What Xbox 360 game challenged you most for acheivements?

For me it was playing the COD games on Vetn and dealing with the grenade spam. I don't know how I manged not to throw a controller when I was playing them!

But then there were some achievements I just gave up on as they were too boring. Like finding all the flags in Assassin Creed or finding all the diamonds in FarCry2. For those types I just pass as I never have the patience to find them all.
COD2 on veteran was very painful.

Gears of War as well. All the weapon achievements and the "Seriously" achievement was probably the hardest. (10k kills online)
COD2 was pretty bad and COD4 was even worse in terms of achievement-related pain. 'Mile High Club' /life.
Lost Planet Colonies has got to be up there. Completing the game on the highest difficulty and getting everything possible nets you a whopping 50 points.
The other 950 points are for playing multiplayer...and nobody plays that game online.
cod4 veteran murdered me. its the only game I tried to get 1000 on though.
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ya, know... I have to second that. GTA games were brutal to finish to 100%

borderline impossible without a guide, and 4 if you miss some stuff its pretty tought to find it again to finish it (random char encounters)
CoD2 and CoD4 were pretty difficult. I hold my Mile High Club as a badge of honor. Still working on CoD5. I currently have 18 games at 1000/1000.
I still can't get the D-Day achievement in Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood. I've spent hours, but it's just not in the cards.