Basically shows a screen of what the game looks like over your choice of monitors and if you want to stick the HUD in the middle or the sides. Pretty nifty stuff. Not bad for a port either! :D
Do me a favor and try it in landscape mode? Also, could you direct me to the fov mod?

i already tried it in landscape / didnt like it one bit... these games werent made for such a wide aspect ratio and it shows no matter how wide you make the fov - the menus were off and you had to guess on making changes

all that goes away in portrait mode

as far as tweaks...

The only thing I need to know is: will Starcraft 2 support 3600x1920?

Given the low specs needed to run the beta, I figure one 5870 (or maybe even a 5850) should be be able to run it smoothly at that resolution.
The only thing I need to know is: will Starcraft 2 support 3600x1920?

I seriously doubt it, but you never know. They might limit the FOV (atleast in multiplayer), so you'll see more pixels, but less vertical detail.
The only thing I need to know is: will Starcraft 2 support 3600x1920?

Given the low specs needed to run the beta, I figure one 5870 (or maybe even a 5850) should be be able to run it smoothly at that resolution.

I don't know about eyefinity but it supports my oddball 2048x1152.
Samsung lost my money on this one but I'd still like to know what the heck happened to these monitors? Getting close to a year now and nothing is for sale yet. Glad I didn't wait.

"Mass production of these displays is expected in December 2009, with availability set for holiday season 2009."

What happened?
From the searching that I have done, it seems that Samsung has designated the MD230 as their "Eyefinity" monitors.
you can easily build one if u get right monitor. I bought 3 22" IPS monitors from korea(no name brand)
Opened it up and it had LG panel. All 4 side had only 1/8 metal bezel.
Need to fabricate box for circuitcards and mount.
Bought ergotron stand and plan to build box and mount in few weeks.
you can easily build one if u get right monitor. I bought 3 22" IPS monitors from korea(no name brand)
Opened it up and it had LG panel. All 4 side had only 1/8 metal bezel.
Need to fabricate box for circuitcards and mount.
Bought ergotron stand and plan to build box and mount in few weeks.

Interesting... My curriosity is piqued.

Keep us posted.

May I recommend that you write up a worklog with pics?
Im still waiting on ergotron stand and ran into problem upgrading current system.(5850 to 460sli) so didnt have time to work on it
Ill take picture of my monitor naked when i get back.
I was surprised how thin it was inside.