What was your first video card?


Jun 21, 2004
My first video card was the LEGENDARY Diamond Stealth 2000. The “3d Decelerator”

S3 ViRGE 64


2MB EDO DRAM(Upgradeable 4MB)

Flat and Gouraud Shading
Perspective Correction
Bi-linear and tri-linear texture filtering
Alpha Blending
Depth cueing and fogging

Superior video scaling for smooth, full screen, full motion video with no color loss or tearing

DirectX, DirectDraw, DirectVideo, BRrender, Renderware

Windows 3.x, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 95, MPEG for Windows 95 and Windows 3.x

1 year parts and labor
16mb Voodoo 3 2000, or was it Voodoo 2 3000, something like that :p

PCI version
STB Velocity 128...aka Nvidia RIVA 128...came with my Gateway in 1998...I remember spending hours messing with beta drivers before I finally got to play Quake2 in OpenGL...
Some generic brand with an Intel i740 chip. I believe it had 8mb of ram but I'm not sure.
Integrated 8 meg SIS (370 i think) on an old PC Chips m598 motherboard......

I'm slightly upgraded now ;)

BFG Tech 6800 GT, 256 meg of GDDR 3 :D
First card I actually purchased for a computer was a Creative Labs Graphics Blaster "TNT" 16MB SDRAM - $99..... great card for the money - Lasted me until the GeForce DDR which was $250... I think
definitely the voodoo3 2000 pci, upgraded from a 1MB Trident VGA card on P200, which made my computer able to play quake2 at 60fps at 640x480 and even the quake3 arena at 10fps. Then i upgraded to Radeon Original 32MB DDR AGP card and Duron 600@900Mhz ...that was one of the biggest upgrade I felt(for only 120) Then I upgraded to dual Athlon 2400+s with Radeon 9700 pro, still doesn't feel as big of an upgrade compared to the first 2 3D cards I owned. :(
First card ever was a Diamond Monster 3D, in like 1998 or 1999 hahah. A little late with that one, and I got it for around 40 dollars. My parents wouldn't buy me a new computer so I stuck that in my Pentium 60 POS and played Quake 2 @ around 12fps. I upgraded to a used P200 + Tekram motherboard and later added a S3 Savage4.

Since then I have owned a S3 Savage 2000 (Diamond Viper 2) GeForce SDR, DDR, GeForce2 MX, GeForce2 GTS, GeForce3 Original, and now a 9800 PRO.
matrox 2mb.....came with gateway 133 pentium full tower AT 16 meg edo ram, 1.6gb hard drive, last pc I bought.....building them since 95....

then i bought a voodoo 2 for it...eventually ran sli...
ATI 3D Rage 2 was in my gateway 166

but then i bought a voodoo 2 for it
My first video card was an ATI PCI Radeon Mac Edidtion 32MB.

However, the oldest card I currently posess is an ATI Mach64 4MB card.
Diamond Viper V300. The old, PCI, 4 MB I think, Riva 128 card. Didn't even support OpenGL at first. I remember struggling to try to play Unreal on that thing, back when Unreal only supported Glide *shakes fist*. Oh was Glide ever a thorn in my side. Thank god it's dead.
TNT2 Ultra Guillemot. The card was ok but I had no idea how bad the celeron 466 my Dad had bought was at the time. Ignorance is bliss.
Being 17 now, the first real 3D video card I had was a 3DFX Voodoo Banshee. I'm sure I had some crap Diamond or Trident card before that... can't really remember.
Crappy Ati Rage II pro.....then a few months later I maxed out my very first credit card with a bling bling Voodoo Banshee (also crap) then I got a TNT and had every Nvidia generation up until the FX series (got a 9800 instead) and now I'm back with a 6800GT :cool:
Etch A Sketch :eek:

Then Matrox with an add on daughter card for 3d, kinda the first SLI card.
64 MB ATI something, it had a heatsink that was very big, thats all i remember :confused:
My video cards in order from the 80s up :D

Paradise EGA (8 bit ISA)
256K AVGA1 VGA (16 bit ISA)
512K Oak Technology VGA (16 bit ISA)
1MB Oak Technology VGA (16 bit ISA)
1MB Orchid Fahrenheit 1280 (VLB)
2MB Tseng Labs ET4000W32P (PCI)
4MB Matrox Millenium (PCI)
4MB Matrox Myst(ake)ique (PCI) with Matrox M3D PowerVR PCX2 (PCI)
4MB Riva 128 (AGP) with 4MB Orchid Voodoo 1 (PCI)
16MB Creative TNT (AGP) with 12MB Creative Voodoo 2 (PCI)
16MB 3DFX Voodoo 3 3000 (AGP)
32MB Creative TNT 2 Ultra (AGP)
32MB Creative GeForce 256 SDR (AGP)
32MB Hercules GeForce 256 DDR (AGP)
32MB Hercules GeForce 2 GTS (AGP)
64MB Elsa GeForce 3 (AGP)
128MB VisionTek GeForce 4 Ti-4600 (AGP)
128MB ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (AGP)
128MB ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (AGP)
256MB ATI Radeon X800 Pro (AGP)
256MB BFG GeForce 6800 GT OC (AGP)

The next card I get will be whatever the best (PCI-Express) card is at the time :D

Wow that's quite a list, I didn't realize it was that long until I typed it. I remember each card distinctively and what I played on them at the time. Fun stuff.
I think my first purchase the Paradise Windows Accelerator in 1993, from our new Computer City store. My old card wouldn't work too well in Windows 3.1. I think it replaced an Orchid that came with my PC.
Matrox Millenium
ATi Rage 128
Nvidia Geforce mx420
ATi Radeon 9500pro
Nvidia BFG 6800GT OC
No clue what it was. Whatever that 4 color card that was in my moms 286 that I used to play Kings Quest on. I wasn't really into hardware yet being I was 6. My first 16 color card I had was a Trident.