What video card will cpu limit an XP2000+ ?


Jul 5, 2004
What video card will cpu limit an XP2000+ ? I don't want to buy an overly powerful card that gives me dimishing returns. Also, Frys has a good deal on XP2700+ with a MB, what would cpu limit that cpu?
i dont think you would be able to utilize anything more than a 9800pro on that thing. even that may be pushing it, but im not really sure
I'm really tired of people asking this question - 'what card will be choked by my CPU'


If you buy a GeForce 6800, what does that mean? Just run at higher FSAA and Aniso settings! The graphics quality of a game can always be cranked up to *whatever* your CPU 'limits' you to.

There is no 'diminishing returns' unless you feel high levels of anti-aliasing is worthless (at which point I'd really have to wonder about the state of your head).
Hey thanks for the input you two, let me make sure i understand what your saying. Lets say you have a cpu and you kept benchmarking it with progressively more powerful video cards, with out using AA or AF. Eventually, you will hit a limit in maximum FPS. Then as you try more cards you can progressively crank up the AA and AF and not drop below this maximum FPS?
Well.... find your minimum FPS at your preferred resolution (for example, 1024x768). Let's say that you're getting 50fps

Start turning on your eyecandy. Increase your AA and AF levels one by one until you see your minimum FPS dropping below 50fps, and then go back to the level that kept it at 50.

So even if your processor is choking your card, always remember that you may upgrade your processor in the future, thereby taking full advantage of the card's 'raw' speed, or you can just lower your resolution and increase your anti-aliasing and AF

I don't see a whole lot of sense in trying to pair your processor with your video card, unless you're on something as old as a Tualatin 1.2 or Athlon 1ghz

If you really wanted to know what CPU to 'choke' your graphics card, try this experiment.

Take a look at the review sites running 1280x1024 (decent res) at 6xAA with 16xAniso and full trilinear.

See if ANY graphics card on the market can handle 'reasonable' FPS with that in Doom3 or Far Cry. They can't. Ergo, eventually, ALL graphics cards can have the features cranked up high enough to choke themselves - CPU speed independant.

Like the poster above me said, though, if you have a REALLY slow CPU (in the 1-ghz range), then you might want to think about the graphics card some - IE., if it gets the exact same FPS at 6xAA and 16xAniso as with 0xAA and 0xAniso....then your CPU is choking it, yeah. But that's a pretty weak CPU, and you'd be talking about 10fps or so tops, as a result. Time to ugprade the CPU before the graphics card, in that case.