What version of XP are you running?

Which Service Pack are you using?

  • Still running good ol' SP1

    Votes: 29 40.8%
  • I went to SP2 :(

    Votes: 42 59.2%

  • Total voters
Another SP2 user here. I have 2 machines, almost identical...one as my main, and one as a test. SP2 ran fine on the test, and I now put it on my main, again without issue.
the scary thing is that ALOT of peole don't even have sp1 yet!

as for me, i run sp2 on all of my machines and i have had no problems with it at all.
I went to SP2 but ever since that I have been having minor but annoying problems with windows that I never had before. For example explorer crashing while viewing web pages. Windows media player crashes during movies that worked fine before.
So I think this weekend I am going to format and start with sp2 fresh and see if that helps some problems.
I've installed SP2 on my laptop at home and have it on six computers at the office. I've had very few problems so far.
I got SP1 still, but if I should download, it will be 75MB, cause theres already part of it on PC in form of SP2 hotfixes. Got good firewall, so not worried.
SP2 borked my explorer and taskbar...so for now....SP1

No cut-copy-paste or drag-and-drop really makes moving things on your drives difficult I've learned. =/

That and some other issues.
StarWarsHater said:
No cut-copy-paste or drag-and-drop really makes moving things on your drives difficult I've learned. =/

I've never seen this happen. Sounds like you downloaded a borked copy.
SP2 on an HP zd7000 laptop running AutoCAD Inventor, Photoshop, Office2003, misc apps --and UT2K4 with no problems as of yet.
Installed it on several home PCs, no problems. Installed it on dozens of work PCs, no problems. All is well here. :D
SP2 on current hardware, legacy hardware, and mobile hardware. No issues.
SP1 works fine on mine, and the rig is secure...so no need for SP2.
mosin said:
SP1 works fine on mine, and the rig is secure...so no need for SP2.


I ran the install on my work machine because i dont care if it lives or dies (paperwork box). Well it died... explorer.exe generated errors and coulnt even get it to start. F SP2
That_Sound_Guy said:

I ran the install on my work machine because i dont care if it lives or dies (paperwork box). Well it died... explorer.exe generated errors and coulnt even get it to start. F SP2

My laptop got that, and it wasn't because of SP2. Some funky Windows Update from SP1 did some weird shit. I had to restore it.
I don't understand the people who go around saying "Well, I just won't install SP2." Did you have that same attitude about SP1? How about the critical update protecting your computer from MSBlast? SP2 is a critical operating system patch that provides a framework for future patches to be distributed with a lot less overhead (such as the new version of BITS and Windows Installer).

How many people out there - who are members of these forums and know about computers - run completely unpatched XP boxen? I'll bet not many. So why be so backwards about this service pack? Make sure you've got backups of important data, set a system restore point, and install.
UMCPWintermute said:
How about the critical update protecting your computer from MSBlast?

One word, Firewall. No updates are needed if you smart enough to protect yourself in the first place.
Another user currently happy and secure with SP1 :p

I'm sure eventually I'll get SP2, but for now things are good and i'll get to it when i get to it :cool: