whats the name of this CM case?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 18, 2004
I want to buy this case and i know that it has been discontinued.
can that case be bought any where? i guess ill try [H] forums since the case is discontinued. I checked out some reviews, and the inside looks just like my wave master. i am was looking @ the blue wave master :p couldnt resist.
LoL, ever since I posted that pic of my ATC-110-SX1 I've had about 2 people a day PM me asking me where I got it and where they can get it. The simple fact is that the case has been discontinued for a long time. Read the date on that hexus review: April 30, 2002. If you can find anyone that is actually willing to sell that case then you are lucky, such the is the case that happened to me. I posted a WTB Thread in the Buy-Sell forum and I got a reply from a guy with one who was just about to put it up for sale but saw my thread before he got to. I'd say go with the Praetorian, it is just like the 110-SX1 but without the door.
heh. to bad iam looking for a case with a door, lol. those TT cases are to to flashy for my likes.

keep on posting suggestions ppl.!! :p

I am trying to narrow down some choice that i found.
chronic9 said:
heh. to bad iam looking for a case with a door, lol. those TT cases are to to flashy for my likes.

keep on posting suggestions ppl.!! :p

I am trying to narrow down some choice that i found.

Get the Wavemaster Case. My Unlcle has the silver one, it is nice.
lol. i already own 3 of them. 1 as my current rig, and two @ my dads office. The office ones have windows and lites in them. Since both of them are used in the reception area.

I am considering the new blue wave master :p