When overclocking my sound dies...


Nov 9, 2005
Well, When i overclock my 2.8ghz proccessor, The onboard sound starts to crackle if i go past 3.05ghz. Once i get to 3.1ghz my sound completely gives out on me. Im testing my proccessor at 3.1ghz with no sound right now, and it has been prime95 stable for six hours and counting. Heres some more info about my system.


How do you guys think i can fix this short of buying a new soundcard.
happens to me also, on my intel mobo, MSI mobo.

only solution for me was stop overclocking or get it more stable.
is that multiplyer correct? 28x?
and the fsb 100? shouldnt it be 133 or so?
and can/did you lock the pci frequency? im not sure of how to do that on those type of mobo's or if it is automatic
Yes its locked at 33mhz.

My proccessor Is just a regular pentium4. So yes the multipler is correct and so is the FSB.
Well, i updated the sound drivers and now i can get an extra 50mhz out of it, before the sound starts to screw up. :) :rolleyes: :(
Try increasing the chipset voltage a little bit.

You can always pick up an Audigy2 or something. It'll make your computer faster and it will sound better.