
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
What's wrong with this picture? Found this dumpster diving in the rain. Beside it was a Hanns G monitor and another older AMD system. This one looked like brand new. The monitor wouldn't run at 60Hz; only 59Hz. 59Hz is fine by me. Wish they hadn't scratched it though. Wonder if I can take that silly film off the monitor and get rid of the scratches?


Now the thing has 16GB of PNY DDR3 and a FX-4100. That's not the issue. Spot the problem. First guy / gal that figures it out gets a cookie and immortality in the AMD section.
lol, cant be as simple as the cpu being stuck to the heatsink, can it?
I think the pump was installed incorrectly, always did. I have never installed the AMD portion of that but it appears that the pieces on the board require clamping but the parts on the CPU are bolt down.
I think the pump was installed incorrectly, always did. I have never installed the AMD portion of that but it appears that the pieces on the board require clamping but the parts on the CPU are bolt down.
Pump is upside down. ;) I bet it never cooled a darn thing! Probably why it was at the dump.
Check your inbox. Make sure that they work. I have a storehouse of Steam keys. Sometimes I mess up and forget to delete some.
Did you'll already have those games? Want something different if you already own those?
So you are saying that the top of the picture where the 2 tubes are coming from should be on the bottom. I stay with air cooling but it was fun looking at it ;)
So you are saying that the top of the picture where the 2 tubes are coming from should be on the bottom. I stay with air cooling but it was fun looking at it ;)

Yes, even if the cooler was overfilled, eventually over time evaporation would drop the water level. Thus it's a good idea to orientate the cooler so the tubes are at the bottom.
This wasn't even something I considered before. Makes sense, though! My rad is on the top, so it never even crossed my mind.
Yea, I don't deserve a game :(... Those hoses WERE staring right at me and it didn't click!!

Someone with a job buy cagey a game for tricking us proper!!!
Well after taking 5 minutes of my time to flip the cooler, the computer works. When I say it is like brand new, it literally is. It has Win 7 64 on it and runs like a charm. Computers are so fast when they don't have 5 or 6 gaming services, a couple of AV programs, etc loading at startup. It has a 120GB SSD for Windows and a 1TB hard drive. Digging around in the Documents folder produced a scanned copy of the original receipt. Seems the owner paid around $1,336 for the PC in 2012. So close to being elite!

Then I saw a document where the owner was going out on disability with a possibly terminal illness. That seems to be the last time that the PC was used. Now I'm somewhat depressed. I see his family's address and they are 30 minutes down the road from me. Kinda want to return the thing in working shape. Then again if the owner is deceased, imagine some good samaritan bringing back the memories for you to deal with again. Especially if you just got the courage to clean out your loved one's belongings.

At any rate it was one of my best dumpster dives ever!
I understand the interest in returning something, but often times it was thrown out for a reason and showing up at their door is hella creepy. Personally, it wouldn`t bother me at all, but then again, little does.
Ghost in the Machine

Someone smoked cigarettes in the house though. I can tell that the machine wasn't on because there is no cigarette tar in it. The fan blades would be covered in it if the machine had been in use while someone smoked packs of cigarettes. So the machine has been off for years.
I understand the interest in returning something, but often times it was thrown out for a reason and showing up at their door is hella creepy. Personally, it wouldn`t bother me at all, but then again, little does.

Yes, I suspect that's the best advice.