When is splinter cell coming out?

i know wdf im looking at bb and direct 2 drive and ubisoft online, none have it! what the f***
well looks like direct2drive and ubisoft downloader just got it, along with buy.com.... still waiting for bb and others
This thread is useless without pics.

No seriously, we need screenshots.
As soon as I get my hands on this game, my social life is going to go to shit. Man, I love Splinter Cell...
Circuitbreaker8 said:
I heard the graphics arent as good as the 360 version :eek: :rolleyes:

its true. the pc verison is a 360 port. sucks :(
Graphics are reasonable, I wouldn't say worse per say.

However they've dumbed down and changed a load of features which were better left alone for the PC, here's a list of things I noticed after 20 minutes of gameplay.

  • The interface for the use/interact menu instead of being a sleek minimalistic design hidden away in the upper right corner is now an "in your face" massive bright opaque set of ugly squares that pop up right in the middle of the screen. Same for your weapons/inventory.
  • They've also changed the detection system to be more dumbed down, you have a device with a screen attached to your back which is either green, yellow or red instead of a nice smooth bar which shows a much greater degree of how visible you are.
  • Noise meter appears to be gone
  • Camera view point from the optical device for looking under doors doesn't appear to be just a shifted view point anymore, they've used some shader effect to mimic the effect, much like has been done for mirrors recently instead of having a proper rendered reflection you get a blocky rubbish one.
  • Crosshairs are massive and chunky *sigh*
  • Night vision, heat vision and EMF vision are all swapped around from what we're used too, and they all look a lot worse IMO
  • Menu's all seem slower, all have unskipable cutscenes interwoven between loading menus and briefings all of which you cannot skip
  • Performance is way down over Chaos Theory and it doesn't look better IMO

What can I say, it reeks of the simplistic presentation that console users are so used too, a 360 port for sure rather than waiting to make a good copy.
ManCannon said:
Well that's very disappointing. PC users play second fiddle once again :(.

Although with all the other Splinter Cell releases they've all been proper PC games and not ports. The thing that makes me angry the most is they took a winning formula and made it consoly, all n00bed up for people who aren't coordinated enough to use most of it's features and need a watered down version.

I mean red/yellow/green colours for how hidden you are... CMON this isn't playschool, we'll be pushing the right shaped block through the right shaped hole next...

square block goes in the square hole...
a cow says "mooo"
round block goes in star shaped hole...NO WAIT!!

aww damn it was too complicated :(

Best just make the next splinter cell just have 2 keys, z and x and you have to tap the shit out of them, the faster you go the better you do in the game.
Speaking of the 360 version, the general consensus was that it was completely watered down compared to the Chaos Theory version, a mere shadow of it's former self.
I just got Splinter Cell Double Agent for the PC today at Fry's Electronic... can't wait to play it when I get home!

First however, I'm going to be playing Gears of War...

im sick of devs doing this, its freakin annoying not to mention i take offense, they are completely ignoring us
Well unless it's an RTS, I guess it's just not appealing enough for a game dev company to develop specifically for the pc and not port it

This really disappoints me.... Splinter Cell is my favorite series.

Guess I'll just stick to Chaos Theory and keep raising the difficulty level.

What a bunch of sucky news.... I hope someone makes some hacks/mods to get it back to a more original Splinter Cell feel.
Okay, I've spent an hour on this game last night... and god damn - it ran choppy as hell.

My specs are A64 X2 3800+ @ 2.4; 2 GB RAM; 7900 GTO... running 1280 x 760 with "standard" settings checked (instead of "Next-gen").

If you have an Xbox 360, get that version instead!

To think... I thought this would run buttery smooth like Chaos Theory. :( :mad: