When is Unreal Tournament 2004 coming out?!?


Limp Gawd
Feb 3, 2004
I was all over there web site today and I couldn't find anything. bestbuy.com claims they'll have it by this week, while Gamestop says early March? Anyone know the real deal?:confused:
Whoa whoa, let's not be TOO helpful here, Typical Gamer. We know you can't be arsed to interrupt your busy schedule with helping people out, but if that's the case, why say anything? :rolleyes:

It looks like March is the correct date. I'm not sure why Best Buy has it listed for this week; it almost definitely won't come out this week.
Yesterday Cliffy b said the demo will be out within 2 weeks :eek:

i'll post the link if i can find it again
Originally posted by HitMan-sC
I'm guessing 2004? :D

Ah jeez, I'm sorry, I just felt like being a smartass :p.

and you have succeded quite well.
I've heard February, March or APril. Amazon say March and so does every other big retailer but all my clannies say February. I'm just as confused as u are. Maybe Atari told them to put it out until March in case something happens?:confused: :confused:
Honestly, I don't really care. :p UT 2003 is already $20, so I am able to afford it. ;)

Though, I might actually have money GASP when it comes out, and since I have a 5900 now, I might actually buy it. :p
i have heard that the demo is due on february 13th and possibly earlier! look for a demo this next week!

Originally posted by warsawtag
i have heard that the demo is due on february 13th and possibly earlier! look for a demo this next week!

Unfortunately (...or fortunately perhaps), I will be on an airplane to Austrialia with only my company laptop in hand, which barely has enough power to play Diablo II. I'll have to wait until March 6th when I get back, and hell, by then, the game may be out.
Originally posted by warsawtag
i have heard that the demo is due on february 13th and possibly earlier! look for a demo this next week!


And I have heard that Duke Nukem Forever would come out this weekend. :rolleyes:

Where exactly did you hear/read this information?
Originally posted by ComputerBox34
I've heard February, March or APril. Amazon say March and so does every other big retailer but all my clannies say February. I'm just as confused as u are. Maybe Atari told them to put it out until March in case something happens?:confused: :confused:

It's due out 1st quarter...but someone will steal the source code and suddenly the release date is pushed till 2005. Sounds familiar somehow....:rolleyes:
Wow, seriously guys, I think we discovered the Holy Grail of internet jokes. I don't think HL2 jokes will EVER get old. Please, let me propose a toast to the long life of the 3 different jokes that people have come up with in the past 5 months relating to HL2, and all the consequent minor variations thereof.


hidden message:
Thanks for the link! From what I gathered, (demo == Release Candidate), since someone posted the following statement from Mark Rein:
"The demo will be released when we think we've got all the major functionality of the game complete so that the feedback from the demo can be focused 100% on things we weren't already aware needed to be addressed."
I guess Epic is taking a stance similar to Carmack's regarding the release of D3.