What's your pitch?


Limp Gawd
Apr 20, 2000
Hey I am in a situation to that allows me access to people's computers on a daily basis, sometimes in excess of 10GHz of power daily. I have started to mention the f@h thing to a few of them with hopes they would let me borg them, however what I'm getting is a lot of "deer in the headlights" looks and a polite no thanks.

So I guess what I'm wondering is, what is your method or approach used to get someone to let you install the f@h client on their computer. Is there any kind of a official Stanford printout that I could use or something?

I've been able to ramp my personal production up a bit over the last months but if I can get this pitch down I could probably get a lot of gigglehurtz for ol' team 33 :)
There have been a few posts about this recently and there is info in the FAQ...Start there.

make out a lil form for them to sign... then sit them down talk to them about it show them some pretty pics then let the sign saying that u can do it

also make sure they are at least 18!!

:) ^that is prob only funny to me

Don't jump right into f@h when discussing it.
Start by talking about what a waste computer cycles are etc.
Mention SETI (many more people have heard of this) then slide into talking about helping science and folding.

what mr. newbury says is true. Everytime I pitch a borg to someone and explain to them what folding is all about, they go, "So its like SETI, right?"
yeah, everyone knows seti, I devoted over 5 years of cpu cycles to them till my conversion to F@H in march, and only then after much debating with a good friend of mine who folds for Team 32. Mention that F@H is seeking cures for CWD, Alzheimers, and a host of other diseases. I'm sure that almost everyone you talk to has lost a close friend to something similar, tell them that the folding teams have the combined computing power of several of the "Supercomputers" they alway read about in the papers, etc, but more power is always needed. If that doesn't work, tell them we have to keep ahead of the Aussies!!
Good luck, and check out some of the stickies like my fellow [H]orde members have stated.
I usually start with "Ever heard of Folding@Home?" and when they say no (which is all i've ever been told), i start talking about how STANFORD UNIVERSITY (I make emphasis on it being Stanford cause being in high school everyone's like "omg it's Stanford!!!11!") is running the program, and explain how it's protein research that would take Stanford millenia to do on their own. So they reached out to the geeks, who are now reaching out to you. Don't forget to mention all of the diseases that could be cured by this research (Cancer, alzheimers, parkinsons, BSE, Mad Cow, cystic fibrosis) and let them know that's what the research is about. I've been in a bit of a frenzy about asking all of my friends to join lately (just got back into this hardcore like :D), and so far that's worked on everyone who's not "Sorry parents won't let me."

I'm so desparate i'm asking teachers :)