what's the best forum reader for hardforums on android


Nov 18, 2012
Well, title says it all. What android app works well with hardforum and why? I'm tired of zooming panning zooming panning scrolling
Don't know about app, but you should try a better browser.
I use Dolphin HD with desktop browser view. Works the best that I've tried. Apps mess up the view and get rid of forum options I use.
I prefer using the mobile layout option in [H]. You can select it in your profile.
I'm using the stock Galaxy browser in desktop view and it looks fine to me. But then I'm going on a Note 2 with its massive screen. If I was on a smaller screen or slower phone, I'd just use the mobile view mode you can choose on the bottom of the page.
Mobile mode in a browser...easier to read on a mobile screen. I wish it was as capable as desktop mode in interface....but black text on white background is readable in sunlight, unlike the desktop theme.
I use the mobile theme also.

One of my main problems with it though is it doesn't show signatures so if someone has a problem with their "sig rig" I have to switch to default Style if I want to help.
Note 2 in desktop mode by far, sites forcing me to a crippled mobile site just angers me on it as it has the horsepower to do 1080p flash videos so some poxy site is no issue.
tapatalk is great with other forums and for whatever reason [H} has just decided not to go with it as an option.

I love using it with notebookreviewforums, RCgroups and a couple others.

PMs are a PITA to deal with on a mobile device using just the browser when compared to using tapatalk
Yeah gotta agree that Tapatalk is pretty smooth. I use it for DIY Mobile Audio, Overclock.net and DroidForum.net.
The forum specific readers are better than generic tapa talk, but tapa talk is ok too. I generally use a browser. In some cases Firefox because it has flash.
Get a browser that will do text reflowing, so you don't have to keep zooming in and scrolling to read the text.

Opera for Android does this rather easily. So do Boat Browser, Sleipneir (My favorite by far), and Dolphin Browser also all do that (I'm sure there's others. These are just the one's I've tried.)
Get a browser that will do text reflowing, so you don't have to keep zooming in and scrolling to read the text.

Opera for Android does this rather easily. So do Boat Browser, Sleipneir (My favorite by far), and Dolphin Browser also all do that (I'm sure there's others. These are just the one's I've tried.)

Thats the biggest problem I have with mobile browsers. Chrome and Firefox display forums with one post's text tiny and the very next text massive.


Since 95% of what I do on my phone is bang around forums, this shit makes Chrome and Firefox pretty much useless. Opera is ok but its a little buggy in the text box. Dolphin does this on a couple of my forums like Drive Accord's. The stock Galaxy is the only browser that doesnt do this.

Ive gone thru all the settings and tried everything I can think of and have even sent screen shots in to Chrome with their bug reporting feature and I recheck after every update but its still always like this.

So yeah, God bless Tapatalk cause I hate being stuck having to use the stock browser. :(