Where are the gaming LCD's?


Limp Gawd
Jul 15, 2005
So I sold off my Playstation 3 (Honestly, I don't even know why I even wasted the time to buy it in the first place) and made $400.00 off of it. So that leaves me with $400-450.00 to spend, so I figured I'd upgrade to a nice widescreen 24". Paired with my 4870, I love it... but bigger is nice as well.

I have a Viewsonic VX2025WM currently (20.1) and although I'd love to go from it to a 24", I haven't found anything decent in my price range to replace it. All the ones I do see are TN panels, where my viewsonic is a P-MVA panel, and it does a nice job. It also doesn't bleed to the point where it's noticeable.

Another downside is I only have access to Bestbuy, Circuitcity and Microcenter, I refuse to buy a monitor off newegg, due to their return policy.

I'm mainly getting this for gaming (FPS, RTS, Fighters, Mame, MMO/RPG) as well as browsing, web design and office stuff. I don't do photshop (I'm a network guy, I can't be bothered to learn it) nor do I move my monitor, it stays in one position. That said, if I have to go TN, at least I shouldn't see much of an issue.... right?

I did see the Acer P241WBD locally, seemed decent, but wasn't able to game on it or use a different input other than the vga. It's one of those things where I'd love to upgrade, nothing less than 24, or its a moot point. As well I really don't have to, 20" is still plenty decent.

Lost and confused ;(
this is what i have. take a look at the dell sp2208wfp. top rated from cnet. 2ms the color and the glossy screen kick ass. You can get a cheap one at costco.com.
this is what i have. take a look at the dell sp2208wfp. top rated from cnet. 2ms the color and the glossy screen kick ass. You can get a cheap one at costco.com.

Perhaps, but it's a 22 inch, and I'm not going to waste $300.00 to move to a 22 inch, from a 20 inch. Thanks for the assist though.
What are you looking for specifically? I'm sure low lag is a given but what about connections (HDMI, Component, S-Video, Composite)?

Screen size? Type of screen coating (Anti-Glare/Matte, Glossy)? For $450 you can buy yourself a nice 24" BenQ, HP, LG screen. Those are TN and going from TN --> MVA/ISP you're looking at the least $100 more.
For gaming, you'll want a TN panel for sure. Check out the BenQ V2400 (IIRC the model number) on newegg.
What are you looking for specifically? I'm sure low lag is a given but what about connections (HDMI, Component, S-Video, Composite)?

Screen size? Type of screen coating (Anti-Glare/Matte, Glossy)? For $450 you can buy yourself a nice 24" BenQ, HP, LG screen. Those are TN and going from TN --> MVA/ISP you're looking at the least $100 more.

Basically, I'm looking for a 24 inch monitor, prolly want to stay aware from glossy. Yah, I can't see going from a MVA to a TN if there are going to be serious issues. Though I'd love to avoid input lag, so if it's not a huge jump, then I'm all for it. DVI is a must, don't care about the rest. If I wanna watch HDCP content I'll do so on the big screen ;)
For gaming, you'll want a TN panel for sure. Check out the BenQ V2400 (IIRC the model number) on newegg.

Not really. Modern *VA and IPS panels with overdrive are about equally fast as fast TNs, despite having lower "measured" response time. (6ms 20WGX2 with IPS panel is still one of the fastest gaming monitors). Problem is finding one with decent input lag (panel technology means very little here aswell, its how overdrives and such are implemented, there are both laggy TNs and fast 'VAs and IPSs) and standard gamut if possible.
Not really. Modern *VA and IPS panels with overdrive are about equally fast as fast TNs, despite having lower "measured" response time. (6ms 20WGX2 with IPS panel is still one of the fastest gaming monitors). Problem is finding one with decent input lag (panel technology means very little here aswell, its how overdrives and such are implemented, there are both laggy TNs and fast 'VAs and IPSs) and standard gamut if possible.

And hence my issues. The Vx2025WM was right behind the 20WGX2 in performance, it's been a pain to replace this thing. I hope it doens't die anytime soon....... /knock on wood (it is wood, right?)
To the OP:

$400 - $500 will only get you a TN panel monitor and hardly any brick and mortor store carry VA and IPS panels with the exception of Apple monitors. There's an inexpensive S-PVA 24" Westinghouse, but they are not known for high quality and I don't think there is a DVI-D port.

24" MVA / PVA LCD monitors generally start at about $600.
You can get a Benq FP241VW for $450 after thankyou10 coupon.

The HP IPS starts at around $620ish :)
If by somehow you can save up an extra $100 you can buy yourself the Westinghouse "37 MVA screen. It's going for $540-599 online and when it works it's a great screen for gaming plus it has a ton of connections but they're only great when they work.

After you can probably buy a warranty from Squaretrade so if anything happens you may not have to deal with Westinghouse bad customer service.