Whats the least powerful video card, for the Dell 2405


Dec 27, 2005
Hey, I own a EVGA E-GEFORCE 6600GT 128M DDR3 PCI-E video card.
Last tuesday, the Jan 2nd I got my Dell 2405. I setup the DVI, and tried a resolution of 1920by1200 (native) and it worked flawlessy

Then last night, after I shutoff the monitor, and turned it back on, I am getting shakes in the screen. Its like a 2 inch thick flicker, a few shades darker then normal.

Any resolution, with the DVI cord, does this. I then tried it with VGA, and it seemed ok at 1920by1200, but as I was teaking, it did it to me, and I know for a fact, the 6600 can run 1920by1200 in analog mode.

My question is, is anyone else having this problem, AND what are the cards, you guys are running, on DVI for the native resolution, for the 2405? I know the 7800 series work, but what about anything less??? Was it just a fluke, that I ran the 2405 in DVI mode, for almost 2 weeks with no problem?? I hate VGA now lol
it did to for me, till last night.

Are you runnin 60hz? and may I ask which driver you have installed? you can see in your Preferences, Settings, Advanced, then Ge Force 6600, then the top of the list, on the left. Thanks
hi all

just for your interest i also have a 6600GT and i am getting overheat problems running games on 1920 x 1200 i have to go down to 1024 x 768 so the card doesnt overheat, so i am thinking that the 6600GT is not powerful enough, i think the 7800GT would be a minimum to run at such high resolutions.
what the hell...i have Asus 6600GT 128 GDDR3 running my 2405 @ 1920x1200 x240Hertz

I have been playing Fear, HL2, BF2 for hours and hours, never had problem, also my case has 5 fans that also keep it cool
I'm using older drivers, 61.14s or whatever. The newer ones made my computer for some bizarre reason... though I think I got that sorted out, just been too lazy to upgrade!

And I too have run games at 1920x1200 for hours with no cooling problems...
clayton4115 said:
well you answered your own question, i only have the standard fans, the GPU fan, the CPU fan and the PSU fan, im looking at putting one of those cooly things in a spare pci slot, looking at this http://www.pccasegear.com/prod2546.htm

do you think its ok ?

That won't do a hell alot of good unless you start pumping some air into the case for that thing to exhaust air out, othewise your gonna create a vacuum and your temps will be worse.

Exactly what case do you have this in, will it promote and intake fan? IF not, its time to either mod or replace the case.

Also, make sure you have installed the Dell Driver for the 2405 and use Nvidia newest drivers.
I got through the flickering problem

now the monitor shuts off avery few hours, or even less, any clue?

I am using the latest Nvida driver, but dont have the Dell Driver, any idea if it help?
Only on DVI?

Swap in a different video card.

If that doesn't fix it, RMA!
I swtiched to VGA

at 1920by1200 in VGA, it shutoff

at 1200by1000 (went lower resolution) or w/e that is, it went dark on the top, with flickering

I am getting a new one, and Im thinkin its the monitor, because why would my 6600, do this, on VGA mode? Shutting off on a lower res then 1920, is a bit much
Even my old ATI Rage 16MB in my Apple PowerMac G3 B/W supports 1920x1200 via VGA. :cool:
by the way i have a 17" CRT also attached to this video card running at 1024x768 as my secondary monitor, do you think that this could be adding to the problems i have with this card overheating?
I use to have a Geforce Ti4600 Dual DVI that I used to run 2x2405FPW's. Your 6600GT should be more than enough to handle it. What kind of temps are you getting from your card?
On idle (desktop), I am at about 58, 60c with my 6600gt for the gpu

the others are way cooler (cpu, system), as the 6600 rides hot.

If I am gaming, I am at about 80-85
T0pSh3lf said:
On idle (desktop), I am at about 58, 60c with my 6600gt for the gpu

the others are way cooler (cpu, system), as the 6600 rides hot.

If I am gaming, I am at about 80-85

Holy crap batman, you need some ventilation in that case pronto.
not really no. The 6600 runs very hot, you can put it in a fridge, and see a very small drop.

Ive got four fans, a coolmaster case. My CPU runs at about 38c while in use in a game, and about 28c on idle.

The fan stinks on the 6600, but you can peak those things at about 100c and not do much damage