What's the ATI equivalent of Coolbits?

Jan 14, 2001
Today I went from an nVidia card to an ATI Radeon 9800 PRO and I'm wanting to overclock it a tad.

Before I was a faithful user of the coolbits registry hack which opened up the overclocking tab in the video card properties... it worked GREAT. You could set it to enable the overclock on every windows boot-up without even thinking about it.

Is there a counter-part for ATI cards?

Get the omega drivers, they come with radlinker which integrates itself right into the display control panel.
Couldn't have a thread here without mentioning ATItool, from our very own W1zzard:


Basically auto detects artifacts and finds your maximum o/c automagically. Not in the ati control panel like radlinker though. Separate program that can be set to run at boot.
Thanks guys!

I'll give Radlinker a try first... I wouldn't mind using the ATI TOOLS though just to find my max overclock.

I tried it earlier but it locked up when it was doing the heat up test... I'll do it again though.