What's in your 360/PS3/Wii right now?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 13, 2006
Many have tried, but still Gears of War remains the place holder in my 360. :cool:

What are you guys playing?
Madden 07' for PS3. It's addicting. It's the only game i've had since TFC that I can't stop playing. Go niners. Once I got used to it I kind of forgot about the PS2 one and how good it was :p. Oh and when i'm not playing Madden i'm playing FFIX which is AWESOME :D.
I flip between GoW and Viva Pinata. I figure that by the time I'm finished playing Viva, Blue Dragon should be out. I was hoping for Mass Effect, but that ain't gonna happen.

I like to have one intense online experience game and one long-term, "I'll beat you sooner or later if it takes me 60 hours of gameplay" type of game as a backup.
Guitar Hero 2 and finishing off some of the games I haven't completed yet like Kameo, Viva and replaying Halo 2.
Wii is collecting dust for some reason...
NHL07 on my Xbox360 ;p
Wii - Super Paper Mario
Xbox 360 - Crackdown (3 agility orbs left to find, it's taking over my life)
PS3 - Virtua Fighter 5
360 - GRAW2 and Gears of War..with a tad of Tiger Woods '06 (or hell it may be '07...whatever the latest one is) and Dance Dance Revolution

Wii - Collecting Dust for me but the kids are playing Wii Sports with some Raving Rabbits

PS3 - Don't own one.
GRAW2, Crackdown, the occasional Gears of War multiplayer, and for some unexplained reason I'm addicted to Hexic.
Right this second nothing.

But we're playing Zelda, Paper Mario and Rayman ATM.
Crackdown was for the longest time. Waiting for DLC for it now, so Tony Hawk Project 8.
360 has GH2 in it
PS3 has F1:CE in it
Wii has been sold, so nothing in it.
X360: Not yet.

PS3: MotorStorm is the BR DVD game in my PS3, but TK5DR and MK2 seem to be popular amongst me and friends....

Wii: Don't have one yet either :X (I know their cheap, but since I"ve already blown a wade of cash on the PS3, I'll wait to see if the Wii drops in price, and if it does and I can find one, be picking this up for sure)

But it really is awsome to be able to play MK2 online. This game came out when I was in 4th grade, and I remember going over to friends houses to play it on their Sega Genesis. But playing it online, is sooo much fun. Brings back memories and knowing that I'm defeating a person and not a bot just adds all the much more fun. OLD GAMES FTW!!! FUX GRAPHICXS ;)
Wii Sports is in, but I haven't played it in quite a while. I needed to get my Wii replaced and couldn't transfer my Wii Sports records, so that really soured me on getting back to playing it with my new system. I've played Punch-Out in the past few days... my first VC purchase.

For my DS, I have the recently finished Circle of the Moon in the GBA slot and the not yet started Trace Memory in the DS slot.
resident evil 4 for gamecube is in my wii.

perfect dark zero is in my x360.
360: Halo 2

A friend of mine loaned it to me. I never got a chance to play it before. It rocks!
Hahahaha, believe it or not my 360 has Sneak King in it. I'm also playing Rainbow Six Vegas, and Gears of War, but right now Sneak King is in it because I'm trying to wrap up the rest of the game.
Super Paper Mario is what I've been playing on my Wii, punctuated by multiplayer games of Bust-A-Move.

I've gotten back into Colin Mcrae Rally 2005 for my PC....I just got sick of STALKER. Too many bugs, and releasing a patch which invalidates your earlier saves makes me want to kill someone. I'll give it a month or two and then revisit it when I feel comfortable starting from the beginning.
360- Marvel Ultimate Alliance...cheesiest dialog ever put in a game but fun nonetheless.:cool:
pc- C&C 3...old school rts in the best way
Wii - Super Paper Mario
PS3 - Raiden III (PS2 game but my gf loves top down shooters)
360 - Rainbow Six Vegas but it does not get used very often....
Xbox: NCAA Football 2006
Xbox 360: Marvel Ultimate Alliance
PS2: Devil May Cry 3
Wii: Wii Sports

No PS3 yet.
Wii - Wii Sports (Everytime I pop in Zelda, family all of a sudden has an urge to play bowling/tennis :mad:)
360 - Madden 2007. Anyone else think Lineman challenge is a blast?
DS - Hotel Dusk
360: Call of Duty 3 Gold Edition

this game is fun.. along with Ultimate Alliance but COD is taking priority ATM
Wii- (depends on moood but toss up between) Zelda, Tales of Symphonia, Wii Sports & RE: Zero
Star Trek 3: The search for Spock :)

Call of Duty 3 will be going in tonight though as it is my next game in line to play and beat.
Wii: Tiger Woods Golf. There is so much to do in this game and the controls are awesome.