when will i7 prices start to drop?


Limp Gawd
Apr 26, 2001
I'm on a very tight budget and I'm looking to upgrade to i7 after making the decision to go for it instead of settling for a C2 build.

is there a specific time when the i7 cpus will drop in price?

I'm slowly saving more money and I think I'll be able to hold out till the summer at least, so I don't really mind waiting. It's nice to know nonetheless.
I thought it already had,memory is down substantially, the P6t is a great cheap mobo and the CPU is a lot cheaper than when I got mine
Microcenter had em for 229, not sure if that's still running, but I think it is. If you have one in your area, i'd recommend going that route.
Microcenter is still at $230 (as of Sunday anyways...).

P6T is on sale for 24 hours today at Newegg with the code EMCLPMV49.
No announcedd price cuts on the CPU; because x58 is the new premium chipset prices won't drop much from what they're at now and the DDR3 has fallen a lot already in the last few months and probably won't drop quickly again.
i7 920 on sale for $229 for the last month.
RAM falling like crazy now.
mobo's not really going down yet but there are good sales now and lower end boards on the market for less money.
i don't see the X58 mobo going down much, these are suppose to be the high end units, just as the X48 before it, the low cost mobo won't come out till intel releases the budget and mid range chipsets

as for the ram, it is falling so quick i'm actually considering a second set of ram just for the hell of it
If no has already noticed, Amazon.com (which I shop just as often as Newegg) has the OCZ 1600 Platinum 6GB memory kit for $119.99 plus a MIR of $50 (making it $69.99 after the MIR). To me that's a heck of a deal. If I could do two rebates, I would have ordered two kits...but no, only one rebate per househole per product per one time... Not only that, they also have the XMP 1600 kit for $133.99 plus a $60 MIR! Time to pull some triggers, guys.
holy crap $70 for 6gb ddr3. i paid more than 200 for mine :mad: . guess the price drop is $140+
I decided to hold off on my re-X58 build until after my next laptop gets in. So I traded the $50aMIR 6GB of DDR3 for a $200 KVM. :D which reminds me, I REALLY need to mail that rebate in.
paid $80 at fry's for 3 gb of 1333

paid almost 300 for the first set of corsair dominator 6b 1600 mhz, paid 208 for the second set....fmylife
I'm on a very tight budget and I'm looking to upgrade to i7 after making the decision to go for it instead of settling for a C2 build.

is there a specific time when the i7 cpus will drop in price?

I'm slowly saving more money and I think I'll be able to hold out till the summer at least, so I don't really mind waiting. It's nice to know nonetheless.

when will i7 prices start to drop?

answer = when AMD finaly release a cpu thats on par with the i7 in every way and is cheaper in price OR if AMD release a cpu that is better and faster then a i7.

untill then intel have no reason to put prices down.
i7 920 price is great. It's the motherboards and some of the memory that is killing us still.
Motherboards are the problem for people and their budgets. CPU and Memory are fine prices right now.

Maybe I've just grown used to paying 200 bucks if I want a badass mobo, but to be honest, the "budget" X58 boards just don't seem to bother me at all.
I am about to buy my i7 parts and couldnt be more happy with the prices, i am glad i waited. i paid 144$ for DDR2 2x1 GB sticks in 2006, so the way i look at it now, is that i have no room to complain or others for that matter. If you are on a budget then i suggest you look into the Ud3 Gigabyte MB and MSI boards that are about 170$ AR.

Will finally replace aging 6000+ and build my first intel system, and probably wont upgrade for another 3 years :)
Wait for i5. i7 is suppose to be high end so they'll take their time discounting it.
Wait for i5. i7 is suppose to be high end so they'll take their time discounting it.

Why wait for i5? You might as well buy a Core 2 Quad Yorky today, the performance will be pretty much the same. i5 is the lower end Nehelam, and Nehelam is only made faster then Core 2 Quad by the very things that make i7 faster then i5, 3 channels of memory and QPI. If your going to give up those 2 details anyway, why wait? That level of performance is already available today and very cheaply so.
Wait for i5. i7 is suppose to be high end so they'll take their time discounting it.

Wow thought theres only i7 haha, looks like I will be waiting then :D. Still using a core 2 duo e4300 here :eek:.. do you happen to know ETA? Oh and I agree that the price of i7 and ddr3 is reasonable, its just the motherboards.. they need to release some cheaper priced motherboards :D like in the $100 range
Wow thought theres only i7 haha, looks like I will be waiting then :D. Still using a core 2 duo e4300 here :eek:.. do you happen to know ETA? Oh and I agree that the price of i7 and ddr3 is reasonable, its just the motherboards.. they need to release some cheaper priced motherboards :D like in the $100 range

I would think that you should perhaps change your user name. It is quite inflammatory.
Maybe I've just grown used to paying 200 bucks if I want a badass mobo, but to be honest, the "budget" X58 boards just don't seem to bother me at all.

Well the X58 series is higher end thus keeping the price point at or higher than $200 bucks. I think people have been used to paying > $130 for a board with everything they need during the 775 era and are now frumpy about shelling out < $200 bucks for a X58 board. Just my observation anyways.
Why wait for i5? You might as well buy a Core 2 Quad Yorky today, the performance will be pretty much the same. i5 is the lower end Nehelam, and Nehelam is only made faster then Core 2 Quad by the very things that make i7 faster then i5, 3 channels of memory and QPI. If your going to give up those 2 details anyway, why wait? That level of performance is already available today and very cheaply so.

Triple channel doesn't make much difference. The difference in games won't even be noticeable. i5 will certainly outperform core2 quad. Otherwise Intel wasted billions developing a new core.

Wait for the benchmarks.
Triple channel doesn't make much difference. The difference in games won't even be noticeable. i5 will certainly outperform core2 quad. Otherwise Intel wasted billions developing a new core.

Wait for the benchmarks.

I think you should take your own advise. Wait for the benchmarks. i5 didn't cost billions of dollars to design. That's silly. They may be a few million into investment so far. And i5 being equal to Core 2 Quad is exactly what they're aiming for since Core 2 Quad is still and will still be excellent into the next few years. The only reason Intel is going to i5 is to unify the architecture of the high end i7 with the mid range. i5 will bring nothing new performance wise to the table.
I think you should take your own advise. Wait for the benchmarks. i5 didn't cost billions of dollars to design. That's silly. They may be a few million into investment so far. And i5 being equal to Core 2 Quad is exactly what they're aiming for since Core 2 Quad is still and will still be excellent into the next few years. The only reason Intel is going to i5 is to unify the architecture of the high end i7 with the mid range. i5 will bring nothing new performance wise to the table.

Ya thats not true at all, there have been preliminary benchmarks that show i5 to be very close to i7 in some instances. Besides the IMC is what makes the most difference and since i5 will have that as well it will certainly be faster then a C2Q.
Ya thats not true at all, there have been preliminary benchmarks that show i5 to be very close to i7 in some instances. Besides the IMC is what makes the most difference and since i5 will have that as well it will certainly be faster then a C2Q.

But many of those same benchmarks show Core 2 Quad nipping at i7's heels as well. IF FPS gaming at all becomes part of the equation, then it will be almost impossible to tell an i5 from and equally clocked C2Q. RTS games will indeed show i5 over C2Q, but we'll be hard pressed to catch many of those benchmarks since site's like this one have it stuck in their heads that FPS games are the only ones that matter for performance :/
I think you should take your own advise. Wait for the benchmarks. i5 didn't cost billions of dollars to design. That's silly. They may be a few million into investment so far. And i5 being equal to Core 2 Quad is exactly what they're aiming for since Core 2 Quad is still and will still be excellent into the next few years. The only reason Intel is going to i5 is to unify the architecture of the high end i7 with the mid range. i5 will bring nothing new performance wise to the table.

Intel is spending billions on i7/i5. The new 32nm fabs alone are going to cost them at least $7 billion.

i5 will bring nothing new performance wise to the table.
Proof or shens.
Intel is spending billions on i7/i5. The new 32nm fabs alone are going to cost them at least $7 billion.

Proof or shens.

why do you need proof? look at what i7 chips can do, do you really believe i5's will be better? no need for proof its common sense
why do you need proof? look at what i7 chips can do, do you really believe i5's will be better? no need for proof its common sense

I would have thought so as well. In fact, I think I can throw shens back in his face since my point is far more common sense. I think the onus of proof would be in his court that we should expect anything different then what we already know from i7's debut.

Intel is spending billions on i7/i5. The new 32nm fabs alone are going to cost them at least $7 billion.

You cannot count plant costs for a single CPU generation like i5, so you have no clue what your talking about. That same new plant will make CPUs long after i5 ceases to exist, and even while it does exist will make Xeons and i7's as well. Intel SPENT billions on i7, i5 will cost them many many times less to produce since most of the work was done from i7.

You cannot lump i7 and i5 now when your initial statement was about i5 alone. And considering i7 an i5's incompatibility due to differing sockets, I stand by my points. i5 will bring nothing new we haven't already seen, performance wise. i7 has already done that and will be the place where that will continue to happen, not i5. I think YOU should be the one thinking about proving anything seeing as what I'm saying is just common sense. Shens or proof back at you.
Intel is spending billions on i7/i5. The new 32nm fabs alone are going to cost them at least $7 billion.

Proof or shens.

While it's true that Intel has had to "pay forward" future development of the 32nm Fabs (both here in Oregon @ D1D and abroad) this is Intel's chip lineup for the next 6-8 years at the least... as far as they overall investments, $7 Billion (to date?) doesn't seem likely.

Then again, they do that with any new chipset they come out with as has been in line with other releases. The whole point of of the i5 line up is to sell a cheaper i7 which in turn sells more CPU's and makes Intel more money.

When you say tri-channel doesn't make any difference.... your correct in one respect. We haven't even hit the ceiling of dual-channel, but does that make it wrong to progress above dual-channel? Absolutely not.

You also think that they (being Intel) have wasted billions on creating.... from your thoughts... and inferior chip to the Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Quad? I can tell you go from my Q6600 I bought back in April/May last year to my i7 920 was a huge performance bump in speed. Now how that is measured is different to everyone, but is it by definition a better processor than the older C2D and C2Q lineup? You bet your ass it is. The benchmarks out now indicate that and games I play use the raw power that the i7 provides. Photoshop is faster, decoding is faster... everything.... is faster.

You want a lower cost alternative to the i7 because I'm assuming you don't have the coin to go that route.... that's fine.... but when you're arguing on behalf of the chip, at least have some faith in Intel that it will be better than the previous offerings.