Where are the Samsung Eyefinity Monitors?

Where is a picture of the monitors at the aformentioned price point? Why would you announce the MD230 monitor setups and display a 6x30"? And these bezels may be 50% to 75% smaller than giant Samsung ToC bezels....but not dell/nec. Monitors at CES was a total let down this year.
Look at the picture above. They look like 16x9, not 16x10 like 30" LCDs. Also look at the keyboard for scale. Clearly NOT 30" displays in the picture.
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The MD230 will come in a 6 panel version for $3000 and a 3 panel version for $1899.

Where is a picture of the monitors at the aformentioned price point? Why would you announce the MD230 monitor setups and display a 6x30"? And these bezels may be 50% to 75% smaller than giant Samsung ToC bezels....but not dell/nec. Monitors at CES was a total let down this year.
the 3 panel version. Same as 6 minus the top row of displays is all...looks like the base may be smaller as well.

i wonder if there is a way to rotate them...into portrait mode..
so im still not understanding what the big deal is here, looks like three dell LCD's that typically have very thin bezels put together and using eyefinity or whatever its called......is there some sort of limitation that is inherent to the LCD panel design that makes it impossible to have a LCD panel without a frame at all? I mean, what am i missing here? Could one not cut the outside edge off their existing LCD monitor bezel and get three panels smack together?
so im still not understanding what the big deal is here, looks like three dell LCD's that typically have very thin bezels put together and using eyefinity or whatever its called......is there some sort of limitation that is inherent to the LCD panel design that makes it impossible to have a LCD panel without a frame at all? I mean, what am i missing here? Could one not cut the outside edge off their existing LCD monitor bezel and get three panels smack together?

You basically got two sheets of glass, the LCD matrix and the backpanel light. Then you have a ring of sheet metal holding them together. If you expose the metal edge directly ie no extra plastic frame a hit along the edge would easily crack or chip the panels. And we aren't even into the issue of mechanical support for the whole assembly that will need to survive the twisting/bending and what ever abuse it will get during transport.
Looks like crap. The bezels should be half that thick, then I might consider it.
Have you ever driven a racecar? Those darn A-pillars between the front windshield and the side windows sure look like crap. I refuse to race until they have a 360 degree bubble window. :rolleyes:

You guys are obviously missing the boat. If Kyle says it's awesome, I'd believe him...
it does look awesome - it does not look $1900 awesome...

a total of 1mm bezel between screens would be maybe worth it... but im sticking with my 2007fp's for now...

they are perfect and you really do get lost in the game despite the bezels - plus i love the 1600x1200 resolution...

i almost waited for these special displays from samsung - im overjoyed that i didnt
Have you ever driven a racecar? Those darn A-pillars between the front windshield and the side windows sure look like crap. I refuse to race until they have a 360 degree bubble window. :rolleyes:

You guys are obviously missing the boat. If Kyle says it's awesome, I'd believe him...

That only applies to racing games though and what would your excuse be for people who want 6 screens?

It's getting there but needs to progress further. The bezels in those pics don't look that thin to me. Need some hard numbers.
Why do they even need a bezel at the sides anyway? Surely if theyre selling 3 monitor setups they could be made in a way that the bezel is not needed? Or how about having a transparant bezel with the lcd screen underneath it so it protects the screen, maintains the rigidity but has the appearence of having no bezel?

I dunno why that doesn't seem to be an option, is there some rule saying the bezel has to be opaque and black? Extending the screen right to the edge and using a transparant bezel id imagine should work ok?
so im still not understanding what the big deal is here, looks like three dell LCD's that typically have very thin bezels put together and using eyefinity or whatever its called......is there some sort of limitation that is inherent to the LCD panel design that makes it impossible to have a LCD panel without a frame at all? I mean, what am i missing here? Could one not cut the outside edge off their existing LCD monitor bezel and get three panels smack together?
Why do they even need a bezel at the sides anyway? Surely if theyre selling 3 monitor setups they could be made in a way that the bezel is not needed? Or how about having a transparant bezel with the lcd screen underneath it so it protects the screen, maintains the rigidity but has the appearence of having no bezel?
LCD screens feed from the side with exceedingly fragile cables, and the panels themselves are not exactly strong. Panel makers distribute them with thin steel casing included as the structure of the monitor. On top of that, manufacturers add a sizeable thermoplastic case to make it look nice, include the buttons, and prevent any cuts from exposed metal. Samsung chose to just make this plastic case smaller than normal. One can, however, remove it entirely.
Why do so many people shit on the bezels? I'm running 3 samsung 2343s and the bezel really isnt a fucking issue. IS it that people have never tried it and thus just want to hate on those who have it. Seriously, if all you are going to do is threadshit, why even bother?
that's the biggest thing about it - once you actually try eyefinity you realize how much having an inch or so of bezel in there dosent even remotely matter

my 2007's are a couple years old and they have your standard dell bezel / in not one game have i said - hmm, now only if this were half this size...

now zero bezel... that is a big deal - one wide sweeping display with an uber resolution of 5760x1200 ... yea id buy that for $1900 :)

but just thinner bezels is in no way worth any amount over the panels currently available

my setup cost less than 1 of the new samsung displays - and offers more vertical resolution to boot - im also running s-ips panels...
that's the biggest thing about it - once you actually try eyefinity you realize how much having an inch or so of bezel in there dosent even remotely matter

my 2007's are a couple years old and they have your standard dell bezel / in not one game have i said - hmm, now only if this were half this size...

now zero bezel... that is a big deal - one wide sweeping display with an uber resolution of 5760x1200 ... yea id buy that for $1900 :)

but just thinner bezels is in no way worth any amount over the panels currently available

my setup cost less than 1 of the new samsung displays - and offers more vertical resolution to boot - im also running s-ips panels...

Right on. People are soooo hung up on bezels based on screenshots. Think about it people: On an Eyefinity setup, the middle screen is showing exactly what you're seeing now on your single screen setup. The left and right only ADD to your experience, something you're not seeing now. What's the big deal with the bezels? You're not losing one bit of visual information from your single screen setup, only adding significantly to it visually.

I'd welcome thin bezels as much as the next guy, but not at a huge premium in price. I'd more than deal with a half inch more bezel and keep the chunk of cash - Eyefinity still trumps one large 16:9 display.
Why do so many people shit on the bezels? I'm running 3 samsung 2343s and the bezel really isnt a fucking issue. IS it that people have never tried it and thus just want to hate on those who have it. Seriously, if all you are going to do is threadshit, why even bother?

They're staring at the screenshots and saying OMG, OMG, bezels! They probably don't understand two things mostly because they've never experienced it first hand:

1) When in motion, the bezels melt away. The human brain does a remarkable job of blending coordinated movement, even with bezels splitting the image. Think about driving in a car with the A-pillar splitting your view. You're not *fixated* on the A-pillar.

2) Their single monitor setup shows the same content as the middle screen in an Eyefinity setup so the left and right screens only add to their visual experience. The bezels don't take away any visual info. The additional monitors add tremendously to the gaming experience.
My ONLY complaint with my eyefinity setup is that i went from a single 30" to 3 23" monitors. But buying 2 more 30s wasn't in the budget.
Fuck the Samsung monitors, they are nothing special. To replace my three Dell 2709W's, I will wait for this tech to get into PC displays.

Imagine 3 of these in EYEFINITY :eek: Now this is no bezels, or very little of them.

Dude, you are starting to sound like PS3 and SonDa5

How so ? because I like cool technology ? Sure my three 27" Dell's are really nice in EYEFINITy, not complaining one bit, just saying if I were to upgrade again it would have to be something really crazy and new, and there is nothing at this moment, except something like that LG T.V. tech.
Fuck the Samsung monitors, they are nothing special. To replace my three Dell 2709W's, I will wait for this tech to get into PC displays.

Imagine 3 of these in EYEFINITY :eek: Now this is no bezels, or very little of them.

That's a nice conceptual image but me thinks this will only show up in OLED displays, meaning hold on to what you've got for another five years.
That only applies to racing games though and what would your excuse be for people who want 6 screens?

It's getting there but needs to progress further. The bezels in those pics don't look that thin to me. Need some hard numbers.

Have you ever flown a Tie Fighter... :p
I'd like it see more eyefinity setups using projectors. If you get it aligned properly, in a properly setup room, I can only image how gorgeous it would look. You'd need one hell of a wall though lol

can you run movies through these setups? Will it stretch across multiple displays?
can you run movies through these setups? Will it stretch across multiple displays?

I imagine it would just stretch the picture.. it can't produce content that is not there, meaning a wider view then what its filmed at.
I imagine it would just stretch the picture.. it can't produce content that is not there, meaning a wider view then what its filmed at.

yeah, I know that. I guess what I'm getting at is it would be neat for ATI and/or Nvidia getting behind a studio to make a super high resolution special edition of movies that can play across 6-9 displays @ 1080p each :)

TV's and monitors are kind of limited due to the bezels and such... but this paired with some projectors would be the ultimate home theatre setup (albiet, pretty expensive)
I imagine it would just stretch the picture.. it can't produce content that is not there, meaning a wider view then what its filmed at.

Well the thing is that most movies are actually filmed at 2.35:1 which is slightly wider than the 16:9 HDTV 1080p standard. I would think that 3x monitors in Eyefinity portrait might be closer to that ratio than just a single 16:9.

Well let's take 3x 1080p monitors for example.1920x1080 in portrait = 3240x1920 = 1.69:1 ratio.

If you take those 3 monitors in landscape, you get 5760x1080 = 5.33:1 ratio. This would appear way too skinny.

Ok what if we use 3x 1920x1200 monitors? In portrait = 3600x1920 = 1.875 ratio. This is even closer to 2.35.

In landscape? 5760x1200 = 4.8 ratio. Still too stretched out.

Now what if you have a 5x portrait setup??
5x 1080p monitors = 5400x1920 = 2.81 ratio.
5x 1200p monitors = 6000x1920 = 3.125 ratio.

It looks like 5x 1080p portrait has the closest ratio to filming standard. You'd still have some unused space though since 2.81 > 2.35.
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Anamorphic widescreen cinema (2.35:1) is actually closest to 1920x1200 3x2L, though 1080p 5x1P is pretty close.
games... where you are focusing on an uninterrupted part of the center display make sense - the side monitors provide your peripheral view

movies... where action tends to happen all over would be pointless on an eyefinity setup...

i have a 37" 1080p tv, a 95" 720p projector, and and eyefinity setup

with pc games there's no question - its all about eyefinity... with 360 ps3 and wii games, its all about the tv... and with movies... the projector is king

but movies on the eyefinity setup? no, when you're not in control and just sitting back watching - the bezels grow instead of blending in...

basically gaming on eyefinity adds so much... movies or tv takes so much away...

if you want comparison pics from all 3 let me know... ill show you each setup with the same content and you can make the call for yourselves
I am amazed at the amounts of money people are talking about spending for an eyefinity setup. I fail to see why you wouldn't just take the same amount of money and buy a single larger monitor, in most cases the cost difference is almost nil.
I am amazed at the amounts of money people are talking about spending for an eyefinity setup. I fail to see why you wouldn't just take the same amount of money and buy a single larger monitor, in most cases the cost difference is almost nil.

Because they dont make a monitor that is the size of 3 23" monitors landscaped. I HAD a 30" monitor until i switched to eyefinity. And correct me if i'm wrong here, but 30" is the largest pc monitor the public can get.

As far as movies, who cares, thats why my 67" samsung dlp is for :)
Because they dont make a monitor that is the size of 3 23" monitors landscaped. I HAD a 30" monitor until i switched to eyefinity. And correct me if i'm wrong here, but 30" is the largest pc monitor the public can get.

As far as movies, who cares, thats why my 67" samsung dlp is for :)

Any LCD with DVI/HDMI inputs supports PC and operates just fine as a monitor. I would far rather have a larger single screen then multiple monitors any day. I used multi monitor setups for years, and frankly when it comes to gaming that bezel is nothing more then a constant irritation.
Any LCD with DVI/HDMI inputs supports PC and operates just fine as a monitor. I would far rather have a larger single screen then multiple monitors any day. I used multi monitor setups for years, and frankly when it comes to gaming that bezel is nothing more then a constant irritation.

I dont really include a 42" 1080p TV as a monitor. Sitting that close to pixels that huge would just piss me off.
But sitting that close to 3 monitors attempting to replicate the same thing is somehow better? :confused:

But they are not. They are producing 3 times as many pixels in an aspect ratio that is only possible with 3 widescreen monitors in a line.
But they are not. They are producing 3 times as many pixels in an aspect ratio that is only possible with 3 widescreen monitors in a line.

Not quite 3 times as many, more yes but not anywhere near that much. Eyefinity adds more to the picture but it is not multiplicative. Nor does it add any advantage in gaming. I was more then a little disappointed that no competition players showed up at the eyefinity event, so it instead turned into nothing more then a bunch of people oohing and ahhing over nothing really special. To each their own I suppose, if people like it fantastic. I guess I am just getting a little sick of all the exaggerated hype about it.
Not quite 3 times as many, more yes but not anywhere near that much. Eyefinity adds more to the picture but it is not multiplicative. Nor does it add any advantage in gaming. I was more then a little disappointed that no competition players showed up at the eyefinity event, so it instead turned into nothing more then a bunch of people oohing and ahhing over nothing really special. To each their own I suppose, if people like it fantastic. I guess I am just getting a little sick of all the exaggerated hype about it.

I honestly hear about as much if not more(uninformed?) disdain over it as much as the hype.
Imo, it's a legitimate increase (for games at least) in immersion factor,to warrant the amount of interest that's left after eliminating the excessive hype and ignorance towards it.
I am amazed at the amounts of money people are talking about spending for an eyefinity setup. I fail to see why you wouldn't just take the same amount of money and buy a single larger monitor, in most cases the cost difference is almost nil.

Ummmm... no?

My previous desktop monitor was a nice 40" Sharp 1080p. Perfectly calibrated to my taste and an awesome gaming rig. Yes, the pixels were HUGE but the immersion was there.

I dipped my toe into the Eyefinity ring by purchasing three 23" Samsung 2343BWX thinking it might provide marginal improvement in immersion, less vertical view but a much wider view which I wanted.

The result? I'd *never* go back to my 40" single screen. And yes, I've bounced back and forth to see if I could tolerate the one large screen. Nope. The difference in gaming immersion is so much greater with the three smaller screens compared to the one nice large screen.

Unless you've plopped yourself in front of an Eyefinity setup, it's hard to describe the effect. I could never go back to a single large screen, even one as large as my previous 40" because it felt *claustrophobic*.

I don't think you understand the point of Eyefinity. The center monitor shows the same image as your one screen monitor. The left and right monitors show *additional* information that you do not see with your single monitor. It doesn't just stretch the center image left and right. It *adds* to the image.
Not quite 3 times as many, more yes but not anywhere near that much. Eyefinity adds more to the picture but it is not multiplicative. Nor does it add any advantage in gaming. I was more then a little disappointed that no competition players showed up at the eyefinity event, so it instead turned into nothing more then a bunch of people oohing and ahhing over nothing really special. To each their own I suppose, if people like it fantastic. I guess I am just getting a little sick of all the exaggerated hype about it.

Your math doesn't add up. My previous monitor, a large 40" 1080p, has a resolution of 1920x1080, adding up to 2.07 megapixels. My current setup, three 23" Samsung 2343BWX has a combined Eyefinity resolution of 6144x1152, adding up to a total of 7.07 megapixels. This is 3.4x MORE pixels than my previous setup. If I purchased three 1080p panels as opposed to the higher end Samsungs, I'd see exactly 3x as many pixels. Not sure how you're coming up with this "not anywhere near that much" statement.

Do you even understand what Eyefinity does? It creates a single large desktop that's exactly 3x the resolution of a single monitor. It ADDS visual information you normally don't see on a single monitor. It doesn't just stretch the center image among all three monitors.
But sitting that close to 3 monitors attempting to replicate the same thing is somehow better? :confused:

You are one misguided fellow. Let's make this easy as pie. Imagine you're sitting in your car. The front windshield is your center monitor. Now imagine looking out your driver's side window and passenger window. You see MORE scenery, right? You're not just stretching your front windshield view over to your sides, but you're actually seeing ADDITIONAL scenery that you cannot see just by looking out your front windshield. Get it?

Now imagine taping up your drivers side window and passenger side window with black trash bags. See how uncomfortable it gets driving with just your front windshield? This is how Eyefinity users feel when they return to just a single monitor.

See, easy as pie.