What to use to fill in gaps?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 11, 2003
Alright, heres my delima.

I cut a hole for something, and the hole is a bit too big. There is no way to explain the mod, you will have to look at pics in the near future when I post my case. I need to fill in the extra space around it with something... but it has to be something that wont require painting (no bondo) because the hole is on a sanded aluminum surface. I was thinking maybe some black rubber caulk or something, mainly because it wont look bad and it would be easily applied and be flexible as well as durable.

Anyways... any ideas? Im going to buy some black caulk if I can find it tomorow unless there are any other suggestions.
use that black window trim stuff. C-Molding I think is what they call it. But then again, it's kinda hard to suggest something without pics.
Its not anything that could use molding. It would have to be some type of bondo-like material, except be either silver or black.

I cut a square hole for a plastic thing thats jutting out of the back of my case (will all be explained in a day or two when I post my case, very confusing), and the hole is too wide. I want to apply the stuff on all sides of the plastic thing to even out the "look" of it, even though it will only serve a purpose on that one side

l33t drawing skills 0 = used space 9 = unused space that needs to be filled


The "plastic thing" cant be made bigger, and I cant recut the metal due to alot of stuff already being "installed" onto it...

erm... this is just getting more confusing.

I have no other options unless I want to ruin like 6 hours of work. =).
Again, it's hard to give suggestions without pics, but maybe you could make an aluminum plate with the correct sized hole and lay it over what you already have. You would have to make the plate small enough to fit in whatever space you have and if anything else gets in the way, make cut-outs in the plate for it. If it's screws that are in the way, simply drill holes in the plate and use longer screws to go through the extra thickness if necessary.
Tengis said:
I have no other options unless I want to ruin like 6 hours of work. =).

So far it seems like any fix would ruin it to begin with because it would look crappy.

It seems as though you'd be better off re-doing six hours of work for the sake of not making the whole thing suck over this problem.

Post pics. Seriously.